Then your interpretation and version of God plays dice with the universe. And since what happened to Hawking was not personal your God can't be omnipresent, nor omnipotent. Your God somehow has removed itself from what happens on earth, and how it functions. Of course this is directly inconsistent with as literal interpretation of the Jesus myth, that of his execution as payment for the sins of mankind. Why does God care one way, but not who gets debilitating diseases or cancers or other defects? This is the dilemma of modern people trying to make logical, literal sense of ancient stories.Although I'm reading one of Stephen Hawking's books now and he said something interesting about his malady as perceived by some in religion. He said that religion has imputed evil or sin to his condition. That is sad. Because I know God did not do that to Dr. Hawking and yes, I believe many have believed that which is sad. The reason it happened is because God PERMITTED it, He did not single out Stephen Hawking for that, or cause it to happen to him.