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A Challenge To All Creationists


Well-Known Member
I have several times.

No you haven't

OK, now give the rules for determining which statement are logical and which ar not.

]That was answered. Now you are telling me that you didn't like the answer. That's too bad... why won't you give the reason for leaving your homeworld?

You have not answered my question and I did answer yours.

Can't keep what you don't have and "did not".

The nature of incoherence is that explaining why it's incoherent often requires that it be coherent to explain.

Have a nice day.


Veteran Member

Just knocking down your false dilemma

'Some will take me seriously, some will not. I do not expect all to take me seriously. FYI, I don't take what you say seriously.

Irreverent as the key parameter is that I provide evidence for me view while you seem to be making it up as you go. That is key criteria I put forward on why someone should or should not be taken seriously. You have merely parroted my response back without justification thus your point is arbitrary.

No, you poinTed out your OPINION.

No. You asked for evidence of subduction, I provided one. You asked for evidence of continental shift, I provided a source.


Well-Known Member
Just knocking down your false dilemma

Your opinion is noted and rejected.

Irreverent as the key parameter is that I provide evidence for me view while you seem to be making it up as you go. That is key criteria I put forward on why someone should or should not be taken seriously. You have merely parroted my response back without justification thus your point is arbitrary.

Let re rephrase--You provided what you considered evidence.

No. You asked for evidence of subduction, I provided one. You asked for evidence of continental shift, I provided a source.

I have no ask or evidence of continental shift. I accept that a true.


Veteran Member
Your opinion is noted and rejected.

You lack of education in logic is noted. You asked for the evidence used to develop a model. I provided it. It is not my opinion. You would know this if you had an education in the topics you discuss. Sadly you do not.

Let re rephrase--You provided what you considered evidence.

No I provided evidence which is the basis of the model. A model which is taught at every major school on the planet that has a geology department.

I have no ask or evidence of continental shift. I accept that a true.

You asked for the evidence for the modern model for Pangaea which includes continental drift (I said shift which is a mistake on my part)

You have a model of continental shift that is not the modern model so you do reject it. Again you are being sloppy in your language by equivocating between the model I am talking about, the one that is accepted with science with your model which has been refuted since the 60s. Worse off I have already told this yet you are oblivious....
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Well-Known Member
You lack of education in logic is noted. You asked for the evidence used to develop a model. I provided it. It is not my opinion. You would know this if you had an education in the topics you discuss. Sadly you do not.

I said I would accept what ever you wanted. Is English your first language?

No I provided evidence which is the basis of the model. A model which is taught at every major school on the planet that has a geology department.

Wonderful, get on with it. Why is what you believe logical and what I believe not? Nothing you have said is logical to me.

You asked for the evidence for the modern model for Pangaea which includes continental drift (I said shift which is a mistake on my part)

You have a model of continental shift that is not the modern model so you do reject it. Again you are being sloppy in your language by equivocating between the model I am talking about, the one that is accepted with science with your model which has been refuted since the 60s. Worse off I have already told this yet you are oblivious....

I don't have a model. You have beat around he bush long enough.

I believe it is more logical that a creation needs a Creator.

Is that logical or not, and why not if not?


Veteran Member
I said I would accept what ever you wanted. Is English your first language?

Learn some reading comprehension. I was clarifying that what I provided was not my opinion but the evidence used to create the model. My opinion, as a nonexpert, would be that the modern model works better than your model. Get it?

Wonderful, get on with it.

Go back and read the previous posts then....

Why is what you believe logical and what I believe not?

Since you are making assertions as the basis of what you believe with no evidence while I have at least a evidence behind the model I am talking about (modern model)

Nothing you have said is logical to me.

Those that do not know logic wont understand it.

I don't have a model. You have beat around he bush long enough.

Hilarious. You do not even know the expanding earth model was actually an idea developed by geologists. Another demonstration that you have no idea what you are talking about. That is your model, look it up. Read your own comments as you laid out a model....

I believe it is more logical that a creation needs a Creator.

Tautology. Show what you think is a creation is in fact one

Is that logical or not, and why not if not?

Look up tautology.....


Well-Known Member
Learn some reading comprehension. I was clarifying that what I provided was not my opinion but the evidence used to create the model. My opinion, as a nonexpert, would be that the modern model works better than your model. Get it?

Go back and read the previous posts then....

Since you are making assertions as the basis of what you believe with no evidence while I have at least a evidence behind the model I am talking about (modern model)

Those that do not know logic wont understand it.

Hilarious. You do not even know the expanding earth model was actually an idea developed by geologists. Another demonstration that you have no idea what you are talking about. That is your model, look it up. Read your own comments as you laid out a model....

Tautology. Show what you think is a creation is in fact one

Look up tautology.....

I am tired of you beating around the . If you want to discuss something specific, be specific. Otherwise, have a nice day.


Veteran Member
I am tired of you beating around the . If you want to discuss something specific, be specific. Otherwise, have a nice day.

Hilarious. You make assertion after assertion but it's me beating around the bush.... Beside I have been specific as we are talking about the modern model of plate tectonics vs your model.


The Lost One
I don't have a model. You have beat around he bush long enough.

I believe it is more logical that a creation needs a Creator.

Is that logical or not, and why not if not?
Of course you have a model.

A model that's based on typical Christian creationism that largely and literally interprets its main source - the bible.

And when your bible doesn't contain information that science does have, as a typical creationist like yourself, you would fill in the blanks with some apologetic pseudoscience and fallacious claims. These claims that typical creationists often make, have no scientific basis, with no scientific evidences.

And I have been reading the exchanges between you and Shad, in have these claims that you have made, and Shad would counter your claims with either sources or evidences, which you would either responds by back-pedalling or moving the goalpost, or by making some more unverifiable and unscientific claims.

What I find ironic is that you accuse Shad about "beating around the bush", but it is actually "you" who have been beating around the bush.


Well-Known Member
Hilarious. You make assertion after assertion but it's me beating around the bush.... Beside I have been specific as we are talking about the modern model of plate tectonics vs your model.

I have not denied plate tectonics, but they have nothing to do with evolution vs creation. Plate tectonics have been proven, nothing in the TOE has been.


Well-Known Member
Of course you have a model.

A model that's based on typical Christian creationism that largely and literally interprets its main source - the bible.

I accept the Bible model, It is not mine. "God did" it is the most logical explanation for the origin of mtter, energy and live.

And when your bible doesn't contain information that science does have, as a typical creationist like yourself, you would fill in the blanks with some apologetic pseudoscience and fallacious claims. These claims that typical creationists often make, have no scientific basis, with no scientific evidences.

When discussion evolution, the only Bible I quote is "after there kind." That is because it has been proven since plants and animals and humans came into existence. As a rule, I usually even try to omit that in such a discussion.

And I have been reading the exchanges between you and Shad, in have these claims that you have made, and Shad would counter your claims with either sources or evidences, which you would either responds by back-pedalling or moving the goalpost, or by making some more unverifiable and unscientific claims.

Neither Shad nor his links have ever presented any evidence. I challenge you to read his links and cut an paste the evidence the link provided. I doubt if you are willing to do that, but that is the only way you can prove me wrong. You are welcome to use any link you like. Just cut and paste the evidence they provide.

What I find ironic is that you accuse Shad about "beating around the bush", but it is actually "you" who have been beating around the bush.

Until he presents some evidence that can be verified, he is beating around the bush.


What I find ironic is that you accuse Shad about "beating around the bush", but it is actually "you" who have been beating around the bush.
It is because everything we say applies to ourselves, without exception.
What we say to one another reveals to others who we are if we have the eyes and ears to see and hear.


Veteran Member
I have not denied plate tectonics,

Yes you have as plate tectonics was a competing hypothesis to your expanding earth hypothesis. The former was accept and the later rejected. Since you believe plate tectonics includes an expanding earth model you are only mimicking the name of the model, nothing more.

but they have nothing to do with evolution vs creation.

The expanding earth model is now used by literalist like yourself as per your example of Noah followed by the very expanding earth model to support your point. You seem to think that I am oblivious to the common arguments used by creationists like yourself. You are repeating an claim you were taught and learn, you never deployed this idea yourself. So it applies to the form of Biblical creation you follow.

News flash..... I was taught the same thing for years.....

Plate tectonics have been proven, nothing in the TOE has been.

Wrong against as there is evidence in the form speciation from multiple observations and experiments. There are genetic and fossil links between species and genus. While you have no example of an animal spontaneously popping into existence as is. After all that is the basic for the claim. Things pop into existence fully formed. Horses *puffed* into existence by God magic, nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Yes you have as plate tectonics was a competing hypothesis to your expanding earth hypothesis. The former was accept and the later rejected. Since you believe plate tectonics includes an expanding earth model you are only mimicking the name of the model, nothing more.

The expanding earth model is now used by literalist like yourself as per your example of Noah followed by the very expanding earth model to support your point. You seem to think that I am oblivious to the common arguments used by creationists like yourself. You are repeating an claim you were taught and learn, you never deployed this idea yourself. So it applies to the form of Biblical creation you follow.

News flash..... I was taught the same thing for years.....

News flash.....Plate tectonics do not indicate the flood did not happen.

Wrong against as there is evidence in the form speciation from multiple observations and experiments. There are genetic and fossil links between species and genus. While you have no example of an animal spontaneously popping into existence as is. After all that is the basic for the claim. Things pop into existence fully formed. Horses *puffed* into existence by God magic, nothing more.

in speciation the species don't become a new species. There are no fossil links between species and genus. In fact a genus includes more than one species. What was horse before it was a horse and what did it become after it was not a horse and what was the scientific mechanism that allowed that to happen?


Veteran Member
News flash.....Plate tectonics do not indicate the flood did not happen.

Irrelevant as my point was not on the flood but the model you used to support your flood claim. It is that model which is rejected by plate tectonics including the mechanism behind it. So you still reject plate tectonics

in speciation the species don't become a new species.

That is the definition of the term. Get a dictionary..... better yet get a biology book. You have less knowledge regarding speciation than a grade 10 student in Canada. Impressive.

There are no fossil links between species and genus.

Yes there is, bears are primary example.....

In fact a genus includes more than one species.

Duh I know what genus means. I was pointing out the relationship between species within a genus.... genius.....

What was horse before it was a horse and what did it become after it was not a horse and what was the scientific mechanism that allowed that to happen?

Look up the theory of evolution or take a biology class to get your answers. Here is a hint, natural selection, mutations ..... I know education yourself must be hard but there are whole departments in institutions called schools and universities that provide an education on these subjects.. Have you heard of schools? There are things called books. Perhaps you can buy a book about evolution and read it rather than use it for a coffee coaster...

If you express that you are too lazy and motivated to be an adult and education yourself do not expect me to treat you like a functional adult.


Well-Known Member
Irrelevant as my point was not on the flood but the model you used to support your flood claim. It is that model which is rejected by plate tectonics including the mechanism behind it. So you still reject plate tectonics

That is the definition of the term. Get a dictionary..... better yet get a biology book. You have less knowledge regarding speciation than a grade 10 student in Canada. Impressive.

Yes there is, bears are primary example.....

Duh I know what genus means. I was pointing out the relationship between species within a genus.... genius.....

Look up the theory of evolution or take a biology class to get your answers. Here is a hint, natural selection, mutations ..... I know education yourself must be hard but there are whole departments in institutions called schools and universities that provide an education on these subjects.. Have you heard of schools? There are things called books. Perhaps you can buy a book about evolution and read it rather than use it for a coffee coaster...

If you express that you are too lazy and motivated to be an adult and education yourself do not expect me to treat you like a functional adult.

If all you can do is insult me, go back the third grade playground. I don't have to put up with you snotty remarks. Evidently you do not have the intellect to defend your position so you have to resort to insulting remarks.


Veteran Member
If all you can do is insult me, go back the third grade playground.

I made a remark regarding how lazy you are considering there are already multiple posts in this very thread explaining evolution far better than I ever could, containing links for sources you can read and institutions you can query. The information is literially at your figure tips but you have no motivation to educate yourself at all. You have ignored all these sources instead you want me personal to teach you a subject taught in grade school.... I am not your teacher so do not demand that I have to teach you anything.

You confuse an evaluation of your lack of motivation, among other things, as a insult. Rather this is a conclusion that is insulting....

I don't have to put up with you snotty remarks.

No you don't yet you keep replying despite this. You keep showing how unmotivated you are, uneducated, and uninformed. I point this yet you do not nothing to change this but whine about it.

[ Evidently you do not have the intellect to defend your position so you have to resort to insulting remarks.

I provided two mechanics which you can reference yourself. You didn't bother at all. You probably ignored both. You reluctance to read anything is not my problem nor should I explain biology when you can read a number of books yourself.

You should have learned how to do basic research in grade school. Since you are incapable of basic research and must be spoon fed like a child you can read this

Biology For Dummies, Book by Rene Fester Kratz (Paperback) | chapters.indigo.ca
Amazon.com: Evolution (9780879696849): Nicholas H. Barton, Derek E. G. Briggs, Jonathan A. Eisen, David B. Goldstein, Nipam H. Patel: Books

If you display the capabilities of an educated adult you will be treated like one. If you display a child thinking you will be treated as one.

If you do not like my comments put me on ignore.
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