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A Challenge To All Creationists


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Omega2xx said:
Evangelicalhumanist said:
Yuck, Pascal's Wager. It is a failure on so many levels, not least because it suffers from the fallacy of bifurcation – there are only 2 possibilities, when in fact, there are many more.
It is such a comfort to have someone in the forum, more intelligent that Pascal. Why don't you name 2 more possibilities.
Pascal makes the assumption that only 2 possibilities exist: that his (essentially Christian) God exists, along with heaven and hell as promise or threat in an afterlife, or that none of that is true. Are there other possibilities? Let's see:
  • Something exists that might be called "God," that started creation, but is not interested in what happened after, and what lives, dies and that's that. That is, no afterlife, no heaven, no hell.
  • Nothing exists that might be called "God," and there is nothing like an afterlife, hell or heaven.
  • Something like the Christian God exists that is defined as Christians like to, that is "IS LOVE," and there is an afterlife in which everybody (because "God is Love" participates -- i.e. there's no hell.
  • Something like the Roman gods exist, but only a few very, very important people ever undergo an apotheosis and become gods. Everybody else, after death, remain forever shades in Hades (which is not hell, and not punishing). That is, heaven is ONLY for gods, and you either are one, or the Roman Senate gets to proclaim you one (which, one supposes, the other gods are required to accept -- the way the Christian God is supposed to accept the Pope's recommendations for saints).
  • The world is full of spirits, and if you smoke enough peyote, you can go visit them -- and when you die, you will just be one of them.
I could go on for a long time, but it would do neither of us any good, since I already know what I think, and you are unlikely to consider anything outside of how you've been indoctrinated.
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Active Member
I have quit reading evo links. They NEVER provide any evidencne. Why don't you prove me wrong by cutting and pasting the evidence that link offered?

Are you still confused on the difference between abiogenesis and evolution? Ugh.

Miller Experiment
In 1953, Stanley Miller sought out to answer the question of the origins of life on Earth. In his experiment he used an apparatus with a flask filled with water and chemicals thought to exist on primitive Earth. What he found was these chemicals, under the right conditions, spontaneously formed organic molecules. This experiment suggests that organic molecules could have spontaneously formed on primitive Earth giving way to the first living things.

Some scientists do not think the conditions of the Miller experiment were accurate to those on primitive Earth, but subsequent experiments with altered atmospheres have shown similar results of the spontaneous generation of amino acids, lipids, and nucleotides."


Admiral Obvious
You have no whale experts. Their story should start with "once upon a time,": and end with "and they lived happily ever after."
Make up your mind already.
Geez, are you losing track of your lies?

IOW, your whale "experts can't scientifically exlaine whale evolution. Now tell me something I don't alread know.
you are wrong.
You already know that.
You just refuse to accept it.

Don't forget your mommie told you not to play in the street.
You even got that wrong.

Reggie Miller

Well-Known Member
Perhaps you got me confused with another member.
It is not "my" theory of abiogenesis.

It does matter, not only what the numbers are, but also how they were arrived at.
Your making the bold false claim it does not matter makes taking you seriously extremely difficult.

Again you must have me confused with another member.
I do not "deny" gods existence.
It would have to be shown that god exists before god could be denied.

Another point that makes it difficult to take you seriously.

No. You have to start with an assumption. You either assume God or a god created or you have to assume that one did not. You can't prove it one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
No. You have to start with an assumption. You either assume God or a god created or you have to assume that one did not. You can't prove it one way or the other.
If those two assumptions are required, as you say, then please explain to those watching at home why you would chose the greater unknown.

A god that can create Universes is, by definition, intricately more complex than the Universe that it can create. If you have a problem with the Universe being without cause, why are you not equally as critical of an even more complex entity existing without cause?

Also, if we are to admit, as you say, that you can't prove either position one way or another, why does it seem more logical to you to choose the option with the least amount of evidence supporting it?


Well-Known Member
There is no other known method for the synthesis of heavier elements. If you know of any, please produce such knowledge. (I will be patiently waiting.)

One serious problem evo have is that they never want to start in the beginning. My question was about origins, not what we know now. How did the heavier elements come into being?

Just a few posts ago you did not know where such elements originated - now you are apparently a critic of the physical processes behind their origin... It's amazing to watch you do this so consistently.

Evidently you have misread what I said. I KNOW the origin of the elements, you don't. There is no physical process for the origin of something to originate out of nothing. Physical processes also can't originate without an Intelligent Designer.

As soon as you view something as being contradictory to your preconceived conclusions, you reject it as being without merit and supported by "no evidence." You've yet to answer a single question that I've posed to you regarding what these factual observations mean - how or why they exist - and what conclusions you can draw from them. That's rather telling, don't you think?

You keep trying to change the subject. The subject I am trying to discuss is origins. How did matter originate? How did it come into existence?

Unless you are unable to read, they say everything about their origins.

You have not provided any evidence as to how matter came into existence. All you have done is parrot the usual unscientific evo rhetoric.

There is no evidence, anywhere, ever, that "Nothing" has ever been a state of existence. Incredible simplicity we can posit. Nothing, however, is current impossibility given what we know.

That's right but the other side of the coin is just as valid--there is no evidence, anywhere, that something has always existed. What we know currently is that now we have something. What we don't know is how it originate. We also know that there is no evidence to support that matter is eternal. That is the other possible answer, but it can't be proven and you are basing what you believe that matter has always existed.

Two of those three things, yes.

I assume you believe life has not always existed. Then explain how life originated from lifeless elements.

So far as we know, yes.
We are contained within the whole of this Universe. We have yet to discover anything but circumstantial evidence to suggest that there are other universes, parallel universes, etc. All of the matter and energy that we know to exist currently has always existed in one form or another, contained within this bubble that is at least 13.7 Billion years old.


OK you are saying matter and energy are eternal. Of course you have not proof to support that guess. You also have no evidence the universe is 13.7 years old. It is absurd to say
xx.7 for something that old. Everyone knows it is only 13.62 years old. Not only that you are unaware of the problems with the current dating methods. The only reliable one is carbon 14, and it is only very reliable for things less then 20,000 years old.

No, you do not.
Positing that a supreme being more complex than the whole of the Universe somehow exists without evidence is a huge stretch from making factual statements about our current knowledge of existence.

The problem is your current knowledge is not complete. You have no evidence matter and energy have always existed. You have no evidence the universe never had nothing. You accept the premises by faint a lone, just I accept what I believe by faith alone. The difference is I admit it, you don't.

Like with most of your questions, because there is no evidence to suggest such a thing.

Fine. Use the same criteria for what you beleive.

Current trajectories of Spatial objects are stable and predictable. They can be tracked, forward and in reverse. Reversing all of the known and measured objects brings us to a point in space and time when the whole of this Universe was crammed into a single place...

What conclusion can you draw from those observations?

I conclude that what we know now, does not answer the question of origins. If you insiit matter and energy has alwlays existed,k there is not need to continue thisw discussion, unless you can prove it.

The Universe has not always existed. We can fairly accurately date it via the processes that you've been made aware of over the past couple of days. But the matter and energy that exist within this Universe must have always existed, so far as we know.
If the universe has not always existed, then matter and energy have not always existed. Sdo how did matter and energy come into exostence.

Again, if you feel differently, please explain why. Do you have any evidence at all to support your current position?

I have the same evidence for "God did it" as you have for "there is no God."

Also, perfect order is a red herring. It's a subjective quality applied by theists to support their mythology. As with most things, there's nothing to compare it against. There's no metric or standard that you can use to support the claim of perfect order. Anything that "works" is going to give an illusion of design.

Then tell me what in science does not work perfectly all the time.

Which came first, the creek or the creek bed? Both answers will present your position with a problem.

Not at all. Which came first is irrelevant. How they got here is wht is important.

Every single thing that I've posted to you is supported by factual evidentiary observation and can be witnessed daily, if you so choose to take the time.

Wonderful, How can I observe the BB and the origin of life from lifeless elements. The truth is you have only offered evidence for what we currently know. Not one bit about the origins of anything. Saying it has always existed in some form is an opinion, with no evidence. In fact you even contradicted yourself. You originally said it has alwasy existed in soem form, then late it has not always existed.

Nothing that you have posited can share such a claim.

And nothing you posted had any scientific evidence to support it.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Don't you realize the oxymoron above?

BTW, when dealing with what might have started our universe, you might be surprised that cosmology might just have something to offer about that.

The only think cosmology can offer is unprovable wild guesses. However feel free to post what they say.


Well-Known Member



Let me translate that for you: God is good, and not belieing in Him is bad.

In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't. Blaise Pascal.


Well-Known Member
Empty claim used as an excuse, nothing more.


You are taking a sampling of observations and making claims regrading things not observed based on what you have observed. We can not observe every creature reproducing at all times everywhere. This you are making an inductive conclusion, nothing more.

I am no taking a sample. I am looking at what as been observed since Adam and an A has NEVER produce a B. If you understood genetics, you would understand why.

No as evolution accepts species reproduce. All you have done is confirm a part of evolution but since you lack knowledge of evolution itself you make an error in thinking this overturns evolution, it doesn't.

Of course it accepts the obvious, but it also insists that some reproduction results in a change of species. In spite of the FACT, it has never been observed.


Well-Known Member
Are you still confused on the difference between abiogenesis and evolution? Ugh.

I have NEVER been confused about those terms. UGH, UGH

Miller Experiment
In 1953, Stanley Miller sought out to answer the question of the origins of life on Earth. In his experiment he used an apparatus with a flask filled with water and chemicals thought to exist on primitive Earth. What he found was these chemicals, under the right conditions, spontaneously formed organic molecules. This experiment suggests that organic molecules could have spontaneously formed on primitive Earth giving way to the first living things.

Some scientists do not think the conditions of the Miller experiment were accurate to those on primitive Earth, but subsequent experiments with altered atmospheres have shown similar results of the spontaneous generation of amino acids, lipids, and nucleotides."

There is no evidence to support the conditions were not the same as when Adam lived. That is just an excuse for the failure of the the experiment. Not only that, Miller got to start with the elements already in existence and some very elaborate equipment and still could not produce life. Does that not make you wonder about how life originated and that out of lifeless elements? If it doesn't, it certainly should.

In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't. Blaise Pascal.


Well-Known Member
Pascal makes the assumption that only 2 possibilities exist: that his (essentially Christian) God exists, along with heaven and hell as promise or threat in an afterlife, or that none of that is true. Are there other possibilities? Let's see:
  • Something exists that might be called "God," that started creation, but is not interested in what happened after, and what lives, dies and that's that. That is, no afterlife, no heaven, no hell.
  • Nothing exists that might be called "God," and there is nothing like an afterlife, hell or heaven.
  • Something like the Christian God exists that is defined as Christians like to, that is "IS LOVE," and there is an afterlife in which everybody (because "God is Love" participates -- i.e. there's no hell.
  • Something like the Roman gods exist, but only a few very, very important people ever undergo an apotheosis and become gods. Everybody else, after death, remain forever shades in Hades (which is not hell, and not punishing). That is, heaven is ONLY for gods, and you either are one, or the Roman Senate gets to proclaim you one (which, one supposes, the other gods are required to accept -- the way the Christian God is supposed to accept the Pope's recommendations for saints).
  • The world is full of spirits, and if you smoke enough peyote, you can go visit them -- and when you die, you will just be one of them.
I could go on for a long time, but it would do neither of us any good, since I already know what I think, and you are unlikely to consider anything outside of how you've been indoctrinated.

You are right about what you just posted but you completely misunderstand what Pascal is saying.

He is simply saying if God does exist, what we believe is important and we can bet our life on what He says. If He does not exist, what either of us believe is not important.

In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't. Blaise Pascal.


Well-Known Member
Make up your mind already.
Geez, are you losing track of your lies?

you are wrong.
You already know that.
You just refuse to accept it.

You even got that wrong.

Look up sarcasm. If you understand the definition, it might help you understand what you considered a contradiction.

In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't. Blaise Pascal.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The only think cosmology can offer is unprovable wild guesses. However feel free to post what they say.
OK: "infinity". And it works out mathematically as well since it is sometimes used in equations dealing with other matters. If it wasn't a viable possibility, it shouldn't work out as it has. Do cosmologists know that this explains our universe? No-- it's only a viable and fairly logical hypothesis.


Well-Known Member
How did the heavier elements come into being?
If I write it out again, it will be the third time that I have done so. Others have briefly touched on the same topic with you as well. We know the process by which heavier elements are synthesized - how the originate, as you like to put it. If you continue to question how they came into being, it's only through willful ignorance.

Evidently you have misread what I said. I KNOW the origin of the elements, you don't. There is no physical process for the origin of something to originate out of nothing. Physical processes also can't originate without an Intelligent Designer.

Your claim that a vastly more complex being than the Universe created the Universe, and all of the elements within it, faces a much bigger logical hurdle than does the factually observed process by which chemical elements are "created" naturally.

You cannot keep making the claim that something arose out of nothing when you have not established nothing as a state of being. There is no evidence, anywhere is cosmology, that Nothing exists.

You're stuck on the same Metaphysical roadblock that hindered philosophers for hundreds of years before you. So I understand your personal confusion. But it's a roadblock that was cleared, similarly a few hundred years ago.

If you would put as much time into research and study as you put into being ostensibly obtuse, you could start making progress.

You keep trying to change the subject. The subject I am trying to discuss is origins. How did matter originate? How did it come into existence?
How did the original mass that became the Universe get there?
I don't know.

Where was "there"?
I don't know.

The Universe is expanding. What is it expanding into?
I don't know.

Is our Universe the only one? If there are multiples, doe they all have the same rules? If the moon was made of cheese, would you eat it?
I don't know.
I don't know.

Again, the more complex versions of matter, namely the heavier elements and their subsequent interactions with one another, we know. We know their origin. We know their interactions. We know almost everything about them.

The only thing required for the Universe to exist as you see it today is a huge helping of Hydrogen and Helium atoms, and perhaps a touch of Lithium, which were themselves synthesized during the collapse and subsequent expansion of the BB.

This is how we came into existence.
Anything... And I mean anything... that occurred prior to the formation of our Universe is an unknowable thing, admittedly. It could just as easily be a continuation of an endless cycle of Universes as it could be a snot goblet on the nose of a Cosmic Pink Unicorn. One of those two things, however, is more likely than the other. Your claim that it absolutely, definitely, positively, without-a-doubt must be the work of an intelligent designer (Named Yahweh) who was part of the ancient Jewish pantheon of gods and through a series of unlikely and impossible events raised a virgin child into adulthood so that he could serve as a blood sacrifice for the sins of a flawed humanity which he created is, like the Cosmic Pink Unicorn, absurd.

That's right but the other side of the coin is just as valid--there is no evidence, anywhere, that something has always existed. What we know currently is that now we have something. What we don't know is how it originate. We also know that there is no evidence to support that matter is eternal. That is the other possible answer, but it can't be proven and you are basing what you believe that matter has always existed.
Teachable moment!

Of the two assumptions that you're using, only one of them makes any sense.

Given that there is something in existence. And given that something requires something else in order to exist, there is no possible way in which a rational person concludes that Nothing preceded something. You are stuck, I will reiterate, on an ancient Greek philosophical problem called "ex nihilo nihil fit". Nothing comes from nothing. And you, like the great Greek minds, are right! But you're not leaving it behind and moving forward into current scientific understanding. Jump the hurdle, man.

The Law of Conservation of Energy both supports my position and simultaneously discredits yours.


We are here. Therefore, there was stuff before.

I assume you believe life has not always existed. Then explain how life originated from lifeless elements.
Tell me your definition and requirement of life and I will be happy to.
What is considered to be the earliest form of life is something that blurs the line between abiotic and biotic processes.

OK you are saying matter and energy are eternal. Of course you have not proof to support that guess. You also have no evidence the universe is 13.7 years old. It is absurd to say
xx.7 for something that old. Everyone knows it is only 13.62 years old. Not only that you are unaware of the problems with the current dating methods. The only reliable one is carbon 14, and it is only very reliable for things less then 20,000 years old.
As for the first half of this post, please refer to my previous response.

As for the second half...No sir.

We do not use geologic dating methods to date the Cosmos. That would be fruitless. It's like trying to use a 1900s sports almanac to study the cultural evolution of sport in antiquity. What can the 1937 Yankees tell us about tribal gatherings that used physical competition in lieu all-out warfare? There may be some crossover and similarities, but very little.

Remember a few posts ago when I cited Galaxial Red Shift as one of the evidences for the Big Bang Theory, which you stated had no supporting evidence? That same exact same science (Red Shift) can be used to date local stars, star clusters, distant galaxies, and anything else that emits light out there in the darkness. Think of it like the doppler effect, only in Space.

If you accept that your eyes can see light in the visible spectrum, then you accept the science behind Red Shift.

Using the speed of light as a standard, and a few other complicated concepts in physics, we can not only determine how fast something is moving away from us but how far away it is and how long it must have been in existence. By looking deeper and deeper into the Cosmos, we keep finding older and older things. A fully formed, yet more primitive Galaxy, for example, is a clear indication that not only was its formation occurring during a simpler period of Cosmological history, but we can also determine when it occurred, specifically. Putting all of that information together helps us age the Universe.

The light that you are seeing right now from the Sun is about 8 minutes old. The light (reflection) from the Moon at night is about 3 seconds old. The light from the closest star that you can see is about 4 years old. If it exploded today, we wouldn't know it for another 4 years... See how this works? The light from the most distant objects that we can observe is roughly 13.7 billion years old.... There's a whole other set of data out beyond the visible spectrum, but I'll save that conversation for another set of questions.

The science that allows you to see the words on this page is the same science that we use to calculate the age of the Universe.

The problem is your current knowledge is not complete. You have no evidence matter and energy have always existed. You have no evidence the universe never had nothing. You accept the premises by faint a lone, just I accept what I believe by faith alone. The difference is I admit it, you don't.



I conclude that what we know now, does not answer the question of origins. If you insiit matter and energy has alwlays existed,k there is not need to continue thisw discussion, unless you can prove it.

I have, multiple times, using modern observations, scientific law, personal explanations, cited sources, and various other forms of supporting materials. At some point, you're going to have to face the fact that you need to rethink your position here - or, at the very least, educate yourself more on the topics that you find so challenging to your position so that you can discuss them more productively.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
How can ycreate matter? Where did this cloud of hydrogen originate?

The clouds? From the slight inhomogeneity in the background cosmic radiation.

I am glad you admitted that is something you think.

Obviously. i am not in the business of writing things without thinking about them.

You must have been reading the books on cosmology to think up stuff like that. Once upon a time....and they live happily ever after.

I am not in the business of fairy tales about living happily ever after, either. ;)


- viole


Veteran Member
I am no taking a sample. I am looking at what as been observed since Adam and an A has NEVER produce a B. If you understood genetics, you would understand why.

Adam has never been observed nor is an idea of science but of religion. You can not observe every time a form of life reproduces so you are still using a sampling of things you observe to make a claim about things you have not observed. Besides specialization has been demonstrated so a to b does happen.

Of course it accepts the obvious, but it also insists that some reproduction results in a change of species. In spite of the FACT, it has never been observed.

Specialization has been observed in flies and flowers just from what I remember learning in biology class.


Active Member
I have NEVER been confused about those terms. UGH, UGH


There is no evidence to support the conditions were not the same as when Adam lived. That is just an excuse for the failure of the the experiment. Not only that, Miller got to start with the elements already in existence and some very elaborate equipment and still could not produce life. Does that not make you wonder about how life originated and that out of lifeless elements? If it doesn't, it certainly should.

In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't. Blaise Pascal.

I see no reason to continue this coversation if you insist on being so ridiculously close-minded, and frankly, ignorant. Failure? Seriously? e opened up a brand new world of scientific discovery. I could hardly call that a failure.

Oh geez, I used to think the faith argument was the biggest cop-out ever. But now that has met its match. "Who's to say that wasn't what happened in Genesis?" Are you serious? I made no arguments even talking about that. I suppose that's just the endless compatibility of religion. If they get debated into a corner, they just adapt with science, despite believing or all this time and accepting the "faith trumps" ideal.

What's the problem with that? No one said that those elements didn't exist. Obviously they had to exist. The point is, life was created out of non-organics.

If you're not too lazy or close-minded, I will direct you to this link:


Faith also has the power to lower brain function, apparently. I love how God loves to waste our time.


Admiral Obvious
No. You have to start with an assumption. You either assume God or a god created or you have to assume that one did not. You can't prove it one way or the other.
So you have no math to show?
No worries.
I knew it was nothing more than a big steaming pile of bull.... wishful thinking on your part.


Well-Known Member
OK: "infinity". And it works out mathematically as well since it is sometimes used in equations dealing with other matters. If it wasn't a viable possibility, it shouldn't work out as it has. Do cosmologists know that this explains our universe? No-- it's only a viable and fairly logical hypothesis.

What other matters? Since infinity has not numerical value, no formula using it can be reliable.

It is an hypothesis but it is neither viable nor fairly logical. They really don't use any proven data in their wild guesses.