When I competed in sports… I went out there to be the best athlete I could be, to transform my body into a machine and to take it to the next level, to make all my training worth it and to put myself to the test, to take pride in it and make those close to me proud, to experience the thrill and the exhilaration over and over again, to prove I was better then my competition, and to help my team achieve victory in whatever way I could.
I did not go out there to make political statements, or to care about inclusivity (I don’t). Sports are not inclusive. You either prove yourself to compete, or you don’t.
There were some teammates who I really did not like… but at the same time I respected them, because I valued their contribution as an asset in our group. Your skin color doesn’t matter. Your sexuality is irrelevant. You can be a horrible person or a saint. So what. You either prove yourself in your sport or you don’t, and if you do you will be valued, no matter how people feel about you.
Personally, I would not have taken part in the rainbow theatrics either. I’m there to focus on competing and to be honest I’m not interested in hand holding and pretending like we are something we are not.