The two elements - two aspects that are present throughout all existance everywhere without exception - are the forces we call ENERGY - and MIND... No matter what phenomena of creation, what aspect of existance we look at - they will ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION, contain and require BOTH of these aspects....
EVERYTHING in the material existance is made up of ENERGY - and without exception, it requires a MIND to realise that very existance
This is a point that I see creationists trying to make now. It must be the new "IT" argument for your group.
But it's beyond stupid...
Unless you believe that things do not exist until you become aware of them, then you're whole argument in nonsensical. There is absolutely no requirement of "mind" in order for things to exist. Have you ever known someone who died? Did anything at all in the world change after they croaked, other than your feelings? Of all the countless billions of people who died before you were born, what impact did their lives have on the Universe? Did things suddenly stop existing just because Martha got the consumption back in 1794 and coughed up one last blood bubble before drifting off into the long nap? When you die, will the Universe suddenly cease to be?
Do you not see how those questions are a bit ridiculous? The only aspect that "mind" plays in the nature of reality is how you perceive it. Existence went along just fine before you were able to perceive it and will continue to do so long after you are gone. The same is true of all humanity. We make no impact whatsoever on the nature of existence.
We are all fallen angels having to exist as mortals for stabbing our creator GOD in the back.
The entire universe is an illusion in an ocean of sin (darkness - dark matter).
That's a worldview. He asked for evidence.
We are here and we didn't do it, couldn't do it and don't know how to do it. Someone else must a done it. Else we're just a whole lot dummer than nothing.
Using that argument, the explanation could just as easily be the Magic Pink Unicorn, right? Maybe it was Nanabozho, the Great Rabbit? Maybe it happened when Borr slayed the primeval giant Ymir? Ranguini, the Sky Father? Was it Mbombo's space vomit, which created the world when he got a stomach ache?
Every effect has a cause. Automobiles, houses, computers, and wooden spoons do not occur without an intelligent maker. How much less logical to assume DNA, molecular machines, and other brilliant "products" are not the result of a superior Intellect and a Designer and Fabricator brilliant beyond measure.
False dichotomy.
You can't use example of things that are known creations and equate them to things that are known natural processes...
Using your same example, absolutely anything that functions can be argued to have an intelligent designer, can't it? If you're correct, where did the ditch in my backyard come from? It seems perfectly crafted for water flow, there are stones in the ditch that are aligned in just the right way to allow seasonal waters to pass over them smoothly. A few species of fern have popped up on the banks of my ditch, almost as if they were put there miraculously. I certainly didn't plant them. How could they have gotten there?? Ferns, mind you, require running water to reproduce. So even the local environment has been changed in a complex way by this wonder of intelligent design... How could something so intricate and complex have a natural explanation? It must be an invisible magic man in the clouds, right!?! An intelligent designer of some type, in his omniscience, delicately and intricately digging his finger into my backyard to make a place for future water to flow? That must be the only explanation!
But no...
During a heavy rain period a few years ago, a hill side washed out, redirecting water flow to a new part of the property. Ever since then, a seasonal creekbed has been forming before my very eyes. It's taken a while, but every year there's something new - something more refined about the ditch that has become a nice little place to sit in the Summer. What once was just silty water and mud slush has turned into a clear little stream. Bigger rocks have been pushed downstream, leaving smaller pebbles that the kids like to pick up and throw into deeper spots. What bigger rocks do remain, those same kids use to build dams. There's an elegance and illusion of design to the whole thing - but there was certainly no designer involved in it's creation, was there?
Second point - there is absolutely no way that life just spontaneously started all by its self and we have ALREADY PROVED THIS FALSE !!!
Please, show me the articles you've read which have "ALREADY PROVED THIS FALSE!!!"
Hmm - fossilisation - does NOT even take that long to occur at all - and can occur in just a matter of mere DECADES...I forget the details just now - will check if you insist - but I remember a modern story of a scientific explorer, who lost a hat of all things and only like thirty or so years later, went back to the same place and found his hat again, only now it was fully fossilised, thus proving beyond doubt that millions of years need not even apply at all...
Complete bologna.
There are a few chemical processes that will hasten a faux fossilization process, sure. But they don't result in the same type of fossil that you find buried under 65 millions years worth of geologic deposits. I'd challenge you to cite the evidence of your fossilized hat claim. I'd imagine it's all over creationist websites - it would be like them to try and pass off the misunderstanding of a scientific process as evidence of their mythology.
Creationism requires faith since we were not there when it happened.
Evolution, i.e. abiogenesis also requires a great deal of faith considering that no one would have been there to have seen it.
The question is, Who do you put your faith in? God's witnesses or scientists who tell you there is no God who created?
You weren't there when you were conceived either, but I'm going to guess that you trust in the logic that supports your faith in your own conception, right?
If you want to get right down to it, all knowledge requires a few assumptions and a bit of faith. The difference is knowing what you've based that faith on. There are standard, consistent, repeatable, testable, and knowable processes that lend credence to my faith in gravity, for example. I don't really doubt that one day the natural process of keeping things held together in the Solar System will just suddenly stop being...
God, on the other hand, is a cultural creation, shifting qualities, characteristics, and living space depending on the culture that created him. You, of course, believe that
your god is the only god and that
your god created everything. But you've no evidence for this at all, other than your strong feelings that it's true... I challenge you to show me how I'm wrong.
I could just as easily argue that life was created by Nanabozho, the Great Rabbit god. You can't prove to me that it didn't happen, can you? The only thing I would have going for me was my deep faith in Nanabozho, but that's no different than you claiming that Yahweh is the creator of everything that we see and that we should put our faith in him...
How are your claims about Yahweh and my claims about Nanabozho any different?
Also, there were no witnesses to god's creation, as you put it. If there were, where did they come from? Why did god have to create anything, if witnesses already existed? Not a single writer of Genesis existed when the world was supposedly created. Why aren't you as harsh on their telling of events as you seem to be on the telling of events as determined by geologists, paleontologists, biologists, archaeolgists, etc?