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ACT test scores for US students drop to new 30-year low

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The surge of new and better teachers...

Yeah, that garbage is WAY overhyped as rote memorization looks impressive but it just is not learning (learning includes being taught to not just gather info but evaluate and use it and think on it critically).
And most parents just aren't cut for beint a teacher. They know nothing about it, don't know how ti go about it, and probably lack the time for it.


Veteran Member
Being that it takes two adults working full time just the keep a roof over their kid's heads, how are you imaging they will have the time to home-school them? And where are all these parents with the intellectual capacity to successfully teach their kids the equivalent of a k-12 education? Keep in mind that a third of the American public are currently thinking that Donald Trump was sent from God to "drain the swamp" of democracy. And that every word in their Bible was written by God, himself. And that evolution, climate change, and science in general are all evil an plot from the devil.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
That's been America's approach for a very long time now. It caters to averages and norms and assumes we're all incompetent and unable. Even during the 40s and 50s and it was decided college preparedness would be shirked and students going to college can just play catch up amd learn then, freeing everyone else of the burden of learning.
During WWII the US military was concerned about the poor math abilities of the average American high school student as that doesn't bode well for the military who's jobs and missions often and heavily revolve around numbers and math.
It's nothijy new, covid isn't to blame but centuries of anti-intellectualism that has been a long lived feature of mainstream American culture.
Actually education in the 1940s war era hit a boon, precisely because of those deficits which helped opened people's eyes.



Well-Known Member
The title speaks for itself.

ACT test scores for US students drop to new 30-year low

"High school students' scores on the ACT college admissions test have dropped to their lowest in more than three decades, showing a lack of student preparedness for college-level coursework, according to the nonprofit organization that administers the test.

Scores have been falling for six consecutive years, but the trend accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students in the class of 2023 whose scores were reported Wednesday were in their first year of high school when the virus reached the U.S.

"The hard truth is that we are not doing enough to ensure that graduates are truly ready for postsecondary success in college and career," said Janet Godwin, chief executive officer for the nonprofit ACT.

The average ACT composite score for U.S. students was 19.5 out of 36. Last year, the average score was 19.8."

The problem is the Teachers Unions are there for the teachers, and not the students. Woke education caused many teachers to remove concerned parents, who care the most about their children. The net result was the dumb down of the children, in favor of the adult security. COVID shut down of school was for the teachers not students.

From the POV of the teachers in the Unions, more pay and more benefits is the goal. This is fine. From the POV of the Union Bosses more teachers is also the goal, since more teachers means more union dues collected and bigger bonuses. The problem this has created is although reading, writing and arithmetic are still the core education needed for student success, that alone will limit the needed teachers, and could make union dues revenue, flat.

They Unions started to push and add more and more fringe courses, as a way to add bodies for more Union dues. They then paid the politicians to influence the Department of Education, to add Lefty fridge, to the meat and potatoes. This distracted the students and teachers away from the core curriculum needed for success. Where can you get a job with an A in Woke Studies? If anything that will make you an annoying Lefty activist, which can become counter productive to success in the job market. Unless DEI can force companies to hire the annoying. This bottleneck is good for Big Government, who is in bed with the Unions. Both need more bodies to grow. Dumb down helps big government to grow.

The Republican approach is to disassemble the Department of Education and rebuild it for the children. It is now structurally design for Unions, Big Gov and DNC. The remodel educational system will allow more parent involvement since they are the most pro-children; they're babies. While getting back to the basics of success will also help the children for success. The goal is self sufficient young people who can contribute and have the American dream. Trump took people off food stamps for jobs, while the Biden put them back on food stamps for bodies. Food stamps increasing means less tax revenue, more government spending, and more debt. We need to break the cycle by altering how these entities do business. Ir may take total dismantle and rebuild.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Actually education in the 1940s war era hit a boon, precisely because of those deficits which helped opened people's eyes.

That talks more about college and trade school than public education. During that time it was decided for public schooling that producing good, democratic citizens would be the primary goal. College can handle the smart ones when they get there.
Try again.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
You might as well have supported a claim that excons are reliable from jailbirdsrus.com.. That may be true, it may not be. But there is a clear conflict of interest for honest reporting.
Hardly :D - it’s statistical… :D We are breaking the mold and creating free thinkers.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
It is, and proves how worthless and useless our public education system has become.

It's good to know that some intelligent and fed up parents are finally fighting back and taking charge in removing their kids away from the destructive modern day Komsomol, and rearing them on their own terms to be productive and smart students that can actually enter higher education with an advantage rather than having their heads filled with useless information that contributes nothing towards academics necessary for good careers and the ability to keep them.

The pandemic helped open people's eyes on its effectiveness.

Let the proofs speak for itself.

We have 8 grandchildren being homeschooled. since I went to public school when I was younger, I can definitely see they are having much more and a more well-rounded education!

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Yeah, that garbage is WAY overhyped as rote memorization looks impressive but it just is not learning (learning includes being taught to not just gather info but evaluate and use it and think on it critically).
And most parents just aren't cut for beint a teacher. They know nothing about it, don't know how ti go about it, and probably lack the time for it.
Clearly your wrong as students must pass regents like everyone else does for the HS diploma.

Additionally the costs of homeschooling are miniscule compared with the excessive bloat of lucrative educational systems preying on the taxpayers wallets further exemplifying the sheer uselessness of public schools which ought to be disbanded and eliminated outright and left in parents capable hands.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Apparently you have’t even tried to look it up. ;)
It is not my claim. You made the claim, it is your burden of proof. If you can only find very questionable sources you are as much as admitting that you are wrong. Why would I need to look up anything to support a claim that I am not making? :shrug:

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
All I know is the homeschooled students who show up at my university are socially awkward, unprepared academically, and lack critical thinking skills.
I have a nephew and niece that were homeschooled. The nephew was having trouble with math and they had me tutor him. His homework was amazingly neat, and I chewed him out for that. I wanted to see in his work what errors led him astray. I made him switch from pencil to pen while we were working. I told him if he makes an error just cross it out so that I can see it. I managed to get him from almost failing to a high B. I did not get to quite A level. But leaving one's errors on the page so that he could see where he may have screwed up helped a lot. Otherwise he had just pristine notes that obviously went off at one point. Being able to look backwards at one's reasoning can help a lot.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
It is not my claim. You made the claim, it is your burden of proof. If you can only find very questionable sources you are as much as admitting that you are wrong. Why would I need to look up anything to support a claim that I am not making? :shrug:
No… I don’t think I need to. Other people gave sites. This sound more like “I don’t want to agree no matter what evidence there is"


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
All I know is the homeschooled students who show up at my university are socially awkward, unprepared academically, and lack critical thinking skills.



I'm a planet

That's great, but it doesn't change what I have observed on my campus.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
That's great, but it doesn't change what I have observed on my campus.
Yes… but I have observed on campus that there are people who haven’t been homeschooled who get high, drunk and have radical ideas that other people view as “well adjusted”.