So this OP shows my stance, that alcoholic beverages are not needed they are a drug of choice and all recreational drugs need to be Abolished. America tried, so what will it take?
It did work somewhat, in that there was a modest drop in alcohol consumption I have heard in a documentary in my country, but unfortunately abolishing it helped the rise of crime. The most famous was Al Capone. He built a bootlegging empire. The police looked the other way because after all they probably wanted to take a drink, too! They were bribed besides. Chicago was corrupt.
I personally don't think practically abolishing alcohol works.
You and I have a religious obligation to not drink alcohol, but that in the end is between us and God, no one is to spy on us in our communities. Only us can enforce our own lack of consumption of alcohol. I was lucky, I never started, so in my case it is easy!
I believe this should be the same for all, they should either realize the deleterious possible effects if we start drinking, because nobody knows what their susceptibility to getting their drinking out of control will be. This can be part of the education of children early in life, so that this takes root.
An alternative is to be part of a religion that prohibits alcohol. Eventually, you and I believe, everyone will have a religious obligation to not drink alcohol, and that is the long range solution.