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20 Signs that God exist, and Quraan is the word of God


Active Member
I believe we are alive with Islam because of Quran and Hadith, there is no way to save life of Muhammad (pbuh) without hadith.


Active Member
Hello Guys

In my first topic “ why I think there is one right religion”, I made clear that I believe that there is God and that Quraan is the word of God and that the right religion is Islam.

I think creation of living things on this planet is one of the biggest signs of God, if life had started without any creator, then why not it started on every planet?


Freedom Of Mind
you do realize that quran was also compiled AFTER the death of mohammad?

Each verse was written and well recorded and then compiled but the hadith was never recorded during the life of the prophet,is it that hard to understand.:facepalm:

what makes one a muslim? someone that believes in allah AND believes in mohammad as the last messenger? thats what the kalimah and shahada says.
if they were all muslims before mohammad, why did god feel the need to send mohammad?

Because people were misled and a good point that you brought here without knowing it that all prophets were muslims,so were they sunna (following the teaching of prophet Mohammed)

[2:43] You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and bow down with those who bow down.
i wonder how you can offer salat without ever reading the hadith? quran doesn't show anywhere how one should offer salat.

Do you think the birds read the hadith as well

Have you not seen how everyone in Heaven and Earth glorifies God, even to the birds lined up (in flight)? Each knows its prayer and how to glorify Him. God is Aware of whatever they do. (24:41)

if muslims are supposed to pray for the heart, why do they go to the masjid? you never answerd, how does the imam lead prayer? who taught him?

Have you not seen how whoever is in Heaven and whoever is on earth drops down on his knees before God, as well as the sun, moon and stars, the mountains, trees and animals, and many people, even some [of those] deserving torment? Anyone whom God weakens will have no one to honor him. God does anything He wishes. (22:18)

Who taught them ? prophet Mohammed.

if you're ignoring the 2nd pillar of islam which is salat, then you know nothing about islam yourself.

Who told you that i am ignoring salat or not worshiping God,but it seems that you have difficulties in comprehension,i advise you to take vit B12,it gives good results and improves memory too.

I pray to God in humbleness and that have to be by heart and not by exercise.
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Active Member
Salaams to all
FearGod here is a verse from Noble Quraan.
Surah An-Nahl
(We sent them) with Clear Signs and Books of dark prophecies; and We have sent down unto thee (also) the Message; that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them, and that they may give thought.

The above verse is very clear.Our Nabi (SAW) explained revelation to the companions as soon as revelation was received.After the Nabi (SAW) passed away the companions explained what they heard to their followers.Hence these followers passed the message to their children and it continued until it was written in book form.Note if you ever have a doubt on any of the hadith's then just leave it out.But don't discard them all because then you will have absolutely no idea what is the true teachings of our beloved Nabi(SAW).


Freedom Of Mind
Salaams to all
FearGod here is a verse from Noble Quraan.
Surah An-Nahl
(We sent them) with Clear Signs and Books of dark prophecies; and We have sent down unto thee (also) the Message; that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them, and that they may give thought.

The above verse is very clear.Our Nabi (SAW) explained revelation to the companions as soon as revelation was received.After the Nabi (SAW) passed away the companions explained what they heard to their followers.Hence these followers passed the message to their children and it continued until it was written in book form.Note if you ever have a doubt on any of the hadith's then just leave it out.But don't discard them all because then you will have absolutely no idea what is the true teachings of our beloved Nabi(SAW).

I agree,i accept the rational hadith and i reject the ones which i am in doubt with.


Freedom Of Mind
Now whats all the fuss about.
The subject is closed.

It started with exmuslim claiming that Islam has no freedom and if one changed his mind and left Islam then he has to be killed,her posts followed that some hadith support her claims.

I explained to her that the apostates at the time of Abu Baker were worriers and that is the reason that the decision to fight them back,but then she said what about marriage,such as if she loved a disbeliever,Islam not giving her the freedom to choose,and the fuss continued to prove Islam wrong.

Here is the start of her fuss.

Millions accept islam yet how many practice it properly ? And many people are Muslims but don't agree with many Islamic things such as polygamy or sharia. Many also leave islam but cannot declare it as they can be killed for it. Again this just shows all humans will never accept one religion . To Christians, Christianity is the truth . I don't see how one religion can be the truth and those who deny it are going to hell forever


Active Member
Originally Posted by cocokorina
Millions accept islam yet how many practice it properly ? And many people are Muslims but don't agree with many Islamic things such as polygamy or sharia. Many also leave islam but cannot declare it as they can be killed for it. Again this just shows all humans will never accept one religion . To Christians, Christianity is the truth . I don't see how one religion can be the truth and those who deny it are going to hell forever

Peace to you cocokorina
In Islam no one can make a claim that he is perfect.We,in Islam, are sinners because we don't even know how to walk on this earth.Now if any one make such a claim then he is a liar.We have our good,bad and ugly and we admit we are sinners.We repent to our creator for our sins and ask for his guidance.So far as polygamy and sharia is concerned it is peoples personal opinion due to their ignorance.
The Noble Quraan is very clear so far as freedom of beliefs.If any one puts a gun to your head and asks you to revert to Islam then he is doing it out of ignorance.If any one prevents you from leaving Islam then again he is doing it our of ignorance.
So far as hell is concerned every human being will be accountable to his creator for his own misdeeds.Note there is no exception even muslims will be accountable and go to hell.This subject of hell is very lengthy and i am not going to go to it in detail.
So far as the verse on apostates please give me the sura and verse number so that i could explain why so many non believers misunderstand the verse.


Each verse was written and well recorded and then compiled but the hadith was never recorded during the life of the prophet,is it that hard to understand.:facepalm:
do you understand that quran was compiled over MANY years and it was done by the same sahabas that you conviniently ignore?? do you understand quran was compiled and written by the same sahabas that also compiled hadith??

Do you think the birds read the hadith as well
Have you not seen how everyone in Heaven and Earth glorifies God, even to the birds lined up (in flight)? Each knows its prayer and how to glorify Him. God is Aware of whatever they do. (24:41)
lol, so birds pray to Allah? ok..

Who told you that i am ignoring salat or not worshiping God,but it seems that you have difficulties in comprehension,i advise you to take vit B12,it gives good results and improves memory too.
no need to be this condescending. being an ex-muslim myself i know the importance of salat and how it is offered. anyone who says they pray however they want and not according to the way prophet mohammad taught them is either lying or has no knowledge of islam.


I explained to her that the apostates at the time of Abu Baker were worriers and that is the reason that the decision to fight them back,but then she said what about marriage,such as if she loved a disbeliever,Islam not giving her the freedom to choose,and the fuss continued to prove Islam wrong.

Here is the start of her fuss.

Wait a minute, at the time of Abu Bakr???
who is abu bakr and how do you know anything about him if you read quran only and no hadith?? how many times is abu bakr mentioned in the quran? please tell me how a quranist can describe the time of abu bakr. :rolleyes:
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Freedom Of Mind
Wait a minute, at the time of Abu Bakr???
who is abu bakr and how do you know anything about him if you read quran only and no hadith?? how many times is abu bakr mentioned in the quran? please tell me how a quranist can describe the time of abu bakr. :rolleyes:

OMG. :facepalm:

Who told you that i reject all hadith, i said that i deal with it strictly,IOW with caution.
I don't have to waste a lot of time with your nonsense,you aren't even understanding anything of what i have said.


OMG. :facepalm:

Who told you that i reject all hadith, i said that i deal with it strictly,IOW with caution.
I don't have to waste a lot of time with your nonsense,you aren't even understanding anything of what i have said.

thats not what you said earlier. you clearly mentioned hadith were compiled long after prophets death,they are not important, only quran is. i had a feeling you were being very dishonest before and now its obvious that you were indeed lying.
So let's take a look at how the miracles in the Koran are merely a figment of you imagination.

1- String theory ( first studied in the late 1960s)

51:7 "By heaven furnished with paths;"

To claim this verse is describing the string theory is silly.
It's totally baseless and highlights the desperation muslims have to make the Koran miraculous.:areyoucra

It's likely this verse is describing the orbits of the wandering stars(planets) people could see back then moving around earth.
In fact the Koran mentions theses paths in another verse:

And We have created above you seven paths, and We are never unmindful of creation.

People believed the seven 'visible planets' each moved in a path which were each considered a heaven.

The Koran confirms this erroneous view:

See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another

According to the Koran we can see the seven heavens and how they have been created one above another.
This is nothing but a popular 7th century myth.

2- Source of iron

57:25 We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.

Modern astronomical findings have revealed that the iron on Earth came from giant stars in outer space.

Firstly the Egyptians knew about iron in meteors well before the Koran came into existence. They called iron “ba-en-pet” or ‘metal from heaven’
Secondly it can be argued the Koran doesn't literally mean iron was sent from space at the Koran uses the same word to explain the existence of cattle and food on earth. Regardless this is no miracle.

3- Life of the sun

13:2 It is Allah who erected the heavens without pillars that you [can] see; then He established Himself above the Throne and made subject the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term. He arranges [each] matter; He details the signs that you may, of the meeting with your Lord, be certain.

The above verse shows that the life span of the Sun will run for a "specified term." Scientific analysis regarding the end of the Sun describes it as consuming 4 million tons of matter a second, and says that the Sun will die when that fuel has all been consumed.

The Koran describes a geocentric system which was the common belifef 1400 hundred years ago.
The 'specified term' is referring to it's daily course of rising in the east and setting in the west. This is what was believed back then and Allah claims this sign is made clear to it's revealed audience, obviously referring to their erroneus views.

The verses below describes the night as a sign.
When the suns runs to it's resting place and completes it's daily course:

PICKTHAL:A token unto them is night. We strip it of the day, and lo! they are in darkness. And the sun runneth on unto a resting-place for him. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise. And for the moon We have appointed mansions till she return like an old shrivelled palm-leaf.

The verse explains that as day turns to night, earth becomes dark and the sun runs to its resting place. Once again the Koran describes a geocentric system as the course of the sun is in relation to night and day and not the galactic orbit some desperate muslims like to claim.

Although no further clarification is needed Mo kindly explains the error in his words:

Book 001, Number 0297:
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Dharr that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) one day said: Do you know where the sun goes? They replied: Allah and His Apostle know best. He (the Holy Prophet) observed: Verily it (the sun) glides till it reaches its resting place under the Throne.....

So Mo tells us that at sunset, the sun runs to its resting place which is under the throne and once again and confirms the errors in the Koran.


FearGod, you constantly said you donot give hadith importance, and now all of a sudden you do believe in them? so were you lying before or now?

I don't take the hadith seriously.


I believe the quran is 100% correct but i can never be sure about the hadith since many hadiths found to be weak and fabricated.

You gave me a verse and you asked me to interpret it without relying on any hadith and i did and the others also did and you lost the debate.
I explained to you what Islam means and which is submitting oneself to God,so i am a Muslim.
Don't you ever heard about quranists, we believe every word in the quran but very strict regarding the hadith,it is as simple as that.
You know that the hadith was collected long after the death of the prophet and there was no reward for memorizing the hadith which isn't the case with the quran which Muslims had memorized it by heart.
What you call the Muslims who lived before the collection of the hadith, were they not Muslims because there was no book of the hadith.
I am not talking about authentication.
My point is that the book of hadith was an idea of a man and not the prophet.
The prophet asked them to keep and memorize the quran.

And now all of a sudden you say:
OMG. :facepalm:
Who told you that i reject all hadith, i said that i deal with it strictly,IOW with caution.
I don't have to waste a lot of time with your nonsense,you aren't even understanding anything of what i have said.

you denied the importance of hadith throughout this thread yet you felt the need give example of Abu Bakr's time? so when a hadith supports your argument in a debate, then its given importance?
if you're a quranist as you claimed earlier, then how do you know anything about Abu Bakr? please show me the verses in quran which talk about him.
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Freedom Of Mind
FearGod, you constantly said you donot give hadith importance, and now all of a sudden you do believe in them? so were you lying before or now?

And now all of a sudden you say:

you denied the importance of hadith throughout this thread yet you felt the need give example of Abu Bakr's time? so when a hadith supports your argument in a debate, then its given importance?
if you're a quranist as you claimed earlier, then how do you know anything about Abu Bakr? please show me the verses in quran which talk about him.

Did you understand from all those quoted posts that i reject the hadith.

Is it hard for me to tell you that "i reject all the hadith",show me where did i say those few simple words.

So don't accuse me of lying in such stupid way,the problem is that you can't understand,i said to you Vit B12 but you aren't listening to my advice.:shrug:
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Did you understand from all those quoted posts that i reject the hadith.

Is it hard for me to tell you that "i reject all the hadith",show me where did i say those few simple words.

So don't accuse me of lying in such stupid way,the problem is that you can't understand,i sais to you Vit B12 but you aren't listening to my advice.:shrug:

didn't you mention you're a quranist before? please explain how a quranist is now believeing in hadith as well


Freedom Of Mind
didn't you mention you're a quranist before? please explain how a quranist is now believeing in hadith as well

We deal with the hadith in strict way.

Rejecting the whole hadith is another thing, if so then we have to reject that prophet Mohammed did exist.


Freedom Of Mind
So let's take a look at how the miracles in the Koran are merely a figment of you imagination.

Originally Posted by 0ne-answer

1- String theory ( first studied in the late 1960s)

51:7 "By heaven furnished with paths;"
To claim this verse is describing the string theory is silly.
It's totally baseless and highlights the desperation muslims have to make the Koran miraculous.:areyoucra

It's likely this verse is describing the orbits of the wandering stars(planets) people could see back then moving around earth.
In fact the Koran mentions theses paths in another verse:

And We have created above you seven paths, and We are never unmindful of creation.

People believed the seven 'visible planets' each moved in a path which were each considered a heaven.

The Koran confirms this erroneous view:

See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another

According to the Koran we can see the seven heavens and how they have been created one above another.
This is nothing but a popular 7th century myth.


You have to know one simple thing to understand the quran and which is the Arabic language.

Verse 51:7 is about the whole heaven which is the space of the universe while the seven heavens (Plural) is the solar system.

If you know Arabic then it'll be very clear to you but at least in English you can realize the verse which mention the heaven as singular and which mention the heaven as plural.


Freedom Of Mind
Originally Posted by 0ne-answer
2- Source of iron

57:25 We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.

Modern astronomical findings have revealed that the iron on Earth came from giant stars in outer space.
Firstly the Egyptians knew about iron in meteors well before the Koran came into existence. They called iron “ba-en-pet” or ‘metal from heaven’
Secondly it can be argued the Koran doesn't literally mean iron was sent from space at the Koran uses the same word to explain the existence of cattle and food on earth. Regardless this is no miracle.

And the question is how the Egyptians knew this fact,was it due to scientific approach.

Of course God sent all sort of life to earth

WE ARE STAR PEOPLE: Scientific proof we were created by aliens


Freedom Of Mind
Originally Posted by 0ne-answer
3- Life of the sun

13:2 It is Allah who erected the heavens without pillars that you [can] see; then He established Himself above the Throne and made subject the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term. He arranges [each] matter; He details the signs that you may, of the meeting with your Lord, be certain.

The above verse shows that the life span of the Sun will run for a "specified term." Scientific analysis regarding the end of the Sun describes it as consuming 4 million tons of matter a second, and says that the Sun will die when that fuel has all been consumed.
The Koran describes a geocentric system which was the common belifef 1400 hundred years ago.
The 'specified term' is referring to it's daily course of rising in the east and setting in the west. This is what was believed back then and Allah claims this sign is made clear to it's revealed audience, obviously referring to their erroneus views.

The verses below describes the night as a sign.
When the suns runs to it's resting place and completes it's daily course:

PICKTHAL:A token unto them is night. We strip it of the day, and lo! they are in darkness. And the sun runneth on unto a resting-place for him. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise. And for the moon We have appointed mansions till she return like an old shrivelled palm-leaf.

The verse explains that as day turns to night, earth becomes dark and the sun runs to its resting place. Once again the Koran describes a geocentric system as the course of the sun is in relation to night and day and not the galactic orbit some desperate muslims like to claim.

Although no further clarification is needed Mo kindly explains the error in his words:

Book 001, Number 0297:
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Dharr that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) one day said: Do you know where the sun goes? They replied: Allah and His Apostle know best. He (the Holy Prophet) observed: Verily it (the sun) glides till it reaches its resting place under the Throne.....

So Mo tells us that at sunset, the sun runs to its resting place which is under the throne and once again and confirms the errors in the Koran. .

No,you aren't correct because the word used in Arabic is very clear which means time of death for the sun and moon,the word which used is
(check here)
