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Veteran Member
I am an unwanted child ( mom tried to kill me off by abortion but for medical reasons was not able to)

So, yes for abortion X a billion times. World would be better without unwanted children.

If you yourself wish that much (a billion times) you'd never have been born, may I respectfully suggest some life counseling? There's no need to remain depressed. And Jesus can help you also. Thanks for considering my request.


Veteran Member
The fact that Abraham apparently thought it was perfectly okay to murder his son, as a commandment from god, is more to the point, in my opinion.

Apparently this god that you worship commands things (thou shalt not murder) then turns around and commands the opposite (murder your child) and it has to be good and moral thing because this god says so. If we're not supposed to murder children, that's an awfully bizarre command to make, no?

It does sound like you say. Indeed it does, when you tell the first half and not the second half of the story. Who stopped Abraham? Who intervened? Who spoke to Abraham regarding this test?


Veteran Member
It does sound like you say. Indeed it does, when you tell the first half and not the second half of the story. Who stopped Abraham? Who intervened? Who spoke to Abraham regarding this test?
Who ordered this awful test? Who was going to carry out this order from god apparently thinking it was a perfectly natural thing for this god to command someone to do?


Veteran Member
Who ordered this awful test? Who was going to carry out this order from god apparently thinking it was a perfectly natural thing for this god to command someone to do?

Is it news to me that God causes both sorrow and joy, and knows how to use both sorrow and joy in instruction? It is not. I would assume women tempted to have abortions are also being tested by God, as are the deadbeat men who pay for abortions rather than supporting their children.


Veteran Member
Correct, no one has abortion for sex, only for pregnancy. So what is a stronger way to prevent pregnancy? Condoms and pills or abstinence? You see, they are linked as abstinent persons care and put their money where their mouth is against REALLY reducing unplanned pregnancies.
And, we could avoid wars if everyone would stop killing each other. The problem is that abstinence is unrealistic/implausible.


Veteran Member
And, we could avoid wars if everyone would stop killing each other. The problem is that abstinence is unrealistic/implausible.

First, not EVERYONE kills each other. Second, the slippery slope is to make lawful every sin people do.

It IS unrealistic to think people will stop murdering people. Should we legalize murder? Rape? Theft?

Abstinence SEEMS unrealistic/implausible today, but as recently as the 1970s more virgins graduated college than not! The truth is, that abstinence becomes FAR more likely when authority figures stop teaching multiple ways to "behave".


yawn <ignore> yawn
That was a picture of a very early mouse embryo. How could you confuse a baby mouse with a baby human?
Pregnant humans are very much able to tell. The reason they want abortions is because they know perfectly well that they are not carrying a puppy or a gold bar. They know s/he is a tiny little human being, and he/she is going to be a big responsibility for several years.
You know this as well as I do.


Veteran Member
First, not EVERYONE kills each other. Second, the slippery slope is to make lawful every sin people do.

It IS unrealistic to think people will stop murdering people. Should we legalize murder? Rape? Theft?

Abstinence SEEMS unrealistic/implausible today, but as recently as the 1970s more virgins graduated college than not! The truth is, that abstinence becomes FAR more likely when authority figures stop teaching multiple ways to "behave".
Okay so then you don't think anyone should be taught comprehensive sex education ever? Never, ever?

How on earth can you expect people to be responsible then?


yawn <ignore> yawn
The truth is, that abstinence becomes FAR more likely when authority figures stop teaching multiple ways to "behave".

This is no more true than raising the legal drinking age to 21 prevents teen alcohol consumption. It just doesn't.
And the evidence is easily accessible, if you want to know the truth. If you want to keep believing what you already do, you can ignore the evidence.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
The truth is, that abstinence becomes FAR more likely when authority figures stop teaching multiple ways to "behave".

Tell that to Bristol Palin - a leading abstinence advocate who can't

  1. Keep her legs closed
  2. Convince whichever man she's sleeping with (out of wedlock) now to use a condom
because she is, once again, pregnant. For somebody who makes significant amounts of cash advocating abstinence, this is rank hypocrisy and shows that even those who support abstinence over sex education can't make it work.


Well-Known Member
What does it have to do with God intervening? It has everything to do with the values, objective and/or subjective, we place on human life. My wife has the legal right to withhold my intubation and artificial respiration. Thank God, you don't!
Actually, I do. That would be if your wife, which I hope never happens of course, were to die before you and ethically, as a member of an ethical committee, that committee can remove a vent in the absence of any evidence of independent life, or IOW, if you are proven to be completely brain dead. Many times, the courts have intervened, at the behest of ethical committees, and allowed the removal of feeding tubes or vents when it was proven there was absolutely no hope whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
I say it's the message of anyone who advocates teaching BOTH abstinence and safe sex. I can't be the only person here who understand that young people can be as influenced by schoolteachers they respect as by their parents. Maybe more so, since my dad was a schoolteacher. We're not saying "Here in Driver's Ed you can learn both automatic and manual transmissions," rather you are advocating "Here I will tell you a bunch about all the reasons not to have sex yet and also all the ways to have sex if you are powerless to help yourself..."

Which naturally leads to "Have an abortion because you couldn't help getting pregnant," when abstinence can do a great job helping with that... really, it can!
You are dismissing the import of adolescent influence as well as raging hormones. Kids will be kids and if those children are pressured, as often happens in high school, to conform to the peer requirements to 'fit in', they will often make choices they may regret later.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your clarification. However, on what basis do you feel laws like these are not relevant to US law?

* Don't murder

* Don't commit adultery in marriage

* Don't steal

* Don't bear false witness in public

I disagree, respectfully.
And yet, we put inmates to death in most states. What is that, if not murder?
And yet the largest group within the US committing adultery are Christians.
And yet, corporations, under the guise of legal loopholes and profit margins, steal from me all the time. What is that if not stealing?
And don't bear false witness?? Are you kidding me? Politicians make a career out of lying each and every single day. They regularly speak out of both sides of their collective mouths. Seems to me your alleged 'Biblical laws' fall apart in these cases.


Well-Known Member
Safe sex is needed for abused children? I think imprisoning the abusers is more appropriate.

And I do here what you are saying about (fallen, weak) human nature and sex. However, consider these two parents and their different statements:

"Child, do not have sex before marriage. You can come to me anytime with any need, anything, and I will never reject you nor forsake you. I'm always there for you. Learn self-control and try to wait before marriage."

"Child, do not have sex before marriage. You can come to me anytime with any need, anything, and I will never reject you nor forsake you. I'm always there for you so here are some condoms and pills. I know you always try to do the right thing, but if you do something really stupid you will regret for the rest of your life, I'd like to enable you if at all possible."
Imprison the abusers??? Are you kidding me? Do you know what the son of a b**ch who raped my 8 year old child got for a sentence? 2 blank blank years. And that in isolation so he would not be raped himself. And do you know what he did when he got out? He raped another child. And then got a whole 2 more years. Now the ....there are no words to relate how I view this man that I can post....person lives in my own hometown. You are deluded if you think abusers get what is appropriate in terms of what they did to a child.