Please understand how offensive your concept is to a religious person.
Do you deny Christianity teaches a tween got knocked up without sex? Isn't that, like, a major plot point? I am a religious person. Until recently, before I just got tired of Christianity being raped by ignorant fundamentalists, I was okay with calling myself a Christian. My point is that pro-life says the argument is religious but everything the bible says about babies, even Famous Ones, says nothing like it. Here is what the bible tells you about kids:
1. You exist after you are born and breathe your first breath.
2. If a man is paranoid and thinks his wife cheated on him, abortion was a legitimate method of "proving" her infidelity (and if she is "guilty", he gets to stone her, so two birds ...).
3. If you kill a pregnant woman, you get the death penalty. If you just kill the embryo/fetus, you get a small fine.
4. Even post-birth babies are regularly killed by order of God, so obviously He ain't as into you as you like to think (Jesus noted something like this when people assume they can sit next to the Host but then are sent to the cheap seats).
5. Joseph was thinking of quietly divorcing Mary when he found out she was pregnant because IT WAS THE LAW FOR HER TO BE STONED. That she was pregnant meant NOTHING. Babies are only to be saved if they are relevant to the plot. Everyone else is mere cannon fodder.
The duplicating cells have a soul and are in the "much more" care of God. The problem is you are both saying only empirical things exist, and then using empiricism to justify this rationale.
Where is cellular ensoulment in the bible? It is clear that you only count after you've taken your first breath. We celebrate BIRTHdays, not ENSOULMENT days or CONCEPTION days.
Not in Sex Ed class, but surely you know that school counselors and nurses offer contraception and leads to abortion providers. Nor am I ignoring the reality of human sexuality, although we all managed to exist here though there weren't sex ed classes for thousands of years.
What I am saying is tell kids to keep it in their pants. Why? Because we don't say, "Gosh, people can't help but drink and drive, so here's some free booze and car keys for 12 year olds." Basta! Enough!
So, your logic is that teens are irresponsible, but you think they are wise enough to become parents? I mean, it's been mentioned, more or less, that what you call someone taught abstinence only is "momma".