Hi Folks..
You don't like that I called you on it, do you?
Ah lets just get this part put to bed as they say - its not that above mate and I tell you straight I do nothing Im ashamed of and would speak of it more openly - but my hands are tied as I said elsewhere..SO - I read what you say - and I tell you blatantly - HOW CONVENIANT
you may have tried it a few times mate - but no - you are not a stoner at all - if you were then you wouldnt use such disparagng labels as "druggies" - and neither would you continue to use a substance that you think is making you "deluded" - and neither would you identify your primary self with a "brain" or body at all lol - so no mate - pull the other one - if you are a stoner then Im Santa Clause mate - which one is fable..?..lol..I will stand by my earlier statements and just tell you still - you dont REALLY know what you are talking about - do you..?..
But look - as said - its not a cop out - Im rather enjoying the discussion actually - but simply, we are not allowed to discuss it - you may slag me off all you like call me all manner of names for my lifestyle, make all manner of assumptions about it as you already have and use uit to discredit me all you like - I though, am not allowed to utter more than a few words to defend myself here...So be it - I agree by forum rules..I wish I COULD have a full on debate with you about hash, but alas, rules ARE rules - so please just drop it for the sake of the thread...It IS irrelevant....
Back to the important stuff then..??....The hat - you try to make it all important but realise its only ONE example among many others...And YES the hat is at the start of the process - all sources agree eventually it will be fully fossilied - WOULD have become that except now its been removed and so the process interrupted - which leads to the important point you fail to tackle - in that YES the maths IS CORRECT and the logic too....Look - IF that process remains CONSTANT and UNCHANGED then indeed if the hat is 1% per 50 years fossilised, for the sake of debate - then for sure and absolutely the hat will be FULLY fossilised in just 5000 years - and so ONLY IF THE RATE IS CONSTANT - CAN THE MEASUREMENT BE ACCURATE !!! And so I tell you again - we have NEVER had those constant conditions and so the measurements of time are a GUESS...
The hat is but one example offered that shows that yes indeed - they ARE GUESSING - as look - take a fossil - date ONE part get one result - date ANOTHER part get an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT RESULT, and often MILLIONS of years different...lol.....Now - EXPLAIN THAT..??...WHY this huge huge discrepancy in the SAME FOSSIL..???....Shows us undeniably they do NOT KNOW FOR SURE the things they purport to be "fact" - they ARE guessing my friend
If those things did not exist prior to a mind being able to perceive them, how did the mind come to be? If they existed prior to perception, then your premise is wrong. You have no way around this.
The Mind is SELF CONCEIVING - the ORIGIN of its own nature - the "ground of all being" - literally so - NOTHING can preceed it - obviously - as it is the FACULTY to PERCEIVE and EXPERIENCE EXISTANCE itself
lol - this IS a recording...........lol
And to just make sure we're clear, as you've stated, I'm not talking about your mind, or my mind. I'm talking about any mind.
Good good - very glad it sank in deep enough - now remember it as its about to become crucial here..
But there are factual reverberations of air and energy without the mind, are there not?
NO - NOT if we remove the ENTIRE MIND from the ENTIRE CREATION - this is what YOU fail to see - despite you claim otherwise you just dont grasp the implication here and the logic of it escapes you fully - without this PRIMAL mind to CAUSE the creation - there is NO CREATION at all - ALL EXISTANCE REQUIRES A MIND TO PERCEIVE KNOW AND EXPERIENCE THAT VERY EXISTANCE
Now as I hinted at before - and as others have picked up on and elaborated further - the FOUNDATION to our material worlds are ABSTRACT - yes..???.....They are all founded on a set of "nartural laws" yes..?...gravity - thermodynamics - conservation of energy etc etc ...BOTH classical physics AND the newly understood quantum principles too, yes..??......Not even "simple" rules - but actually supra complex logical "hard and fast set in stone" LAWS that govern the unfolding universe - yes..?..SO complex actually that even after decades of our best MINDS trying to sort it out, still we just scratch the surface, and so comlex that it requires the PURE LOGIC of mathematics and ONLY manthmatics can be used to describe these ABSTRACT interactions of an ABSTRACT "energetic force"...yes ??... SO comoplex that if ANY of these so called laws are alterded even one tin y tiny percentile amnount, then the entire "creation" would simply FAIL - yes..???......
These natural laws are CRUCIAL - and are seen to PRE EXIST any and all "energetic interaction" as indeed they CAUSE and GOVERN such interaction directly and UNIVERSALLY...The are indeed "set in stone" - unbreakable - except NO - they do NOT ACTUALLY EXIST in or by themselves - nothing PHYSICAL about any of ithis - like the foundational "energy" of all material forms itself - it is ENTIRELY ABSTRACT - IMAGINERY - purely the domain of a Sentient MIND