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A Universe from Nothing?


Thou art That
Once again..

Buddhism doesn't fit neatly into either category of religion or philosophy. When people asked Buddha what he was teaching, he said he teaches "the way things are." He said nobody should believe his teachings out of faith, but instead they should examine for themselves to see if they are true or not.

Tell me would you take the word of a follower if it contradicted the word of jesus?

Maybe, since the true teachings of Yeshua, a man of the East, were overwritten with the pagan teachings of Mithra. Mostly, modern Christianity is comprised of the Romanized Jesus doctrines of St. Paul. Yeshua's original teachings were Nazarene, a sect of the Essenes, which did not teach blood sacrifice, bodily resurrection, nor a virgin birth. The Essenes, especially the Therapeutae, had direct links to the Buddhist sect of the Therevada from India and King Asoka, who originally sent his Buddhist monks West. The Theravada Buddhists were healers, and the Therapeutae Essenes who grew out of Theravada also were healers. Where do you suppose Yeshua learned his healing arts?

There was no 'Jesus' who ever existed, as the name is a corruption:

Yeshua (or Yahushua) bar Yosef (Yeshua, son of Joseph) is the original Aramaic name for Jesus the Nazarene. His parents, siblings, disciples, and followers called him by that name. The name "Jesus" is a misspelling and mispronunciation that resulted from the translation of Yeshua's name after his death, first into the Greek Iesous (pronounced "ee-ay-SUS"), and then from the Greek Iesous into the Latin Iesus. The Latin Iesus ("ee-ay-SUS") wasn't pronounced as "Jesus" with a "J" because the letter "j" didn't come into the English language until the middle of the seventeenth century. The King James Bible, written at the beginning of the seventeenth century, has the name Iesous ("ee-ay-sus"), with no "j." So even in English, no one spoke the name "Jesus" until sometime after the middle of the seventeenth century.

Yeshua before 30 CE

I have answered your question; now answer mine:

Tell me, if you were to proceed to follow the advice of the Buddha, how would you go about verifying his teachings? How would you go about verifying his teaching of 'the way things are'?


Thou art That
That's your problem.

Come again? Who I really am is not a problem; believing myself to be my Identification is a problem.

The sterile and mechanistic definition of space as height, width, and depth is not what space actually is, just as the definition of The Universe as merely 'a collection of things' is not The Universe.

Can you answer the question:

Where does your consciousness leave off and space begin?


Thou art That
Buddha pretty much had the final word on Buddhism. What people choose to do afterwards is irrelevant.

When asked who he was, Buddha replied 'the one who is awakened'. All of the teachings of Buddhism mean nothing without the experience of Awakening. IOW, the true teaching of Buddhism is not a teaching at all, but the direct apprehension of Reality. That is why Zen calls itself 'a finger pointing to the moon, but is not the moon itself'. But Buddha taught that all sentient beings have Buddha nature, and that Ordinary Mind is none other than Buddha Mind. So he really did not have the 'final word' on Buddhism; he was actually pointing out the universality of the awakened mind in everyone. Buddha's primary focus was on suffering, and the alleviation of suffering, so 'what people chose to do afterwards' was of great importance to the Buddha, which is why he told the villagers at Kalama to question everything. (Kalama Sutta).


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Total nonsense....Gautama never wrote a word in his life, same for Jesus and Socrates, everything that Gautama was said to have said was recorded much later by followers and followers of followers. Gautama never called himself a Buddha, just his unenlightened followers called him that. Gautama is not the only epitome of Buddhahood, it merely implies an enlightened one and there are more Buddhas in the making if they take their religion practice religiously and transcend the dualistic mind permanently.

Did i say wrote? I'm pretty sure i quoted "When people asked Buddha what he was teaching, he said he teaches "the way things are."


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
My claim is that my religious practice of stilling the mind to transcend duality is to realize divine oneness of being. Quote what is relevant in that article that backs up your claim that my practice is a secular practice and not a religious one?

You should therefore double check what you write before you are shown to be wrong.

Read the link... All the words, even those you don't want to read


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Haha.....how thorough a researcher you are Christine, in addition to 'buddhism isn't a religion', 'flat earther's and the 'moon landings were a hoax' are also listed by google.. :rolleyes:

I did not notice you whining at gng when he quoted Google.
How pathetic your arguments!!!
My reply was to gng who quoted a google link. I simply replied in kind, you don't like facts then that's just tough, grow up


Rogue Theologian
Come again? Who I really am is not a problem; believing myself to be my Identification is a problem.

The sterile and mechanistic definition of space as height, width, and depth is not what space actually is, just as the definition of The Universe as merely 'a collection of things' is not The Universe.

Can you answer the question:

Where does your consciousness leave off and space begin?
with a counter question....
if there is nothing but space in your head......you would not be aware of it?
and yet.....You are aware
and you will answer this post

'you' can't help......your 'self'


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Maybe, since the true teachings of Yeshua, a man of the East, were overwritten with the pagan teachings of Mithra. Mostly, modern Christianity is comprised of the Romanized Jesus doctrines of St. Paul. Yeshua's original teachings were Nazarene, a sect of the Essenes, which did not teach blood sacrifice, bodily resurrection, nor a virgin birth. The Essenes, especially the Therapeutae, had direct links to the Buddhist sect of the Therevada from India and King Asoka, who originally sent his Buddhist monks West. The Theravada Buddhists were healers, and the Therapeutae Essenes who grew out of Theravada also were healers. Where do you suppose Yeshua learned his healing arts?

There was no 'Jesus' who ever existed, as the name is a corruption:

Yeshua (or Yahushua) bar Yosef (Yeshua, son of Joseph) is the original Aramaic name for Jesus the Nazarene. His parents, siblings, disciples, and followers called him by that name. The name "Jesus" is a misspelling and mispronunciation that resulted from the translation of Yeshua's name after his death, first into the Greek Iesous (pronounced "ee-ay-SUS"), and then from the Greek Iesous into the Latin Iesus. The Latin Iesus ("ee-ay-SUS") wasn't pronounced as "Jesus" with a "J" because the letter "j" didn't come into the English language until the middle of the seventeenth century. The King James Bible, written at the beginning of the seventeenth century, has the name Iesous ("ee-ay-sus"), with no "j." So even in English, no one spoke the name "Jesus" until sometime after the middle of the seventeenth century.

Yeshua before 30 CE

I have answered your question; now answer mine:

Tell me, if you were to proceed to follow the advice of the Buddha, how would you go about verifying his teachings? How would you go about verifying his teaching of 'the way things are'?

Answered? You hedged and avoided then threw in some hear say... The name jesus is commonly accepted and you now this well .

According to Hebrew scripture Yeshua whom the christian faith is modelled was the son of Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, a roman soldier.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Come again? Who I really am is not a problem; believing myself to be my Identification is a problem.

The sterile and mechanistic definition of space as height, width, and depth is not what space actually is, just as the definition of The Universe as merely 'a collection of things' is not The Universe.

Can you answer the question:

Where does your consciousness leave off and space begin?

And again, the scientific definition of space is at odds with your hocus pocus, I'll take the scientific definition thanks.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
When asked who he was, Buddha replied 'the one who is awakened'. All of the teachings of Buddhism mean nothing without the experience of Awakening. IOW, the true teaching of Buddhism is not a teaching at all, but the direct apprehension of Reality. That is why Zen calls itself 'a finger pointing to the moon, but is not the moon itself'. But Buddha taught that all sentient beings have Buddha nature, and that Ordinary Mind is none other than Buddha Mind. So he really did not have the 'final word' on Buddhism; he was actually pointing out the universality of the awakened mind in everyone. Buddha's primary focus was on suffering, and the alleviation of suffering, so 'what people chose to do afterwards' was of great importance to the Buddha, which is why he told the villagers at Kalama to question everything. (Kalama Sutta).

How individuals choose to interpret Buddhism in not relevantly. And not a word of your narrative indicates religion, only human awareness.


Thou art That
How individuals choose to interpret Buddhism in not relevantly. And not a word of your narrative indicates religion, only human awareness.

I'm just trying to point out the important distinction between Buddhistic teachings and the actual experience the teachings point to. The reason the Buddha developed a method is because the ordinary man is conditioned to approach things that would easily lead him astray and into what he called 'a thicket of views'. There are not multiple realities, but one. Interpreting Buddhism is not Buddhism; Buddhism and Zen are just pathways to the experience of the one true Reality that is beyond all interpretations; beyond all personal views. The religion part is the work that one does toward the goal of the experience.


Thou art That
And again, the scientific definition of space is at odds with your hocus pocus, I'll take the scientific definition thanks.

Definitions of things are not those things.

Can you answer the question:

Where does your consciousness leave off and space begin?


Thou art That
Answered? You hedged and avoided then threw in some hear say... The name jesus is commonly accepted and you now this well .

According to Hebrew scripture Yeshua whom the christian faith is modelled was the son of Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, a roman soldier.

The Jesus of modern Christianity is based upon blood sacrifice, bodily resurrection, and a virgin birth, all features of the pagan god Mithra, which were superimposed over the teachings of Yeshua who was a Nazarene, and who did not believe in or practice such doctrines, for the expresss purpose of converting tens of thousands of pagans who already had the promise of eternal life in Mithra. Paul needed a way to bring them over into his new religion with at least the same promises. 'Jesus' is a myth, created by one charlatan named Paul.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I'm just trying to point out the important distinction between Buddhistic teachings and the actual experience the teachings point to. The reason the Buddha developed a method is because the ordinary man is conditioned to approach things that would easily lead him astray and into what he called 'a thicket of views'. There are not multiple realities, but one. Interpreting Buddhism is not Buddhism; Buddhism and Zen are just pathways to the experience of the one true Reality that is beyond all interpretations; beyond all personal views. The religion part is the work that one does toward the goal of the experience.

Nah, that's passion, the dedication to do what you think is best, that's not religion.

Religion : the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

Where is this god in Buddhism?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Definitions of things are not those things.

Can you answer the question:

Where does your consciousness leave off and space begin?

Ahh, you mean you don't agree with the established definition. Fair enough, why didn't you say so before? So what's your definition of space? Can i suggest you put it forward for revue and see if it can be accepted to replace the definition that the world understands.

Consciousness has little to do with space other than the awareness that it exists.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
The Jesus of modern Christianity is based upon blood sacrifice, bodily resurrection, and a virgin birth, all features of the pagan god Mithra, which were superimposed over the teachings of Yeshua who was a Nazarene, and who did not believe in or practice such doctrines, for the expresss purpose of converting tens of thousands of pagans who already had the promise of eternal life in Mithra. Paul needed a way to bring them over into his new religion with at least the same promises. 'Jesus' is a myth, created by one charlatan named Paul.

Yet there are 2.2 billion people whom have faith in Jesus.

Your perversion is yours.

Btw, yeshua ben pantera was a anarchist, leading light of the Fourth philosophy zealots and a member of the sicarii assassins, his father was a roman soldier, not a god. He was turned in by saulus (your paul) and crucified for his crimes against the state. The faith of Christianity is based on an amalgamation of the teachings of john the basptiser and yesuas followers in the fp and sicarii.


Thou art That
Yet there are 2.2 billion people whom have faith in Jesus.

So? How many good Germans had faith in Hitler? The sheer numbers have little to do with real faith, and more to do with fear of everlasting damnation galvanized with the promise of some future heavenly paradise. Powerful stuff. Christians have 'faith' in a myth, perpetrated by Rome and Paul, a very cleverly and even brilliantly concocted myth, which consisted of 3 elements: one, Jewish history as backdrop to lend credibility to the myth; two, the idea of The Logos, a teacher descending to man from a heavenly realm taken from the Gnostics, and three, the idea of a dying and resurrecting god-man, taken from the mystery religions in which Paul was steeped as a child in his native Taurus.

The Church pulled much the same trick in Mexico when it 'adopted and converted the Aztec goddess of fertility, Tonantzin, into Our Lady of Guadalupe Hidalgo, as a clever device to lure some 2 million Indios into the Church. Of course they would follow where their beloved goddess dwelt.

Your perversion is yours.

No, it belongs to those poor deluded 2.2 billion with their faith in a myth, which for them, temporarily serves as a psychological device to address their metaphysical distress over their fates, while providing what for them is a permanent parent figure in 'Jesus'. Ah, love that thumb-sucking security blanket!

Btw, yeshua ben pantera was a anarchist, leading light of the Fourth philosophy zealots and a member of the sicarii assassins, his father was a roman soldier, not a god. He was turned in by saulus (your paul) and crucified for his crimes against the state. The faith of Christianity is based on an amalgamation of the teachings of john the basptiser and yesuas followers in the fp and sicarii.

There are at least two references in the NT to 'Jesus' and his cult as 'Nazarenes', which are a sect of the Essenes.

Regardless, what we have are bits and pieces of Yeshua's original mystical teachings here and there that survived Paul's onslaught, and imposition of Mithraism over them:

  1. Mithras was born of a virgin who was given the title of "Mother of God"
  2. Mithras was born on December 25. Before Constantine (a follower of Mithras) changed the date, the birth date Yeshua's followers observed was January 6. However, Yeshua's birth, based on the descriptions, would actually have been in the spring.
  3. Mithras was born in a cave (stable), and his birth was attended by shepherds bearing gifts.
  4. Mithras was considered a great traveling teacher and master.
  5. Mithras had 12 companions or disciples.
  6. Mithras performed miracles.
  7. Mithras' followers were baptized.
  8. Mithras suffered to bring salvation to a sin-cursed humankind.
  9. Mithras was buried in a tomb and rose after three days. (Yeshua rose after a day and a half, but the gospel accounts used the three days to fit with Mithras' story, in spite of the obvious disparity in the timeline.)
  10. Mithras' resurrection was celebrated every year.
  11. Mithras ascended into heaven after finishing his deeds.
  12. Mithras' followers were promised immortality.
  13. Mithras was called “the good shepherd” and identified with both the lamb and the lion.
  14. Mithras was called the “way, the truth and the light,” " logos,” "word," “redeemer,” “savior” and “messiah.”
  15. On the Judgment Day, Mithras would use the keys of heaven to unlock the gates of Paradise to receive the faithful. All the unbaptized living and dead would perish.
  16. Mithra's sacred day was Sunday, called the “Lord’s day” because Mithraism was a sun religion. Yeshua's sacred day was changed from the Jewish Sabbath, Saturday, to match Mithras' day.
  17. Mithras had his principal festival on the day that was later to become Easter for Christians.
  18. Mithras' religion had a Eucharist or “Lord’s Supper,” at which Mithras said, “He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved.”
  19. On a final day of judgment, the dead would resurrect and in a final conflict, the existing order would be destroyed and light would triumph over darkness.
Since all of these characteristics of Mithras predated Yeshua by fourteen hundred years, Mithraism could not have copied the Yeshua story; it had to be the reverse. These details about Yeshua were not in the earliest sources. They appeared later.

Paul and the Mystery Religions


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
So? How many good Germans had faith in Hitler? The sheer numbers have little to do with real faith, and more to do with fear of everlasting damnation galvanized with the promise of some future heavenly paradise. Powerful stuff. Christians have 'faith' in a myth, perpetrated by Rome and Paul, a very cleverly and even brilliantly concocted myth, which consisted of 3 elements: one, Jewish history as backdrop to lend credibility to the myth; two, the idea of The Logos, a teacher descending to man from a heavenly realm taken from the Gnostics, and three, the idea of a dying and resurrecting god-man, taken from the mystery religions in which Paul was steeped as a child in his native Taurus.

The Church pulled much the same trick in Mexico when it 'adopted and converted the Aztec goddess of fertility, Tonantzin, into Our Lady of Guadalupe Hidalgo, as a clever device to lure some 2 million Indios into the Church. Of course they would follow where their beloved goddess dwelt.

No, it belongs to those poor deluded 2.2 billion with their faith in a myth, which for them, temporarily serves as a psychological device to address their metaphysical distress over their fates, while providing what for them is a permanent parent figure in 'Jesus'. Ah, love that thumb-sucking security blanket!

There are at least two references in the NT to 'Jesus' and his cult as 'Nazarenes', which are a sect of the Essenes.

Regardless, what we have are bits and pieces of Yeshua's original mystical teachings here and there that survived Paul's onslaught, and imposition of Mithraism over them:

  1. Mithras was born of a virgin who was given the title of "Mother of God"
  2. Mithras was born on December 25. Before Constantine (a follower of Mithras) changed the date, the birth date Yeshua's followers observed was January 6. However, Yeshua's birth, based on the descriptions, would actually have been in the spring.
  3. Mithras was born in a cave (stable), and his birth was attended by shepherds bearing gifts.
  4. Mithras was considered a great traveling teacher and master.
  5. Mithras had 12 companions or disciples.
  6. Mithras performed miracles.
  7. Mithras' followers were baptized.
  8. Mithras suffered to bring salvation to a sin-cursed humankind.
  9. Mithras was buried in a tomb and rose after three days. (Yeshua rose after a day and a half, but the gospel accounts used the three days to fit with Mithras' story, in spite of the obvious disparity in the timeline.)
  10. Mithras' resurrection was celebrated every year.
  11. Mithras ascended into heaven after finishing his deeds.
  12. Mithras' followers were promised immortality.
  13. Mithras was called “the good shepherd” and identified with both the lamb and the lion.
  14. Mithras was called the “way, the truth and the light,” " logos,” "word," “redeemer,” “savior” and “messiah.”
  15. On the Judgment Day, Mithras would use the keys of heaven to unlock the gates of Paradise to receive the faithful. All the unbaptized living and dead would perish.
  16. Mithra's sacred day was Sunday, called the “Lord’s day” because Mithraism was a sun religion. Yeshua's sacred day was changed from the Jewish Sabbath, Saturday, to match Mithras' day.
  17. Mithras had his principal festival on the day that was later to become Easter for Christians.
  18. Mithras' religion had a Eucharist or “Lord’s Supper,” at which Mithras said, “He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved.”
  19. On a final day of judgment, the dead would resurrect and in a final conflict, the existing order would be destroyed and light would triumph over darkness.
Since all of these characteristics of Mithras predated Yeshua by fourteen hundred years, Mithraism could not have copied the Yeshua story; it had to be the reverse. These details about Yeshua were not in the earliest sources. They appeared later.

Paul and the Mystery Religions

Looks like you are tipping over the edge and straw men like Hitler and his popularity have nothing to do with it other than he was a Christian leader of a Christian country with a high approval rating.

So 2.2 billion Christians are wrong and you who has faith that space is a human concept is right... Wow.



See also the books of
Sara Reinke - Pantera
Robert Eisenman – James, the brother of Christ,
Hyam Maccobys – The Mythmaker,
Danial Underbank – Judas the Galilean: the flesh and blood Jesus

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Did i say wrote? I'm pretty sure i quoted "When people asked Buddha what he was teaching, he said he teaches "the way things are."
Utter nonsense, as if you expect us to believe the only words Gautama ever uttered was ""the way things are.", and this is all the religion of Buddhism is based on? I suggest you do some more research and let us know what else he taught...:rolleyes:
Last edited:

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You should therefore double check what you write before you are shown to be wrong.

Read the link... All the words, even those you don't want to read
So be it, you refuse to admit your error and raise a strawman.

Let me say it again, my religious practice is stilling my mind to realize union with God. I now ask you, is my practice religious or not?