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A big invisible man who created the universe

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Premium Member
People who belive in God, basically belive a big thing created the universe, performs miracles and talks to us in mysterious ways, isn't it? They sit and they pray to something that, in their mind is 100% real. However if i started walking along and talking to an imaginary friend and i believed she(lets face it if i have an imaginary friend she'll be attractive lol) was 100% real i would be put away for being crazy. Well isn't this the same as religious people praying to some invisible thing? If not how is it different from me talking loads of crazes about my invisible friend?


Not your average Mormon
People who belive in God, basically belive a big thing created the universe, performs miracles and talks to us in mysterious ways, isn't it?
I don't. I believe in an immortal being in whose image we were created, not in a "big thing." I suppose it's possible that some theists would describe Him as "a big thing" but I don't personally know any.

They sit and they pray to something that, in their mind is 100% real. However if i started walking along and talking to an imaginary friend and i believed she(lets face it if i have an imaginary friend she'll be attractive lol) was 100% real i would be put away for being crazy. Well isn't this the same as religious people praying to some invisible thing? If not how is it different from me talking loads of crazes about my invisible friend?
It's different because your imaginary friend is imaginary. My God is real.

That's all I have to say on the subject, incidentally. It's a waste of time to argue over the existence of God with an atheist, expecially when the atheist implies that I'm either crazy or stupid. I'd rather just live and let live. That way we can all chose for ourselves what we want to believe without being jerks to people who believe differently.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
People who belive in God, basically belive a big thing created the universe, performs miracles and talks to us in mysterious ways, isn't it? They sit and they pray to something that, in their mind is 100% real. However if i started walking along and talking to an imaginary friend and i believed she(lets face it if i have an imaginary friend she'll be attractive lol) was 100% real i would be put away for being crazy. Well isn't this the same as religious people praying to some invisible thing? If not how is it different from me talking loads of crazes about my invisible friend?

The very begining of your post is incorrect. Not all people who are religious believe that "God created the universe".

I personally believe that God created the conditions needed for life to exist on Earth - but that is unsubstantiated, and is a personal belief of mine, based on nothing but my beliefs.


Superabacus Mystic
Surely, it's an assumption that God is actually interested in us, rather than that race of hyper-intelligent, pan-dimensional being over in the Andromeda Galaxy?


Premium Member
No space is what we call an absence of matter. I admit my OP was very crude, but the point im making is me invisible friend could be just as real to me as your God is to you.


Well-Known Member
I can see the point you are trying to make - to everyone who doesnt believe in a God, they just see people praying/talking to "something" that does not exist, like your imaginery friend.

However unlike your imaginery friend, there is to a certain extent evidence that there is a God, not to mention lots of History and about prob half of the worlds population who is saying "God" exists (in comparison with just you saying your imaginery friend exists!) The other point is what makes a person crazy with an imaginery friend is they say they can actually see something when 6.7billion other people can not! (For example, a child may point to somewhere in the room and say she/he can see "imaginery friend" when everyone else in the room cannot!) With religion, Noone claims to "see" God, they just have a faith in him!


Premium Member
Would it help if i wrote a book that my imaginary friend told me to write to prove she is real?

Super Universe

Defender of God
People who belive in God, basically belive a big thing created the universe, performs miracles and talks to us in mysterious ways, isn't it? They sit and they pray to something that, in their mind is 100% real. However if i started walking along and talking to an imaginary friend and i believed she(lets face it if i have an imaginary friend she'll be attractive lol) was 100% real i would be put away for being crazy. Well isn't this the same as religious people praying to some invisible thing? If not how is it different from me talking loads of crazes about my invisible friend?

That's not what I believe or know to be true. Yes, God created the universe but He does not perform these miracles that religions profess. And yes, God does talk to us but not in the way you might think. Those who hear voices in their head are channeling other beings, not God. God's communication with us is between our soul and He, not your human personality.

Your faith is never tested, why put a veil over your eyes then ask if you can see? We are here because we chose to come here, we chose to be under the veil to see what it's like, to see what personality elements control us, to become aware of our nature to cause drama.

For most of the universe sentient beings feel God's pressence like a warm sun that shines directly onto their heart. At first they do not understand that it is a connection to God but eventually they come to understand the truth as the veil is lifted slowly.

Now is the time that humanity is under the veil but soon it will be no more and each will know absolutely, positively, without any doubt, that God exists.

If you wish to ignore the incredible universe and amazing life that exists and believe that there is no God, that is your choice. You can believe whatever you wish.

But I wonder, why are you here asking questions about God? If you won't accept the universe and life itself as proof of Him then there is nothing anyone can say or do to convince you.


Well-Known Member
Would it help if i wrote a book that my imaginary friend told me to write to prove she is real?

No because only you yourself can "see" her! the only way to get people to believe you, would for other poeple to "see" her as well!

Noone (nowadays) claims to actually see God, but there are accounts of MANY people seeing/hearing him before now!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Would it help if i wrote a book that my imaginary friend told me to write to prove she is real?

No, because all those who believe that your friend is not real would think you even stranger than before.:p


Premium Member
True, but you can not deny that the two things are at least similar, both are believing in something that can never be proved either way. There is no way to prove my imaginary friend isn't real, you just haven't looked in the right place this also applies to God.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
True, but you can not deny that the two things are at least similar, both are believing in something that can never be proved either way. There is no way to prove my imaginary friend isn't real, you just haven't looked in the right place this also applies to God.
That was why I stuck my tongue out.:p


But I wonder, why are you here asking questions about God? If you won't accept the universe and life itself as proof of Him then there is nothing anyone can say or do to convince you.

And yet the same people come to my home to preach about about god to me and my family even though they know I do not believe.

There is just too much scientific evidence out there proving evolution to be true.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Well isn't this the same as religious people praying to some invisible thing?
What's the difference whether she is real or not, if she's real to you? If she tells you to try to be a good person and live a moral life, maybe it's a good thing, especially when some insensitive clod shows up implying you're delusional.


Premium Member
The point i am trying to make is that the hypothetical me understands her as a real thing therefore in my mind she is real. The same can be said about God, he is only real in your mind, he is not real in my mind. Therefore if you can write off the hypothetical me and my beliefs as crazy then i can do the same thing to every person who beliefs in God by the same reasoning you are using to claim the hypothetical me is crazy you would also be crazy.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
People who belive in God, basically belive a big thing created the universe, performs miracles and talks to us in mysterious ways, isn't it?
Not all of us. Personally, I believe that the laws of nature are inviolate - God is not supernatural - and that communion with the divine being is nothing mysterious. All you have to do is learn to "listen."

They sit and they pray to something that, in their mind is 100% real.
I don't pray. If there's a grand plan in place (which I rather doubt), then why would it be altered to suit my very minor needs and wants? Actually, I'm not sure God is even aware of us on an individual level. Either way, it's the equivalent of your mitochondria praying to you. If you're aware of it, it might be amusing, or tragic, but how would you intervene?

However if i started walking along and talking to an imaginary friend and i believed she(lets face it if i have an imaginary friend she'll be attractive lol) was 100% real i would be put away for being crazy. Well isn't this the same as religious people praying to some invisible thing? If not how is it different from me talking loads of crazes about my invisible friend?
Well, if you can make your imaginary friend the gender and appearance you want, or create her at all, that's obviously not God. It's your own creation and subject to your whims.

God either exists or doesn't regardless of human belief, and unaltered by human desire or doctrine. I happen to think that it does exist. That's the only real difference.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
The point i am trying to make is that the hypothetical me understands her as a real thing therefore in my mind she is real. The same can be said about God, he is only real in your mind, he is not real in my mind. Therefore if you can write off the hypothetical me and my beliefs as crazy then i can do the same thing to every person who beliefs in God by the same reasoning you are using to claim the hypothetical me is crazy you would also be crazy.
The thing that a lot non-theists don't take into consideration, is that the reason a lot of theists believe what they do is due to the fact that God has interacted with them, beyond the "imaginary friend" barrier.

It is when God is interacts with their surroundings/enviorment, things outside of their mind on a consistent and daily basis.

God is not a "feeling" or something that is limited to what goes on inside their heads. God is a interacting, physical, force.


Monk in Training
I would point to my signature, God does not exist God is existence. In this way God is not a "thing" big or otherwise. God is not a being that created the universe or a being that one prays to, God is being itself. In any case if ones understands God in this light not as a supreme being but as being itself, then it really changes the nature of the proposition made in the OP. Something to think about anyway, try not to think of God as a being or a thing. Things and beings exists, God does not exist, God is existence.


Premium Member
Yes but see that is merely your belief right or wrong it is yours, and you belive it effects you. The hypothetical me would tell you that my friend has helped me through difficult times, and that no matter what you say she is just as real to me in my mind as God is to you in your mind. In my mind my imaginary friend does effect my surroundings, that is why i belive she is real. However everyone else will see this as my own actions. God does the same thing to every theist, you believe He is real so you believe he effects your surroundings in the same way the hypothetical me's imaginary friend effects my surroundings. To the outside observer who does not believe in your God they see only your actions influencing the world, to the outside world observing the hypothetical me they see only my actions influencing the world. But both the theist and the hypothetical me will say an outside force (God or the imaginary friend) effected their life.
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