You just dishonestly misrepresented what I wrote. Apologize.
A government: Israel
targeting a specific ethnic/religious/national group: Israelis
for removal of rights: Travelling is a right, at least pro-Palestinians always act as if Palestinians should leave and enter Israel at will
eviction: Can't get evicted from Area A if you aren't even allowed to enter it *tips forehead*
denial of service: Hadn't seen that before, which services are Palestinians denied? They even use Israeli hospitals and Government programs
travel restrictions: Oh look it's Area A again
Or it could mean I'm only generally aware of the conflict and have spent time in this thread specifically responding to the claim that Israel never committed any similar attacks against Palestine. If the claim had been the other way around, I would have researched Palestinian atrocities and mentioned them.
Again, a person doesn't have to decry every atrocity ever committed to decry the atrocities committed by a specific group.
Of course you would've done that. I am sure of it.
So, was the holocaust not a genocide because there are more Jewish people now than at the end of WW2?
Is that the argument you want to make?
You understand that enacting genocide against a group doesn't mean that group doesn't survive in other territories?
There aren't even more Jews today than there were 1938 let alone 1945.
And it doesn't matter how far we go back the numbers simply don't add up.
1970: 1,03m
1980: 1,36m
1990: 1,9m
2000: 3,05-3,11m
2010: 4-4,12m
2014: 4,5m
2017: 4,9m
The Palestinian Authority only started to collect these statistics in 1997. So the numbers I first gave you in the other post were from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.
Are they lying to make the Zionist Genocide look less efficient than it is?
The lowest growth rate between 1997 and 2017 was +2,76%, which is pretty much the same for Egypt or Jordan.
The entire tweet crap. I of course realise that you will never realise why their behaviour was hypocritical. So give it a rest.
You know nothing. Stop pretending. You've already lied about me once in this post.
So you think that your opinions would be valued in Israel? I mean are you sure about that?
And that Israelis don't trust NGOs is an old story. You should probably read up on it.
You have no idea who told them or where they got the information from. You have no reason to believe they wouldn't believe them.
If they just jumped to a conclusion, then they were irresponsible, biased and deserve scorn. But you don't know that yet. You have no idea what the early reports were and you have no idea what their sources were.
What you are doing now is actually a perfect example of what you are accusing them of doing: jumping to an unfounded conclusion about their intentions in order to fit your personal narrative. Stop it.
If you really want to be better than them, wait for more information to come out and take the necessary position once we know what has actually occurred. Because, apparently, that's what they didn't do.
Okay I get it.
Jumping to conclusions to smear Israel: Okay
Accusing a terror group by using video evidence: Not okay
I mean that surely makes a lot of sense.
But perhaps the vile J-Zionists infiltrated Islamic Jihad and launched the rocket to that building.
It all makes sense now. Thanks
Most likely an attempt to save face, but I would agree they should be quicker to retract the statement and make the truth clear.
They won't. It simply won't happen.
How do I know this? It's the modus operandi.
Hey, you're the one who thinks a Tweet poses a serious diplomatic threat to Palestine and thus wish to twist the arm of the global humanitarian organization who put the Tweet out because you want to silence them.
I don't really know what I should say to this. You apparently think that blatant lies have no place in propaganda.
Well that's good for you I guess.
And why Palestine? The country in question is called Israel.
You act as if AI is interested in actually finding out who did it.
Which is of course a very tough investigation. It will take at least a few months, if it happens at all, and then lead to a single line at the bottom of another article or tweet.
Mission accomplished.