In general, I'm not sure what to think of the current political situation in my country. Things that are going on now were inconceivable to me growing up as a kid. Then again, I also grew up surrounded by progressive, pluralist, liberal-oriented people. I've been insulated from the weirdness of the other side of the political spectrum. That said, I don't recall the Republican party being this weird before. I voted for some Republicans when I first came of voting age. I grew up under a few Republican presidents too. They were... you know... presidential. Respectable, even if I thought their policies were misguided. I refuse to call that turd sitting in the White House these days a president. And if it's true that there are wiser minds inside that administrative building trying to keep some dignity in the oval office, thank the gods. Someone needs to remind that turd that America is a democracy and keep to the central values that make America... America.
Just some isolated thoughts of the moment.