On Xtended Vacation
So, your preferred method of "murdering people" is ok, but mine is not. Is it just the fact that I don't have a penis that makes my method immoral, or do the boobs factor into it?
Moving on from men are always sexist bit. Yeah he killed people for a living. People who don't really care about him used him for their own personal gain. Same can be said about abortion. Tit for tat. I killed for your freedom and I kill for my freedom. But it's what you define as a person. If it isn't a baby until it pops out go for. If it is keep it in. It's your body. Grab the coat hanger. Frankly there are too many ones that are already born who seem to be in the hole to care for. But of course we ignore them once they pop out. So why not stop the production line. China tried it.
He probably called the people he killed sand ***** and your call fetuses not people. Just desensitizing your actions. Perfectly normal response into today's modern world.
Point is you can join hands and kill together. At the end of the day if you can kill something and be okay with yourself go for it. But if it isn't a real person it's not even killing.