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40% of Americans belive the world was created 6000-years ago

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
And I'm reminded that ANYTHING is possible with GOD ------ even living things.
As Tumbleweed observed, "There ya go".

You seem to be trying very hard to dissuade this idiot. Perhaps I'm hitting a nerve?
Nope. I have no illusions that you'll be persuaded in any way shape or form. Heck, I'm stunned that you even responded to my post at all.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
And I'm reminded that ANYTHING is possible with GOD ------ even living things. You seem to be trying very hard to dissuade this idiot. Perhaps I'm hitting a nerve?

The purpose of our replies is not to change YOUR mind, but to change the minds of people who may be reading these exchanges who may be open-minded enough to change their YECer views, and exchange them for simple reality.

We know YOU are beyond redemption in that department.


Well-Known Member
The purpose of our replies is not to change YOUR mind, but to change the minds of people who may be reading these exchanges who may be open-minded enough to change their YECer views, and exchange them for simple reality.

We know YOU are beyond redemption in that department.

Open-mindedness goes both ways. And an education is not limited to the those that think they know it all.


Well-Known Member
I don't even think that of you. I know many Christians; most of them are kind and intelligent.

I'm not sure how this bit follows from my last post.

But you do realize that it's a "breath of fresh air" that's completely unsupported by (and in some aspects soundly refuted by) science, don't you? If you're going to accept "religious truth" over scientific fact, I can't stop you, but in that case I really don't see why you'd be participating in these sorts of debates. I mean, if you've decided that your mind will never, ever be changed regardless of the evidence, then what's the point?

Do you or do you not believe that JESUS walked on water and calmed storms? How did HE accomplish this scientifically?


Well-Known Member
Many notable conservative Christians, including many experts in science, believe that the earth is old. For the most part, only an inerrantist would believe that the earth is young. Unfortunately for inerrantists, they have not provided sufficient evidence that the Bible is inerrant.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid you're wrong. Even with the dramatic (and unexplained) reorganization of the world's landscape you suggest occurred after the flood, there is still not enough water in the world to cover the land mass we observe. That's right, even if you smoothed off the mountains, it couldn't be done.

You yourself can investigate this. Get a deep lasagna tray, put in about 3/4ths water and 1/4th rocks and non-soluble dirt and such, piled into forms resembling earth's continents, ensuring that the solids are visible above the water level. Assuming fixed parameters for the coastal regions, you can now change the land masses to reflect any shape you desire. As long as each "continent" remains in the basic shape you started with, you will find that you will always have about the same volume of earth above sea level. This is because as you subtract earth from the "coastal" regions so they can be inundated, you must plop it back onto the continent somewhere else.

It's really obvious. And I mean REALLY obvious. Seriously. A little kid could figure that out. If I were you I would be extremely embarrassed to insist such a flood could occur.

The only thing God could have done to cover the whole earth with water simultaneously is flatten it completely (ie, change the shape of each continent) - tamp it down as flat and uniform as a tabletop so the water would lie on top.

But then, if he did that, why would he need the "deluge"?

Surface Features on Earth

3/5 of the Earth's surface is underwater. In fact, there’s enough water to cover the entire globe to a depth of 3 kilometers. Most of the land area is concentrated in 6 large continents. Near the edges of some continents, mountains rise as high as 9 kilometers above sea level. While in the ocean basins, there are trenches as deep as 11 kilometers below sea level.


Well-Known Member
Many notable conservative Christians, including many experts in science, believe that the earth is old. For the most part, only an inerrantist would believe that the earth is young. Unfortunately for inerrantists, they have not provided sufficient evidence that the Bible is inerrant.

Yes, and they believe the earth is old for all the wrong reasons. One --- evolution could not have occured by any stretch of the secular imagination if the earth was only 12,000 years old. Two ---- the surface of this planet would never have developed by Uniformitarian principles if it was a mere 12,000 years old... And most importantly, they do not believe JESUS when HE said, "and as the days of Noah -- so shall be also the presence of the Son of Man."
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E Pluribus Unum!!!
Open-mindedness goes both ways. And an education is not limited to the those that think they know it all.

"Openmindedness" doesn't mean buying every kooky, very un-scientific YECer invention to substantiate your YECer world view.

Openmindedness means to examine the Creationist ideals, seeing there is no support for said ideals, and excepting scientifically proven facts such as a 4 plus billion year old earth, no WFF, and Evolution.


Well-Known Member
"Openmindedness" doesn't mean buying every kooky, very un-scientific YECer invention to substantiate your YECer world view.

Openmindedness means to examine the Creationist ideals, seeing there is no support for said ideals, and excepting scientifically proven facts such as a 4 plus billion year old earth, no WFF, and Evolution.

Openmindedness, also doesn't mean doing everything in the very same way as others to come to the same determinations which could be wrong.

You tell me how old GOD is, and I will tell you how old the Universe might appear to a non-believer.


Happiness Incarnate
Openmindedness, also doesn't mean doing everything in the very same way as others to come to the same determinations which could be wrong.

You tell me how old GOD is, and I will tell you how old the Universe might appear to a non-believer.
The age of the earth, the age of the universe, and the age of any given fossil are determined through varous means and cross referenced. If it had only been done one way and never backed up then no, it wouldn't be this widely accepted. But this information is so well backed by so many different sources that there is no realistic way to deny it.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Surface Features on Earth

3/5 of the Earth's surface is underwater. In fact, there’s enough water to cover the entire globe to a depth of 3 kilometers. Most of the land area is concentrated in 6 large continents. Near the edges of some continents, mountains rise as high as 9 kilometers above sea level. While in the ocean basins, there are trenches as deep as 11 kilometers below sea level.

Unfortunatly for you, that 3 kilometers estimate counts on a completely flat earth.

And unfortunatly for you, plagerist, you debunk your own agument in your copy/paste.

Lecture 10: Earth! - The Home Planet


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Openmindedness, also doesn't mean doing everything in the very same way as others to come to the same determinations which could be wrong.

You tell me how old GOD is, and I will tell you how old the Universe might appear to a non-believer.

1. Your god is some 3,000 years old, and quite possibly an evolution of the Egyptian god Amen.

2. While Gunfingers's response was quite well put, I will add that it takes a clsoe minded person to ignore the plethora of evidence that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that their opinions are wrong.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Unfortunately for you, even 20 feet deep over the highest hill would have drowned every human and land animal, name caller!

You copy/pasted information without giving the link to the source of your copy/paste.

That is plagerism, and it is illegal.

Also, as noted on the site you obviously didn't read, there isn't enough water on the planet to completely inundate the surface, and even goes so far as to list why, namely elevations both high and low.


Well-Known Member
You copy/pasted information without giving the link to the source of your copy/paste.

That is plagerism, and it is illegal.

Also, as noted on the site you obviously didn't read, there isn't enough water on the planet to completely inundate the surface, and even goes so far as to list why, namely elevations both high and low.

So, arrest me! The fact is that you were wrong and the Bible is correct using simple math. Obviously, the source was simple enough for anyone to find and fact cannot be plagerized.
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