Again the stats are against you. In areas where abstinence only is taught the rate of sexually active teenagers DO NOT decrease.Correct, no one has abortion for sex, only for pregnancy. So what is a stronger way to prevent pregnancy? Condoms and pills or abstinence? You see, they are linked as abstinent persons care and put their money where their mouth is against REALLY reducing unplanned pregnancies.
What's the stronger approach? How about not living in a make believe world of butterflies and rainbows pretending that teenagers with raging hormones, a strong biological instinct to reproduce will be well behaved little boys and girls and not have any sexual contact just because the adults tell them.
Like lol are you really this out of touch with the youth?
Even if you only teach abstinence only guess what happens? Gasp!! Teenagers engage in other sexual activities, like oral, anal or other sex acts. Because all you've really taught them is that having procreative sex is bad and should be for marriage. And then you have these kids basically ignorant of ways to get or more importantly prevent STIs or engaging in unhygienic acts because of ignorance.
You have raped kids thinking they can't get pregnant if their rapist used the "pull out method" then getting pregnant because you stupidly refused to tell them basic ****ing biological facts.
Ignoring the problem of teen sex by pretending they will always listen to authorities does nothing but perpetuate the problem. Actually do something about it instead of promoting ignorance and maybe you can claim that abstinence only proponents put their money where their mouth is when it comes to unwanted pregnancies. Because again the stats are against you as teen pregnancy rates are generally higher in areas which teach abstinence only.