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Acts of violence in the name of the Baha’i Faith

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I became a Baha'i in this period, but not as a result of mass teaching. I participated in the follow up and pressure from traditional churches to recant was immense. Some stayed some did not. The active Baha'is more than doubled in numbers particularly in South Carolina and among Native Americans,
So the teaching efforts worked. Have they continued to be used? And, has the Baha'i Faith grown in those same areas?


Premium Member
So the teaching efforts worked. Have they continued to be used? And, has the Baha'i Faith grown in those same areas?

Those same methods are not currently used. The Baha'i Faith has developed new methods centering around the community. I know the Baha'i Faith is growing, but at present I am not informed about the actual growth in these areas.

Yes, the Baha'i Faith is quieter and not as well known as the Christian and Muslim faiths. I believe this in part due to what I call the noise of contemporary preoccupation with materialism and tribalism. The primary reason most people believe is the attachment to a sense of community and belonging to traditional beliefs.

I would add that for the most part the Baha'i Faith emphacises personal one on one teaching and not the aggressive evangelical teaching methods using what I consider highly questionable psychological methods. Even the the mass teaching was essentially a one one one teaching effort by the Baha;i Faith on a large scale providing information on the Baha'i Faith.
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Premium Member
If so, well and good. However there are many who have a vegetarian diet now itself.

True, but there are manner diverse cultures and regions of the world that are unsuitable for a vegetarian diets. Instead of demanding that those who are not vegetarian are committing violence against life, which is unrealistically unreasonable, the Baha'i Faith supports a natural evolution to a vegetarian based on spiritual and physical evolution as well as advancements in technology over time.


Veteran Member
If, by chance, the Baha'is become the majority in a country, they wouldn't have a Baha'i leader in the government? Because they couldn't let a Baha'i run for a political office? Yet, they'd have their own religious governing body, the Spiritual Assemblies, dealing with issues within the Baha'i Faith?
It is a good idea. Let the secular people run the government, in secular issues the public representative with support of the general public will pass laws that will solve the religious problems of the majority.

In other words Church and state will be separate.


Veteran Member
spirit_of_dawn said:
Yeah right BIAS! The manner that Baha'is selectively promote some Baha'i quotes while hiding the nasty ones is called bias, all of it in the name of Independent Investigation of Truth, of course. You should be thanking me for putting up those quotes and showing the real face of Baha'ism.
Not true.When you made selective citations concerning the vegetarian diet I made more complete citation reflected the more complete belief in the Baha'i Faith. This has happened before on topics, and you were brought to task concerning your selective acride bias against the Baha'i Faith.

The reality is the Baha'i writings do not make a dogmatic law concerning what must be eaten and not eaten, The diet is that the present omnivore diet is OK, and a natural diet for humans. Like all things the Baha'i Faith teaches that human diet will natural evolve to a vegetarian diet.
"spirit_of_dawn said:
Yeah right BIAS! The manner that Baha'is selectively promote some Baha'i quotes while hiding the nasty ones is called bias, all of it in the name of Independent Investigation of Truth, of course." Unquote.
shunyadragon wrote:
"Not true." Unquote.

I believe and it suggests may be Bahaullah could not write himself a handy core book worthy of presenting/propagating Bahaism from it. So the Bahais have compiled books, Aqdas* and Gleanings**, from his writings having selective passages from his other books while hiding the unwelcome ones. They promote these books as if written by Bahaullah while it does not present the true picture . Right, please?


* "Kitab-i-Aqdas"
**"Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh"
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Premium Member
spirit_of_dawn said:
Yeah right BIAS! The manner that Baha'is selectively promote some Baha'i quotes while hiding the nasty ones is called bias, all of it in the name of Independent Investigation of Truth, of course. You should be thanking me for putting up those quotes and showing the real face of Baha'ism.

"spirit_of_dawn said:
Yeah right BIAS! The manner that Baha'is selectively promote some Baha'i quotes while hiding the nasty ones is called bias, all of it in the name of Independent Investigation of Truth, of course." Unquote.
shunyadragon wrote:
"Not true." Unquote.

May be Bahaullah could not write himself a handy core book worthy of presenting/propagating Bahaism from it. So the Bahais have compiled books, Aqdas* and Gleanings**, from his writings having selective passages from his other books while hiding the bad ones. They promote these books as if written by Bahaullah while it does not present the true picture . Right, please?


* "Kitab-i-Aqdas"
**"Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh"
Your polite tolerant cover is blown. You have revealed yourself as an extremist, hate filled vindictive intolerant person. LOL . . . with a hate filled agenda against the Baha'i Faith, using out of context citations, and bad malicious translations of Baha'i writings by Muslims.
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Premium Member

What is manifestation of G-d, while replying please quote from
"The Kitáb-i-Aqdas – The Most Holy Book" of Bahaullah?

Has one read Quran from cover to cover, please?

Please don't answer if it is personal/private matter.


As history is a witness the Quran definitely does not prohibit Holy Wars in the name of religion.


Veteran Member
No, I didn't give such an idea any consideration, not for a second. If mankind should find itself at such an impasse there will be hundreds of cults, sects and religions all proclaiming various prophecies and proofs, and with any luck the remnants of mankind will ditch the lot in favour of a secular system.

That looks a bit like the foreword to Terminator.

Lots of people have promoted 'No more War', but I would not trust Bahai to replace anything, because it seems to have a history of incorrigible story telling about its past, present and with future promises, which, even when facts are shown to it in high resolution it shows determination to repeat all, over and over again.

We will hear the stories that we've debunked over many months again......... and again..... and be challenged to disprove same again and again, on and on.

Let's hope that mankind can find a system with straight history, straight claims and deep integrity for our survival into the future.
"Let's hope that mankind can find a system with straight history, straight claims and deep integrity for our survival into the future." Unquote.
And Bahaism don't give straightforward answers. Right. please?



Veteran Member
Yes....... Bahai has declined here in East Kent over 50 years. There may have been about 15 followers back then but I don't think that there could be half a dozen now.

Queen Victoria may have been right. She commented to the effect that if Bahai was good then it would flourish, if not it would fade, or something close to that. It's fading here.

I don't want any theocratic system to take control of the World. If I want to feel terrified then I would prefer to watch a 'wrong turn' movie, not actually have to live in it.
"I don't want any theocratic system to take control of the World." Unquote.

I also agree here.


Veteran Member
Acts of violence in the name of the Baha’i Faith

I get following from Wikipedia:

"Mírzá Husayn `Alí Núrí was one of the early followers of the Báb, and later took the title of Bahá'u'lláh. Bábís faced a period of persecution that peaked in 1852–53 after a few individuals made a failed attempt to assassinate the
Shah. Although they acted alone, the government responded with collective punishment, killing many Bábís. Bahá'u'lláh was put in prison. He claimed that in 1853, while incarcerated in the dungeon of the Síyáh-Chál in Tehran, he received the first intimations that he was the one anticipated by the Báb when he received a visit from the Maid of Heaven.[11]"
Bahá'í Faith - Wikipedia
