Why stop at children who are still in the uterus....why not allow women to kill their children who are outside the uterus?
It's a child. An unborn child, but still a child.
We don't let women kill children who are born, so why should we let women kill children who are unborn?
If you had to choose between saving 10 embryos in test tubes, waiting to be implanted, vs 1 toddler from a fire, which would you choose?
You can proclaim as loudly as you want that a fetus and a newborn are equivalent, but even our natural human sentiments don't support such a dictionary re-write.
There is also the fact that the big difference between a child that is born and a fetus is that the fetus is essentially a part of the mother's body. It is not autonomous. There is certainly justification for allowing women to have autonomy over their own bodies. There is no justification for allowing women to kill a newborn.