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126,000 babies died today.


Well-Known Member
You mean 126,000 embryos and fetus.

Your tactic of framing this "debate" before it has even started has not gone unnoticed. Do you have anything other than appeals to emotion?

Foetus is latin for "unborn child/baby" so calling it a baby is perfectly acceptable. It would be like saying Bonjour didnt mean Hi - it does, it is just in french!


Well-Known Member
Abortion is a sad thing. But God loves and forgives those who have been through that. It is just one more evidence that we are in the last days, though, as the Bible says, "in the last days, perilous times shall come..." If you are thinking of having an abortion, trust me, and don't, if you have, God loves you and forgives all who call on Him. If you are indifferent to this and other horrors of this age, open your heart, do all you can where you are to help others however you feel appropriate. God is merciful, may He have mercy on us all.


The cake is a lie
Foetus is latin for "unborn child/baby" so calling it a baby is perfectly acceptable. It would be like saying Bonjour didnt mean Hi - it does, it is just in french!
Actually, it means "offspring".
joeboonda said:
Abortion is a sad thing. But God loves and forgives those who have been through that. It is just one more evidence that we are in the last days, though, as the Bible says, "in the last days, perilous times shall come..." If you are thinking of having an abortion, trust me, and don't, if you have, God loves you and forgives all who call on Him. If you are indifferent to this and other horrors of this age, open your heart, do all you can where you are to help others however you feel appropriate. God is merciful, may He have mercy on us all.
Surely you don't think abortion is a modern phenomena. :sarcastic


To Save A Lamb
Foetus is latin for "unborn child/baby" so calling it a baby is perfectly acceptable. It would be like saying Bonjour didnt mean Hi - it does, it is just in french!

As James said, you're wrong. It just means "offspring" or "to bring forth/conceive." To go into the etymology of the word, fetus comes from the Latin verb fere "to conceive," not foetare "to give birth."

You can call a fetus whatever you want, but when you call it things like "baby/unborn child" you're simply trying to play off emotions.


Well-Known Member
As James said, you're wrong. It just means "offspring" or "to bring forth/conceive." To go into the etymology of the word, fetus comes from the Latin verb fere "to conceive," not foetare "to give birth."

You can call a fetus whatever you want, but when you call it things like "baby/unborn child" you're simply trying to play off emotions.

Actually, language is interpretive and in the "eye of the beholder." I suspect you would find a large percentage of the population that agrees with her interpretation of the word.

Your interpretation attempts to downplay emotions.

Neither of your interpretatons are more or less valid than the others'.


Well-Known Member
I recently heard on a news report that nearly 40 million babies have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade. That broke my heart. Who knows what great things these people may have done.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, we seem to overlook the kids who are out of the womb: 30,000 kids die each day from hunger, 10 million children are classified as refugees, and 250,000 children go blind each year because they couldn't get two cents worth of vitamin A. If there's one sin that's reached it's peak, it's been greed.

What things have you done to change this? It might inspire some of us to take action.


Well-Known Member
The economy is bad. There is high-unemployment in many countries (not just the USA). And quite frankly, I'm not sure how many more hundreds of millions and billions the Earth can handle--while still maintaining a proper balance in the eco-system (including animal, marine and plant life).

Abortion may seem horrifying, but, (from a wider view), it may be a temporary solution to a serious problem (of rapid over-population).

No offense, but I'm calling B.S. on this one. Come to Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, or Montana and tell me that there is a serious overpopulation problem. I'll take you on a drive through the dirt farm that is Western Utah and give you a tour of some of our open, unused land.

As for the bad economy, B.S. on that one too. The USA does not have a high unemployment rate. In fact, where I live there is a huge shortage of workers. We have an unemployment rate of 2.3% in Utah and its even lower in the county where I live (ironically, the most conservative county in the country... I guess conservatism is good for the economy - http://www.bls.gov/web/laummtrk.htm).


Well-Known Member
As James said, you're wrong. It just means "offspring" or "to bring forth/conceive." To go into the etymology of the word, fetus comes from the Latin verb fere "to conceive," not foetare "to give birth."

You can call a fetus whatever you want, but when you call it things like "baby/unborn child" you're simply trying to play off emotions.

I've never heard a pregnant woman talk about her "fetus." In my experience, they always call them their "babies," even if they're not born yet.

Using the term "fetus" in discussions like this is an attempt to remove emotion out of the process of killing a living being. If calling aborted babies fetuses helps you sleep at night, go ahead, but that doesn't change what they actually are.


Well-Known Member
Surely you don't think abortion is a modern phenomena. :sarcastic

No, not at all, it, llke many other bad things is at an all time high, as the population is, thus in the 20th century so many millions of people died by murder, war, etc. just a sign of the times.


I recently heard on a news report that nearly 40 million babies have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade. That broke my heart. Who knows what great things these people may have done.

At my university a couple months ago there were some activists with huge pictures of late-term abortions and they were screaming and yelling. They had their own children with them as well.

I wonder how many of them donate money to adoption agencies? I wonder how many of their children are adopted? Do they support contraceptives? (it seems many do not).

Even if you believe that abortion is wrong under any circumstance, there needs to be a viable alternative. I do not want children being raised by mothers who did not want them in the first place.

If I were an activist who believed that all forms of abortion are immoral, I would adopt children instead of having them, I would hold seminars on sexual education, and instead of waving around pictures of bloody babies, I would hand out free condoms.


Well-Known Member
No offense, but I'm calling B.S. on this one. Come to Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, or Montana and tell me that there is a serious overpopulation problem. I'll take you on a drive through the dirt farm that is Western Utah and give you a tour of some of our open, unused land.

As for the bad economy, B.S. on that one too. The USA does not have a high unemployment rate. In fact, where I live there is a huge shortage of workers. We have an unemployment rate of 2.3% in Utah and its even lower in the county where I live (ironically, the most conservative county in the country... I guess conservatism is good for the economy - http://www.bls.gov/web/laummtrk.htm).

You can claim that I'm full of "it," but humans are taxing the eco-system in a big way. You can claim that there is a lot of un-used land for humans to continue to expand. However, I'm saying--humans are taxing the eco-system in a big way.

How many more trees can the rain forest give?

How much longer will the fish in the oceans live at the current rate of pollution?

How many more species of animals will die off from the expansion of human-cities?

How much longer will the bees survive at the current rate of disappearance through man-made causes?

...Furthermore...Where are your priorities?

Which one of these is more important: billions more humans or the honeybees?
Which one of these is more important: billions more humans or trees?
Which one of these is more important: billions more humans or fish in the oceans?

...Just how long do you think humans will survive without those things????


To Save A Lamb
I've never heard a pregnant woman talk about her "fetus." In my experience, they always call them their "babies," even if they're not born yet.

Using the term "fetus" in discussions like this is an attempt to remove emotion out of the process of killing a living being. If calling aborted babies fetuses helps you sleep at night, go ahead, but that doesn't change what they actually are.

I believe my point has been missed. In terms of a debate or learning (not in terms of a pregnant woman who is planning on carrying the pregnancy to term) carrying the using loaded terms is intentionally misleading and not appreciated. It's like calling D&X procedures "partial birth abortion." "Partial birth abortion" is not a term in any medical book nor a term a doctor would use.

I've miscarried. Had I not I would have gotten a medical abortion for reasons that you will never experience. I'm very aware about the process. I sleep just fine at night, thank you, but in the future you can keep your value judgments about me to yourself.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
No offense, but I'm calling B.S. on this one. Come to Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, or Montana and tell me that there is a serious overpopulation problem. I'll take you on a drive through the dirt farm that is Western Utah and give you a tour of some of our open, unused land.

As for the bad economy, B.S. on that one too. The USA does not have a high unemployment rate. In fact, where I live there is a huge shortage of workers. We have an unemployment rate of 2.3% in Utah and its even lower in the county where I live (ironically, the most conservative county in the country... I guess conservatism is good for the economy - http://www.bls.gov/web/laummtrk.htm).

Are you seriously suggesting that the world's population of humans are consuming the earth's resources at a sustainable rate?


Admiral Obvious
I've never heard a pregnant woman talk about her "fetus." In my experience, they always call them their "babies," even if they're not born yet.

Using the term "fetus" in discussions like this is an attempt to remove emotion out of the process of killing a living being. If calling aborted babies fetuses helps you sleep at night, go ahead, but that doesn't change what they actually are.
Using the term fetus in this type of discussion is to use the correct term:
From Stedmans Medical Dictionary
  1. The unborn young of a viviparous animal following the embryonic period.
  2. [NA] In humans, the product of conception from the end of the eighth week to the moment of birth.
  1. An organism in the early stages of development.
  2. In humans, the developing organism from conception until approximately the end of the second month; developmental stages from this time to birth are commonly designated as fetal.
  3. A primordial plant within a seed.
An infant, a newborn child
A child younger than 1 year of age; more specifically, a newborn baby
This reminds me of the question:
If you were to call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?
Calling a tail a leg does not make the tail a leg.


Well-Known Member
At my university a couple months ago there were some activists with huge pictures of late-term abortions and they were screaming and yelling. They had their own children with them as well.

I wonder how many of them donate money to adoption agencies? I wonder how many of their children are adopted? Do they support contraceptives? (it seems many do not).

Even if you believe that abortion is wrong under any circumstance, there needs to be a viable alternative. I do not want children being raised by mothers who did not want them in the first place.

If I were an activist who believed that all forms of abortion are immoral, I would adopt children instead of having them, I would hold seminars on sexual education, and instead of waving around pictures of bloody babies, I would hand out free condoms.

I donate 10% of my income to my church and it has its own adoption agency - LDS Family Services: http://www.providentliving.org/familyservices/strength/0,12264,2873-1,00.html


Well-Known Member
You can claim that I'm full of "it," but humans are taxing the eco-system in a big way. You can claim that there is a lot of un-used land for humans to continue to expand. However, I'm saying--humans are taxing the eco-system in a big way.

How many more trees can the rain forest give?

How much longer will the fish in the oceans live at the current rate of pollution?

How many more species of animals will die off from the expansion of human-cities?

How much longer will the bees survive at the current rate of disappearance through man-made causes?

...Furthermore...Where are your priorities?

Which one of these is more important: billions more humans or the honeybees?
Which one of these is more important: billions more humans or trees?
Which one of these is more important: billions more humans or fish in the oceans?

...Just how long do you think humans will survive without those things????

I'm not saying that we should destoy the environment, but believe me - there are no trees, animals, bees, plants, or anything in most of this state. It is dirt, dirt, and more dirt for miles and miles. Have you ever driven through Northern Nevada?


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously suggesting that the world's population of humans are consuming the earth's resources at a sustainable rate?

I don't think we are using the resources we have efficiently. I think there are plenty of resources on the earth to support the population. We live in a country where they actually pay farmers NOT to plant crops.

I think we need to be environmentally conscience and efficient. I don't think we should be wasteful and careless. If we take care of the earth, it will take care of us.


Well-Known Member
I believe my point has been missed. In terms of a debate or learning (not in terms of a pregnant woman who is planning on carrying the pregnancy to term) carrying the using loaded terms is intentionally misleading and not appreciated. It's like calling D&X procedures "partial birth abortion." "Partial birth abortion" is not a term in any medical book nor a term a doctor would use.

I've miscarried. Had I not I would have gotten a medical abortion for reasons that you will never experience. I'm very aware about the process. I sleep just fine at night, thank you, but in the future you can keep your value judgments about me to yourself.

I'm not making a values judgment. I'm trying to point out that it is stupid to fight over symantics. Everyone here knows what is being discussed when the word "baby" is used. The use of this word bothers YOU for some reason, so you brought it up. That is your problem, not mine or anyone else's problem. I don't care if you call it a baby, an embryo, a fetus or a mass of cells. It doesn't matter because everyone knows what is being discussed. If we were writing a medical dictionary, it would be a different issue.

Fighting over symantics in discussions like this avoids the real issues.