This has nothing to with the nature of scientific papers, and journals and the issue of whether and why they are reproducible or not. This issue was responded specifically from the scientific perspective early in the thread. The issue of whether research papers results are reproducible depends on the discipline, and the issues of reproducibility of each different discipline. Simply the research paper results that are reproducible reinforce the growing knowledge of science, those that are not reproducible are the lessons that contribute to the progress of science
And if you had a journal that contained papers not reproduced and one that has been reproduced, people would know which papers are based upon reproducible results and which may not be valid.
They would not as quite a few do be citing papers not sound science as sound science.
How many of those papers found to not be reproducible do you think were quoted as legitimate sources of knowledge by others, before someone actually tried to reproduce the results? 98% of them being published in a respected peer reviewed journal?
What would further the increase in knowledge is to know what hasn’t yet been reproduced and what has. So if one wants to try to reproduce results for ones own research one can, but can always rely on results already reproduced.... It separates the may be from the probably is.....
It seems to me the only ones that would object would be those wanting to use questionable results as if they were true.... which gives them a 40% greater chance of being wrong and nobody knowing it....
It would also give grad students a place to start, being they could know which papers haven’t been reproduced and start there, either confirming or denying its validity and getting themselves published in the process.... furthering both their knowledge and the overall scientific knowledge.
Instead you want to lump everything together making it a hit or miss process, nobody knowing any papers validity unless they test it themselves....
So if you are a biologist but want to use a geological paper, you now have to spend 4 years studying geology so you can validate the paper just to use in your research, or just pray its correct and cite it anyways.....