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15 Random Things About You


Revelation all the time
1) I sit down when I type
2) Played team volleyball in high school
3) Bo Diddley is my 18th favorite music artist of all time
4) I'm an ex-smoker
5) I'm compelled to expand this list to 20 items
6) Something blue would be my favorite color
7) If I am anywhere within 8 feet of a house centipede, I become highly agitated
8) I took 2nd place in a Halloween costume contest in 1978. I think I was supposed to be a robot.
9) I recently invented a new number that looks something like this: .000...1
10) One time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my... oh wait, that wasn't me
11) "Contact" is my 10th favorite film of all time
12) I had a double major in college
13) I was born 3 weeks premature just because I wanted to be a Leo that bad
14) I'm totally serious, I'm going to expand my list to 20 random items
15) I stand when I wipe
16) I've written around 400 poems to date. Ain't done yet.
17) The last time I voted for POTUS was in 1996. I am proud of this.
18) Eighteen is my favorite number. Well, after .000...1
19) I failed my driver's test the first time for being 'too careful.'
20) "Sympathy For The Devil" is my 6th favorite song of all time
21) My real name is.... oh wait, I said I would stop at 20.


Resident Liberal Hippie
  1. I grew up on a cattle ranch.
  2. Love to fish.
  3. Love to hike.
  4. Have been a cook or baker most of my life.
  5. Brew my own beer.
  6. Been married to "Poptart" for 20 years.
  7. Was once a Baptist Youth Director and Church Deacon.
  8. Shot in the leg with rock-salt when stealing sweat corn as a teen.
  9. First car was a '66 Mustang.
  10. At one time sold hot-tubs for a living.
  11. I have three tattoos.
  12. I usually only cut my hair once a year.
  13. Am the donor for the daughter of happy same-sex couple.
  14. Have raised three children of my own.
  15. Content with life.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
1) I sit down when I type
Hey I do too! We're practically twins!
Acim said:
11) "Contact" is my 10th favorite film of all time
Only 10th? Hm. This is making me rethink our twinnage. :p

tumbleweed said:
I usually only cut my hair once a year.
Are you rocking the Beatles look by December?

tumbleweed said:
Am the donor for the daughter of happy same-sex couple.
This made me happy.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Are you rocking the Beatles look by December?

Pretty much :D

This made me happy.
Thanks, it made us all pretty happy too.


(Notice the Beatles T-shirt on the big hairy guy.)


1. I am addicted to the Internet.
2. I read at least 365 romance novels one year
4. I have a crush on Songbird
5. I'm a recovering romance novel addict.
6. I'm looking for a support group for my internet addiction
7. I have two beautiful children that..how can I say this...are just more than me. They own me. ;D
8. I love you
9. I like stale food. Just a little stale. And I like fried food cold. I know it's weird...
10. It's taking me way too long to come up with this stuff
11. I lost my faith about a year and a half ago. I still miss it sometimes.
12. I love to sit around with my sister and read off trivial pursuit questions to each other.
13. I am half Cajun
14. I love psychology and discussing human behavior. AKA-Gossip.
15. I was just kidding about 14. Mostly ;p


Well-Known Member
1. My room is metalic purple.

hee hee. I went through a phase where I wanted to paint every room black.

2. My sleep usually consists of a morning nap, and an evening nap. ...four hours here, three hours there. I only sleep nights on weekends.

At one point I was a workaholic and was programming 20 hours a day 6 days a week and sleeping only during long compiles and when my body lapsed into some odd state of being comatose. (Where I would sleep for 12-15 hours straight)

3. My I'doll's name is Ultra.

Not sure what an i'doll is.

11. I want to move to Austin Texas. Or Southern Cali. I hate the North East. Lived here my whole life, too cold, WAY too expensive. I hate it. Did I already say that?

I love most of the north east. I have my complaints but the weather is irrelevant. I like having all four seasons and relish them all.

13. I have been conceptualizing and drawing my own Tarot Deck for the past year.
I took a break from drawing to gain a deeper understanding and insight of certain cards first.
I think I'm almost ready to begin drawing again.

When exposed to superstition I am always at first enthralled and rapidly descend to the last person on earth you would ever want to talk to. I am a ridiculous skeptic. I am however really into drawing and have wasted days here: Doodle or Die

14. Once I get out of this mortgage, I will NEVER ever 'buy' a house again.
I want the freedom to be able to simply pick up and leave/move at any time.

Realistically I don't see a mortgage as a tether... I consider it such so long as it is useful for me to do so though. :) I don't have the desire to leave or move so much as I have the desire to settle down...

15. Once I get out of this marriage, I will never ever enter into a legal marriage again.
I absolutely prefer total legal Self Autonomy. As well, I never want to count on anyone again, for my prosperity/living/economic support etc.

I never felt the need to get married...

Acim said:
19) I failed my driver's test the first time for being 'too careful.'

I failed because I was a bad driver. I passed the second time aware of what they wanted but still a bad driver. In the following 5 years I got into 6 accidents and received 30-40 speeding tickets and totaled 5 cars (3 were not mine) Funny story... my first accident was cutting through a CVS because I didn't want to wait for a light to turn green. Some girl had the same idea and hit me. Was completely her fault though. So I said we should call the police... (Wasn't my car). She was like no no no... lets just exchange insurance and personal information. So I wrote down everything on her license and insurance card and drove home with a destroyed car that had a max speed of about 40 mph and never called the police... I was completely scammed... it still upsets me... she never paid a dime nor did her insurance. (I did)

Acim said:
17) The last time I voted for POTUS was in 1996. I am proud of this.


Otherright said:
8) I'm a devout minimalist. I genuinely believe that the things you own end up owning you. My dream home is a 400 sq.ft. cabin w/ solar power. My devotion to minimalism may stem from losing everything I had... twice.

Agreed. A self sustained existence that requires no outside help is ideal and to be worked towards but if you should require help I believe it should be there for you.


1. I'm 26 and unemployed, living with my parents.
2. I love cinema and used to lock myself in the bathroom for 2 hours and create a movie in my head.
3. My favorite films include The Man Who Laughs, Seven Samurai, Wild Strawberries, Bicycle Thieves, Pulp Fiction, The Big Lebowski, and My Neighbor Totoro.
4. I dropped out in 9th grade, got my GED at age 17, and have been going to school part time ever since.
5. Most of my credits are for Psychology, though I prefer Philosophy.
6. Scarlett Johanssen is extremely attractive to me in Ghost World and Lost in Translation.
7. I sometimes abuse my Adderall.
8. Steak fajitas are my favorite food.
9. Elliott Smith and Mark Kozelek are my favorite musicians.
10. My life has little substance so I fill the void with movies, music, books, and lists.
11. I hate The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile.
12. I love Ancient Aliens even though/because it is absurd.
13. I say things for no reason and to sound intelligent, when in fact I probably don't know what I'm talking about.
14. I love animals and want to be a vegetarian, but have yet to summon the willpower.
15. My heroes include Abraham Lincoln, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, and Elliott Smith.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
1. I am addicted to the Internet.
2. I read at least 365 romance novels one year
4. I have a crush on Songbird
5. I'm a recovering romance novel addict.
6. I'm looking for a support group for my internet addiction
7. I have two beautiful children that..how can I say this...are just more than me. They own me. ;D
8. I love you
9. I like stale food. Just a little stale. And I like fried food cold. I know it's weird...
10. It's taking me way too long to come up with this stuff
11. I lost my faith about a year and a half ago. I still miss it sometimes.
12. I love to sit around with my sister and read off trivial pursuit questions to each other.
13. I am half Cajun
14. I love psychology and discussing human behavior. AKA-Gossip.
15. I was just kidding about 14. Mostly ;p

Hi, hi, HIIII!!! Start an intro thread, you! (This is my friend from another forum.)

I didn't know you were half Cajun. And you've found your internet addiction support group. :D


1. I am married. My wife has a beautiful, Texas accent.
2. I play a little golf, mostly for the exercise and friendship.
3. I am 65 years old.
4. I ride a motorcycle (1100 Yamaha).
5. I graduated from high school in 1964.
6. I use to have my own furniture shop, building all kinds of things out of wood.
7. I spent 5 years of my life in a monastery.
8. I was in the Air Force for 4 years.
9. I moved to Southern California when I was 18 and was one of the hippies of the day.
10. I use to snow ski
11. I went to a British school for boys only.
12. My mother died when I was 15.
13. I play a tenor guitar (4 strings).
14. For two years I was a vegetarian chef, often cooking for as many as 200 people.
15 I wrote and published the first book of the 21st century.
1) Can use and used to eat with my left hand
2) loves fried foods
3) is probably a staunch religionist with a liberal attitude
4) cries easily!
5) sometimes brings books and reads them... on the toilet
6) was a Catholic-turned-New-Age-turned-Pentecostal-turned-Baha'i-turned-Hare Krishna
7) Filipino with a mix of Chinese, Japanese, and my great great grandmother is the only Spaniard in the family
8) tried being a vegan for one year
9) has been vegetarian for six years now
10) pretends to be Manipuri (from India) half the time in public
11) wears Gaudiya Vaishnava tilaka (Vaishnava forehead markings) in public... as an Asian, and probably the only person who does so every day except at work
12) grew up in an 'equality' household, where both my parents worked and cooked, and are now divorced... and I want to have a more traditional household for myself :D
13) is addicted to coffee... formerly addicted to hot chocolate
14) has become from a clean freak to incredibly lazy and messy over the years
15) drinks herbal tea every day


1. Refuses to drink carbonated drinks. Fizz hurts.
2. Bats left-handed (though is right-handed)
3. Has a collection of books that if given the chance would kill each other in a holy war
4. Listens to obscure music, mostly in Japanese
5. Can't roll Rs
6. Doesn't understand or respect the social convention of saying "I'm sorry" to express sympathy
7. Has unrequited love for cats, but favors dogs
8. The black sheep of a long line of right-winged Christian army men
9. Finds lobster unappealing
10. Doesn't know the names of the neighbors on any side
11. Can play piano (mostly by ear) fairly well
12. Thinks Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and James Bond movies are utterly boring
13. Only appreciates art of people not known personally, especially poetry
14. Owns a spear, with no intention to use it
15. Has a pink fuzzy dragon named Thor guarding a collection of manga, divination books, and a couple electronic kids toys.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
How is this possible? It doesn't matter whether you like it or not — you're Canadian! You have to! :p
It just never came up. :shrug:

Part of it is that I grew up in Toronto, so you have to either be wealthy or save up to afford going to a Maple Leafs game.


Revelation all the time
Can't roll Rs

Me neither. It is embarrassing when in room with younger person who makes it look easy schmeasy.

Thinks Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and James Bond movies are utterly boring

I'm with you on the "I'm sorry" thing, the love for cats thing, and the lobster is unappealing thing, but you lost me on this one. Maybe if they had obscure Japanese musical soundtracks you'd appreciate these films for the great works of art that they are.


I'm with you on the "I'm sorry" thing, the love for cats thing, and the lobster is unappealing thing, but you lost me on this one. Maybe if they had obscure Japanese musical soundtracks you'd appreciate these films for the great works of art that they are.
lol Maybe. I just can't seem to stay interested in the plots. Star Wars is too spacey, LotR is too...large scale? Slow? Something like that. James Bond is mainly due to the lack of fantasy to it.

Oh, might as well add Indiana Jones to it. Watched one as a kid. Never went back to it.


Well-Known Member
1. i am a animal lover
2. i have periodic T.I.A's
3. i an fond of old time radio & enjoy the show -"the inner sanctum".
4. i love to watch the sun rise
5. i can drive 4 in hand (4 horses with wagon or carriage
6. i lived with the Amish & love them dearly!
7. my fondest time was takeing my relatives boat out on the ST. Lawerence seaway alone all day.
8. my earliest memory was watching my grammy Kerns sweeping with a brrom, copperheads off of the porch in Fox Hollow in the Blue Ridge Mountians -******** the whole time that they should sun somewgere else.
9. My father was a Baptist minister from Yorkshie England.
10. i adore guinea pigs
11. i can not sing no matter how hard i try.
12. i find kindness the best attribute of humanity.
13. My 1st husband tried to kill me because of he believed that if i was gone his problems would go away. He ended up in jail finding out with me removed from the picture - his problems were still with him. the N. D. E. left him blessed with no murder charge!


5. i can drive 4 in hand (4 horses with wagon or carriage
Awesome! What's your favourite breed?

13. My 1st husband tried to kill me because of he believed that if i was gone his problems would go away. He ended up in jail finding out with me removed from the picture - his problems were still with him. the N. D. E. left him blessed with no murder charge!
I'm glad he didn't succeed. :hug: