That's completely different. Those examples above are based on having no many options and after doing whatever can be done for a human being. Doctors are imperfect humans too. Our discussion here, as I said before, is about some cases of abortion based on a careless whim, not all cases of abortion.
When does a planted seed become alive? If a tree is alive when is a planted tree seed?
Please forgive my ignorance, but I hope I understood correctly and my answer to the first part is I don't know. My point anyways was in the state of the seed not being in a growing condition, in our hands for example, and the full state of being grown with all its running biological erm parts!
In a debate logic is what rules (my rather hyperbolic posts notwithstanding.) Emotions are discounted, as harsh as that sounds. Otherwise you get knee jerk reactions. The ability to think logically is also rather valued as a bastion of our species.
Um, this is what I'm doing, I'm using logic! Emotions are not always subjective, sometimes they are objectives, like the ones concerning possibly hurting others. In such cases one should think twice.
Generally speaking tho, everything you're saying makes sense and is within possibilities too, but not absolute regarding my original point that I hope you understood in full. I'm all about possibilities and I believe it is not fair to ignore possibilities concerning hurting others. If there is a slight possibility that the being growing in the womb is alive and has feelings, then an abortion based on an irresponsible whim is not fair against it. That's all I'm saying.