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a question for those who still support bush

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
That's it. *waves goodbye to thread* This is all getting a little too religiously biased for me. I just hope the ascending Christians will bother to clean up the terrorism mess before they say goodbye to the rest of us heathens.

Gotta make one last blatantly obvious statement, though. However many actual terrorists are being killed? Multiply that by a lot, and that will be how many terrorists are being created by this war.


The Devil's Advocate
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
How do you feel when you see a cop??????? it's either a good feeling or a bad one depending on what you are doing.....If you are speeding you feel anger (especially if you are pulled over and given a ticket) and when you are not speeding you feel peace and no angry feelings.

I think the same can be said when we view a man like Bush (who is in authority over us)....when there is something wrong inside of us we tend to hate the person of authority and when we are at peace with ourselves we tend to defend those in authority over us.
:bonk: Those who are in positions of authority are not necessarily RIGHT just because they are authorities! :bonk:

If I see a cop helping people in need then I feel gratitude, even if it's not me he's helping. If I see a cop abusing his authority to hurt someone else then I feel anger, even if it's not me he's hurting.

Faith_is_an_assurance said:
Just as a parent has our best interest at heart (but will make many mistakes) so does Bush have our best interest at heart....there is no doubt about that.....He is a human being and will mess up as does anyone in authority over us....We must allow others to make mistakes....This life is a life of learning and growing for all of us...Bush has done a wonderful job in keeping us safe here in America....and for those that die for us everyday we are in debt to them....They are not dying in vain......
Bush as our parent??! Dude, you have said many things that have scared the crap out of me but that has got to be the scariest.

Mistakes??! Is it a "mistake" that his friends at Haliburton have gotten all the major contracts to rebuild Iraq, often without any competitive bidding? Is it a "mistake" that they are making billions of dollars while our country is now over 8 TRILLION dollars in debt? Is it a "mistake" that terrorism has INCREASED since he started his war on terror? Is it a "mistake" that he said, "bring it on" and terrorist attacks in Iraq against OUR soldiers jumped? Is it a "mistake" that jobs have declined while cost of living has increased? Is it a "mistake" that more people live below the poverty level since he took office? Is it a "mistake" that Bush nominated Harriet Miers to sit on the highest court of our land, a woman with no experience but who has been one of his closest cronies for over ten years?

Most Americans are poorer now than when he first took office, but his friends are much much richer. The war in Iraq has made them much much richer, and saddled us with unbelievable debt. He has pillaged our inheritance and that of our children in order to fatten his already corpulent cronies.

If Bush is our parent, he should be arrested for child abuse.


Veteran Member
Bush is in authority over us and we must respect that and support him. I did not respect my parents because I thought they were wrong years ago and they through me out of the house. It is better to respect those in authority while we are living under there authority or move out or away to another nation that has a leader we do respect. No one is keeping you here you can move to another country. I spent almost 2 years in Japan and when I came home to America with all her problems I could have kissed the ground I walked on. There is a spirit about this nation that you cannot feel until you have lived in another country for a year or two. We have it soooooo good here and yet we complain about everything. Our politicians are angels compared to those of other countries. I also spent over 45 days touring Europe and after those 45 days outside the U.S. I could have kissed the ground again Gas in Europe is 2-3 times what it is here. I live in an apartment that is 500 bucks a month and it is huge compared to what that would buy me in europe or Japan. European apartements are half the size of apartments here for the same money and 1 bedroom Japanese apartment would fit into one bedroom of a one bedroom apartment here. NO JOKE. We are still the most well off country in the world. I dont even have a job and am not dependent on anyone to pay rent. I have enough in savings that I could live for 2 years without working and I only worked at a stupid national pizza chain.....I will never work fast food again. I can now trade stocks on the internet and make as much money as I want.


The Devil's Advocate
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
Bush is in authority over us and we must respect that and support him. I did not respect my parents because I thought they were wrong years ago and they through me out of the house. It is better to respect those in authority while we are living under there authority or move out or away to another nation that has a leader we do respect. No one is keeping you here you can move to another country. I spent almost 2 years in Japan and when I came home to America with all her problems I could have kissed the ground I walked on. There is a spirit about this nation that you cannot feel until you have lived in another country for a year or two. We have it soooooo good here and yet we complain about everything. Our politicians are angels compared to those of other countries. I also spent over 45 days touring Europe and after those 45 days outside the U.S. I could have kissed the ground again Gas in Europe is 2-3 times what it is here. I live in an apartment that is 500 bucks a month and it is huge compared to what that would buy me in europe or Japan. European apartements are half the size of apartments here for the same money and 1 bedroom Japanese apartment would fit into one bedroom of a one bedroom apartment here. NO JOKE. We are still the most well off country in the world. I dont even have a job and am not dependent on anyone to pay rent. I have enough in savings that I could live for 2 years without working and I only worked at a stupid national pizza chain.....I will never work fast food again. I can now trade stocks on the internet and make as much money as I want.
Faith, I am sorry that your parents threw you out years ago, truly, but you cannot look to Bush (or anyone else) to be your surrogate parent. I will pray for you because you clearly need it. Goodnight.


I smell something....
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
The main reason for supporting Bush is that he is trying to free another religious intolerant territiry in the world. Its all about trying to bring religious freedom to the world. Bush does not have to do this. He could just sit in the White House and do nothing and watch cable TV all day like the rest of the western world. Bush chose to do something about religious oppression. Are you opposed to this Almifkar????? You should be fighting along side Bush not against him. If it were not for people like Bush this site would not even exist.

I was going to wait until I read all of the posts before I made any comments but I had to stop on this one because I was stupified by it. Bush is trying to do something about religious oppresion????:biglaugh: If it were not for people like Bush this site would not even exist???:biglaugh: If bush or anyone like him had anything to do with this site the religious information section would only have one entry, we would be at war with
scienceforums.com, and it would be ok if we screwed up everything we said.


I smell something....
FeathersinHair said:
(Editted to add, please, unless you are very young, limit yourself to one ending punctuation mark per sentance. They can be addicting, I know, but one makes the point quite effectively.)


Veteran Member
lilithu said:
Faith, I am sorry that your parents threw you out years ago, truly, but you cannot look to Bush (or anyone else) to be your surrogate parent. I will pray for you because you clearly need it. Goodnight.
I dont want Bush or anyone to be my surrogate parent. I have had enough of critical parents and am 39 years old. I was glad to get out of the house over 15 years ago and do not communicate with my parents more than once every couple of years. They do not want to even try to talk to me or understand me at all. They only want to accuse and belittle me. I dont want to be around people like that. I was only pointing out that we should respect those in authority over us, whether they are right or wrong.

I am a great admirer of Bush and respect him very much. He is president of the country for a reason as were all past Presidents of this country. If you dont like him hold on and you will get a new one in a few years. Everyone cant be happy about our president all the time. Democrats and Republicans must share the spotlight. Clinton had his day in the spotlight and now Bush has his.

It is dangerous to speak badly of our leaders. Especially if they are doing the best they can. Bush is an angel compared to the rest of the world.

I did not like Clinton very much as a person but I liked him as a President and thought he did a good job overall as president, with some mistakes as well.

I think all past Presidents would say "If you can do better have at it" "The job is all

They are not in it just for what they can get out of it. They have very little personal time as President to do what they want. Kind of like a celebrities life. Always getting harassed. I dont envy that job at all.


I smell something....
Alright, I have finally read this entire thread and all I can say is I am glad that there is still freedom of religion in the U.S. I respect your beliefs Faith_is_an_assurance but my beliefs are different. I believe that Christ is not coming again, that we are all responsible for are actions and that everything you do comes back to you. I don't want to be anywhere near Bush when it comes back to him.