Is the energy of a car separated from the car? Not really. Is it the same as the car? No.You really did not answer the question, what does "separation is a bit extreme" mean'? In what way is it separated?
Electromagnetic waves *have* energy. But they are NOT energy, in the same way as a car *has* energy, but is not energy.
Well, there is a technical sense in which that is the case (it is the kinetic energy of the photons). But it is better at this level to think of it as the energy of the electromagnetic field. An electric and/or magnetic field is NOT energy (the units are not even close to those of energy). But they *have* energy.Are you suggesting by the car analogy that em radiation energy is kinetic?
NO. The em radiation *has* energy. It is not energy itself.Your description of the em radiation of photons does not alter the fact that em radiation is energy.
So are you saying that photons are devoid of energy?
No, I am not saying that. Again, how do you get that from what I said? Photons have energy. There. They are not devoid of energy. But they are NOT energy in and of themselves. Energy is a *property* that photons have.