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A Challenge To All Creationists


Well-Known Member
Exactly. When something comes up that damages the theory of evolution it just simply gets removed from the theory. How convenient!

Do you know what the scientific odds are against abiogenesis happening on this planet?

Given these extremely generous assumptions, the odds of the simplest conceivable self-replicating molecular system arising would therefore be 10125 /10413 = 1/10288, or 1 chance in

1,000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000!

Of course, if we had calculated using more realistic figures, the odds would be much, much lower.


One will know evolutionist, and I have forgotten his name said the odds are like a hurricane blowing through a junk yard and producing a Boeing 707.


Well-Known Member
It's amusing how the some of the faithful can't help but delve into issues regarding evolution (or what they think are relevant issues regarding evolution) when specifically asked not to in order to.

Not that this comes as any surprise, it's the reason I made the request: to see how long it would take them to go off track, and how far they would take it.

Do you give that same ethe the evolutionist who go off subject or just to the creationists?


Well-Known Member
Oh my god, please keep going down this avenue of conversation!


How many years have you spent debunking Cosmological literature?

I have quit read the evo links that are suppose to offer evidence for evolution. The NEVER do. Prove me wrong and cut and paste the evidence those sites offered. I will put on my prophecy hat and predict you will not be ab le to provide even 1 pit of evidence.

Cosmology is the poster child for wild guesses. My prophecy hat is still one and I predict you can't offer one piece of evidence for what cosmology has guessed at.


Well-Known Member
Well, there is no evidence of that. Heavier elements like oxygen did not exist until the bigger stars synthesized it in their cores and released it when they exploded. And that happened much later after the Universe (or the heavens) were in place. Physics says that only hydrogen, helium and a bit of other light elements existed before the first stars formed. No oxygen, no gold, no iron, no carbon, no water, no planets etc.

What people say is irrelevant. What they can prove is the only thing that matters, especially in science. Nothing in your last statement has any evidence suporting it, and evolutionist NEVER go back to the beginning----how did stars create themselves out of nothing?

And that (star formation, oxygen synthesys, explosion of the star) must have necessarily happened before that oxygen made it to our athmosphere, via plants or whatever else. And before the first drop of water could exist. And before the first rock could exist.

That is the case for all heavier elements we, and the planet, are made of. Carbon, iron, silicon, you name it.

Now go back to the beginning and explain, scientifically of course, how the thins you mentioned came into existence.

So, this is what physics tells us. Do you see any possible reconciliation with the accounts on the Bible, assuming you take literally what it is written in it?

That is what Physics guesses what happened and it refutes what the Bible says---The Bible says God did , Physics says they did it themselves and that out of nothing. Physics didn't explain that paret did they?

If not, then biology and evolution should be the last of your concerns.


- viole

I am never concerned about wild speculation. Maybe you should be concerned that my explanation is the right answer.


Well-Known Member
Please show your math.
Including an explanation as to why you chose the numbers you chose.

Or, since I am fairly certain you have not done any of the math yourself, please link to where you got your numbers.

He really doesn't need math to explain what is impossible.


Well-Known Member
Really -- and you consider this wisdom?

What do you suppose the "scientific odds that you would exist on this planet" in precisely the way you do at this moment? Hugely less than the odds you give for abiogenesis.

And yet, surprise, surprise -- here you are! o_O

The laughable attempts made to try to justify stuff you simply are incapable of grasping just floors me --- but I suppose it's easier than actually learning anything.

What is laughable is trying to compare something that has happened and can be seen, to something that is impossible to happen.

What is even more laughable, make that sadder, is your evos default position is ALWAYS you are incapable of understanding. How insulting and self-serving. It is you who has bought a bag with chicken legs sticking out and thinks there is a chicken inside the bag. When you open the bag, you will know the truth. O let me think, what does the truth do? Now I remember, it sets us free. :D:D


Well-Known Member
Same old same old.

Claim CB010:
The proteins necessary for life are very complex. The odds of even one simple protein molecule forming by chance are 1 in 10113, and thousands of different proteins are needed to form life. (See also Primitive cells arising by chance.)
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 1985. Life--How Did It Get Here? Brooklyn, NY, pg. 44.
  1. The calculation of odds assumes that the protein molecule formed by chance. However, biochemistry is not chance, making the calculated odds meaningless. Biochemistry produces complex products, and the products themselves interact in complex ways. For example, complex organic molecules are observed to form in the conditions that exist in space, and it is possible that they played a role in the formation of the first life (Spotts 2001).

  2. The calculation of odds assumes that the protein molecule must take one certain form. However, there are innumerable possible proteins that promote biological activity. Any calculation of odds must take into account all possible molecules (not just proteins) that might function to promote life.

  3. The calculation of odds assumes the creation of life in its present form. The first life would have been very much simpler.

  4. The calculation of odds ignores the fact that innumerable trials would have been occurring simultaneously.
Musgrave, Ian. 1998. Lies, damned lies, statistics, and probability of abiogenesis calculations. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/abioprob/abioprob.html

Stockwell, John. 2002. Borel's Law and the origin of many creationist probability assertions. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/abioprob/borelfaq.html
  1. Spotts, Peter N. 2001. Raw materials for life may predate Earth's formation. The Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 30, 2001. http://search.csmonitor.com/durable/2001/01/30/fp2s2-csm.shtml
(thanks, http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CB/CB010.html )

What is meaningless is that life created itself out of lifeless elements. The odds for that happening are a big fat ZERO. That it did is a lie, a dammed lie of evolutionists.

Any one taking the theology from the watchtower, has a serious problem.


Well-Known Member
I have quit read the evo links that are suppose to offer evidence for evolution. The NEVER do. Prove me wrong and cut and paste the evidence those sites offered. I will put on my prophecy hat and predict you will not be ab le to provide even 1 pit of evidence.

Cosmology is the poster child for wild guesses. My prophecy hat is still one and I predict you can't offer one piece of evidence for what cosmology has guessed at.



Theories of nucleosynthesis are tested by calculating isotope abundances and comparing those results with observed results. Isotope abundances are typically calculated from the transition rates between isotopes in a network. Often these calculations can be simplified as a few key reactions control the rate of other reactions.

There are a number of astrophysical processes which are believed to be responsible for nucleosynthesis. The majority of these occur in shells within stars, and the chain of those nuclear fusion processes are known as hydrogen burning (via the proton-proton chain or the CNO cycle), helium burning, carbon burning, neon burning, oxygen burning and silicon burning. These processes are able to create elements up to and including iron and nickel. This is the region of nucleosynthesis within which the isotopes with the highest binding energy per nucleon are created. Heavier elements can be assembled within stars by a neutron capture process known as the s-process or in explosive environments, such as supernovae, by a number of other processes. Some of those others include the r-process, which involves rapid neutron captures, the rp-process, and the p-process (sometimes known as the gamma process), which results in the photodisintegration of existing nuclei.



Stars form from "nothing" all the time. We observe their "creation" and monitor their progress daily. They do so via wholly natural processes, not requiring any supernatural or magical input from an invisible space wizard. If you have a telescope, I can advise you on where to turn it in the night sky to watch this process on your own.


Well-Known Member



Theories of nucleosynthesis are tested by calculating isotope abundances and comparing those results with observed results. Isotope abundances are typically calculated from the transition rates between isotopes in a network. Often these calculations can be simplified as a few key reactions control the rate of other reactions.

There are a number of astrophysical processes which are believed to be responsible for nucleosynthesis. The majority of these occur in shells within stars, and the chain of those nuclear fusion processes are known as hydrogen burning (via the proton-proton chain or the CNO cycle), helium burning, carbon burning, neon burning, oxygen burning and silicon burning. These processes are able to create elements up to and including iron and nickel. This is the region of nucleosynthesis within which the isotopes with the highest binding energy per nucleon are created. Heavier elements can be assembled within stars by a neutron capture process known as the s-process or in explosive environments, such as supernovae, by a number of other processes. Some of those others include the r-process, which involves rapid neutron captures, the rp-process, and the p-process (sometimes known as the gamma process), which results in the photodisintegration of existing nuclei.



Stars form from "nothing" all the time.QUOTE]

Stars today already have matter to work with, The original ones did not.

We observe their "creation" and monitor their progress daily. They do so via wholly natural processes, not requiring any supernatural or magical input from an invisible space wizard. If you have a telescope, I can advise you on where to turn it in the night sky to watch this process on your own.

Tell me how the first star created itself. If you can do that, I will jump the fence and join you.

No of you pictures are evidence, They are all speculative and much of that is not based on something that has been proven. People can make up formulas and make them predict whatever the speculator wants them to.

The truth is science cannot know how matter, energy and life came into being and IMO, the most logical answer is "God did it." The more we learn about real science, the more it points to an Intelligent Designer.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
What is meaningless is that life created itself out of lifeless elements. The odds for that happening are a big fat ZERO. That it did is a lie, a dammed lie of evolutionists.
Okay, quickie question: what is in it for those "damned evolutionists" to construct such an elaborate, expensive lie? What is in for the thousands of universities around the world (where they teach actual science) to go along with this big lie?

And the corollary question: what is in it for the religious institutions (and by the way, not even all of them) to deny it?

And I will give you what I think are the answers, by the way: to the first (the evolutionists and universities) they get a convenient way to explain WHAT THEY ACTUALLY FIND AND OBSERVE. And the religions? They get to keep their fantasy speculation for which there actually isn’t any evidence whatsoever. As the courts (where EVIDENCE is tested) repeatedly demonstrate.
Any one taking the theology from the watchtower, has a serious problem.
Are you telling us that at least one religious viewpoint is incorrect? Any others?

Reggie Miller

Well-Known Member
See, you can't even explain your inability to MAKE A CONVINCING CASE FOR CREATIONISM WITHOUT REFERENCING EVOLUTION without concocting irrelevancies to dump on. You have my condolences.

Hahaha, sir. You are quite naive. Abiogenesis is the key to your entire belief system. Good luck with that. :rolleyes:

Reggie Miller

Well-Known Member
Please show your math.
Including an explanation as to why you chose the numbers you chose.

Or, since I am fairly certain you have not done any of the math yourself, please link to where you got your numbers.

My link was included in my post.


It doesn't matter what the numbers are. Your theory of abiogenesis is more impossible than it would be to find a watch in the desert and assume it assembled itself by "chance."

Forgive me but I have to laugh at anyone who would think abiogenesis possible. It's quite a reach for a person who is willing to go that far to deny God's existence. :rolleyes:

Reggie Miller

Well-Known Member
Really -- and you consider this wisdom?

What do you suppose the "scientific odds that you would exist on this planet" in precisely the way you do at this moment? Hugely less than the odds you give for abiogenesis.

And yet, surprise, surprise -- here you are! o_O

The laughable attempts made to try to justify stuff you simply are incapable of grasping just floors me --- but I suppose it's easier than actually learning anything.

Okay. Let's see your theory of exactly how the first life form came to be.

It's okay, take your time. I'll wait.

Reggie Miller

Well-Known Member
One will know evolutionist, and I have forgotten his name said the odds are like a hurricane blowing through a junk yard and producing a Boeing 707.

Actually the odds are considerably more worse than that. I have read that the chances of abiogenesis happening on this planet in an optimum environment are 1(42 zeroes):1 against.

Wow. These diehard atheists have a great deal of faith indeed.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Okay. Let's see your theory of exactly how the first life form came to be.

It's okay, take your time. I'll wait.
Why? That has nothing whatever to do with the subject of evolution -- which it somehow seems impossible to get across to some posters on the forum.

Suppose I were to suggest that enough water, properly applied, could put out a fire? Would you demand I tell you the precise origin of fire before you would consider whether water would douse it? Same thing. Evolution is not abiogenesis, nor does it ever make any such claim.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
What people say is irrelevant. What they can prove is the only thing that matters, especially in science. Nothing in your last statement has any evidence suporting it, and evolutionist NEVER go back to the beginning----how did stars create themselves out of nothing?

Now go back to the beginning and explain, scientifically of course, how the thins you mentioned came into existence.

That is what Physics guesses what happened and it refutes what the Bible says---The Bible says God did , Physics says they did it themselves and that out of nothing. Physics didn't explain that paret did they?

I am never concerned about wild speculation. Maybe you should be concerned that my explanation is the right answer.

So, physics is bad, too? Because that is what it says, with the same strength biologists argue about evolution. So, I find it odd that you guys get so emotional about evolution when even basic physics destroys the plausibility of your biblical accounts. Which should not be surprising considering the expected knowledge of the authors of the bible.

So, what's next in the list of bad science? Shall we proceed with geology, or do you prefer neuroscience?

Your call.


- viole
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Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I will take your word for that, but it is irrelevant until you know the origin of oxygen and it is not from starts. God created the heavens before He created the stars. Our heavens contain oxygen. Oxygen cannot create itself. The oxygen created by stars, keeps the oxygen we need to maintain our life. Ain't God a wonderful Intelligent Designer to know how to do that. Do you really think our level of oxygen is an accident?

Oxygen is generated inside the core of huge stars, and it becomes available when they get supernova.

That's it. If you rationalize this to accomodate the bible, and your beliefs, I am happy for you.


- viole
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Veteran Member
Do you give that same ethe the evolutionist who go off subject or just to the creationists?
If they failed to make a serious attempt I would, which is the case here. No creationist has made any attempt to present a convincing case for creationism.* It's all been unsupported claims, trite remarks, off topic irrelevancies---usually in regard to evolution or its relation to abiogenesis---ongoing arguments over side topics, or posts wherein the poster just likes to hear himself talk. Thing is, I'm still waiting for some semblance of a convincing case.

Even your own case, which comes down to your opening and closing remarks, is no more than several unsupported claims and a request.

"A creation needs a Creator [Why?]

100's of processes that work the same way every time needs an Intelligent Designer. [Why?]

A system that works the same needs an Intelligent Designer. [Why?]

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." [Support the claim, and why would this "fact" demand creationism and rule out God's use of evolution?]

Make a case for evolution using proven science. [Irrelevant request, AND exactly what I said would be unacceptable]

* If I happen to have missed it please share.

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