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Adam and Eve as a Myth


Well-Known Member
Hi, the following is just some of my beliefs or thots...Some scientists now say microbes from Mars fell to earth and they are now us. How life started on such a hostile planet and came to earth is a mystery to me. I wonder why it is so hard to accept that life began on earth which was and is uniquely and perfectly fitted for it to exist or that this planet was made by God just for this. Now, I understand King Arthur and the Round Table have no eyewitness accounts or historic evidence so I view them as legend or myth. But, take the resurrection. Several writers in the Bible confirmed that they and others were eyewitnesses to this the most important historic event of all time. As Paul wrote, "After that He was seen by over five hundred witnesses, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep." (1 Cor. 15:6). Peter declared these were not fables but that they were eyewitnesses, as did others, like John. Having died rather than deny the resurrection is a powerful witness to me. These same writers and also Jesus himself wrote of Adam and Eve and Noah and Abraham as real historical persons. Romans 5 repeatedly declares that sin and death came by one man, Adam, and righteousness and life by one, Jesus Christ. Peter wrote that in the last days scoffers would come who do not believe in Christ's Second Coming nor in the Flood of Noah. Josephus wrote details about Abraham not found in the Bible. The religious leaders, when contending with Jesus said, "we KNOW who our father was, Abraham". And Jesus told them that Abraham had seen his day and was glad and that before Abraham was, "I AM. So, it was known, Abraham, 18 generations from Adam, was a real person in history, no dispute. Jesus spoke of Adam and Eve concerning the institution of marriage and the fact that before Moses and the bill of divorcement, "in the beginning it was not so." I think we are so far removed from that time and from studying history that we have come to a time when people believe what is convenient and ignore the facts of history and the Bible, having been deceived with all subtilty, as was Eve:

14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. Jude 1:14-16

Again, just my personal beliefs, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Which scientists are saying this?
I don't know, some are. Anyway, if you Google, "Life came from Mars.", you will see several articles of scientists saying this. Some say life may have come from Mars or elsewhere to earth and then evolved. I think its because some believe more time is needed than whatever billions of years they are up to now.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't know, some are. Anyway, if you Google, "Life came from Mars.", you will see several articles of scientists saying this.

I actually did Google it, and after reading through 3 pages of links the closest thing I found was one religious site saying that some scientist said this.

Some say life may have come from Mars or elsewhere to earth and then evolved. I think its because some believe more time is needed than whatever billions of years they are up to now.

You must have gotten all this from somewhere. :shrug:

Like I said: I couldn't find any links about any of this. Maybe you have one?

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I don't know, some are. Anyway, if you Google, "Life came from Mars.", you will see several articles of scientists saying this. Some say life may have come from Mars or elsewhere to earth and then evolved. I think its because some believe more time is needed than whatever billions of years they are up to now.

Humanity came from Mars is the theme of the hard science fiction novel Inherit the Stars by James P. Hogan. Could this be the cause of the confusion?


Premium Member
Just because the copy of the Sumerian story of creation ("Adam and Eve") is older than the copy of the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, doesn't mean that the Sumerian is the original. Both stories were passed on verbally for centuries before the writing. Each story should be analyzed on its own to see if it might be true. Many people who dismiss it as myth only look at other peoples interpretations rather than carefully analyzing the story on its own.

Looking at the story on its own it is comparable to creation myths from other cultures. The fact that an older version of the story was found in other cultures doesn't help the authenticity of the Genesis account.


Well-Known Member
I actually did Google it, and after reading through 3 pages of links the closest thing I found was one religious site saying that some scientist said this.

You must have gotten all this from somewhere. :shrug:

Like I said: I couldn't find any links about any of this. Maybe you have one?
I got it from my brain. Actually I woke up yesterday and began writing short notes from things I read in the Bible and such. Like, I remember that we all came from the Fertile Crescent from the recesses of my memory. Anyway, I used Bing after yolu asked, not for the info., as far as the scientists go, and typed, "Life came from Mars." and on the first page there were numerous articles by scientists saying that could be. But, I remember it from news, tv, etc. It is commonly speculated that there are folks who are now saying life came from elsewhere and traveled to the earth and evolved.

Humanity came from Mars is the theme of the hard science fiction novel Inherit the Stars by James P. Hogan. Could this be the cause of the confusion?
No, never heard of it.


Well-Known Member


Hi, the following is just some of my beliefs or thots...Some scientists now say microbes from Mars fell to earth and they are now us. How life started on such a hostile planet and came to earth is a mystery to me. I wonder why it is so hard to accept that life began on earth which was and is uniquely and perfectly fitted for it to exist or that this planet was made by God just for this. Now, I understand King Arthur and the Round Table have no eyewitness accounts or historic evidence so I view them as legend or myth. But, take the resurrection. Several writers in the Bible confirmed that they and others were eyewitnesses to this the most important historic event of all time. As Paul wrote, "After that He was seen by over five hundred witnesses, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep." (1 Cor. 15:6). Peter declared these were not fables but that they were eyewitnesses, as did others, like John. Having died rather than deny the resurrection is a powerful witness to me. These same writers and also Jesus himself wrote of Adam and Eve and Noah and Abraham as real historical persons. Romans 5 repeatedly declares that sin and death came by one man, Adam, and righteousness and life by one, Jesus Christ. Peter wrote that in the last days scoffers would come who do not believe in Christ's Second Coming nor in the Flood of Noah. Josephus wrote details about Abraham not found in the Bible. The religious leaders, when contending with Jesus said, "we KNOW who our father was, Abraham". And Jesus told them that Abraham had seen his day and was glad and that before Abraham was, "I AM. So, it was known, Abraham, 18 generations from Adam, was a real person in history, no dispute. Jesus spoke of Adam and Eve concerning the institution of marriage and the fact that before Moses and the bill of divorcement, "in the beginning it was not so." I think we are so far removed from that time and from studying history that we have come to a time when people believe what is convenient and ignore the facts of history and the Bible, having been deceived with all subtilty, as was Eve:

14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. Jude 1:14-16

Again, just my personal beliefs, thanks.

thats all panspermia, its a popular guess to the origins of life.

At this time i still follow abiogenesis, as just about the exact time life could arise, it did


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I got it from my brain. Actually I woke up yesterday and began writing short notes from things I read in the Bible and such. Like, I remember that we all came from the Fertile Crescent from the recesses of my memory. Anyway, I used Bing after yolu asked, not for the info., as far as the scientists go, and typed, "Life came from Mars." and on the first page there were numerous articles by scientists saying that could be.

Yes, there are numerous articles by scientists saying that life on Mars may have been a possibility at some point. There are NONE saying what you say below:
You said:
Hi, the following is just some of my beliefs or thots...Some scientists now say microbes from Mars fell to earth and they are now us.

But, I remember it from news, tv, etc. It is commonly speculated that there are folks who are now saying life came from elsewhere and traveled to the earth and evolved.

For one thing, I highly doubt that that's a common speculation anywhere outside of internet SciFi forums, and even if it were, "It is commonly speculated that there are folks who are now saying" is a far cry form " Some scientists now say".


Well-Known Member
Yes, there are numerous articles by scientists saying that life on Mars may have been a possibility at some point. There are NONE saying what you say below:
Bing search, page one, "did life come from mars?:

For one thing, I highly doubt that that's a common speculation anywhere outside of internet SciFi forums, and even if it were, "It is commonly speculated that there are folks who are now saying" is a far cry form " Some scientists now say".
Well, I'm glad you don't believe it, neither do I. I believe, "In the beginning, God..." And that's not the main point of my post anyway. Main point is there is enough evidence from the testimony of good men that Christ, Abraham, Noah and Adam were real enough. I believe it. That's all I'm saying. I personally don't believe its myth. Call it faith, yes, but also I believe the pieces of the puzzle all fall into place. The Bible is a perfectly reliable book in my opinion. That's just what I think and I am just sharing that I am someone who believes it. Can I prove it? Nah. Just Sayin'.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Bing search, page one, "did life come from mars?:

Did you happen to notice that all of titles of those articles end with question marks?


Well-Known Member
Did you happen to notice that all of titles of those articles end with question marks?
Did they? So some do speculate that life came from Mars to Earth? (panspermia) I speculate Adam and Eve are not myth, crazy, huh? (I believe Jesus walked on water, too, so no biggie).
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Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Did they? So some do speculate that life came from Mars to Earth?

No, they speculate that it could have. I only read the first article you linked to, but the most definite thing mentioned was that the conditions may have been suitable and that there could feasibly have been a method of delivery from Mars to Earth.

That's quite a few steps away from claiming that it actually happened.


Premium Member
If life came from outer space it'd be more likely from a meteor but wouldn't likely be from a planet that hasn't been blown up or something. That would make evolution true and possibly from one kind but it isn't far-fetched that there were more than one kind on said meteor.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Did they? So some do speculate that life came from Mars to Earth? (panspermia) I speculate Adam and Eve are not myth, crazy, huh? (I believe Jesus walked on water, too, so no biggie).

No, they speculate that it could have. I only read the first article you linked to, but the most definite thing mentioned was that the conditions may have been suitable and that there could feasibly have been a method of delivery from Mars to Earth.

That's quite a few steps away from claiming that it actually happened.

Although I should add that you're a lot closer to right than I thought you were. :p

I had no idea scientists were even considering the "Life from Mars to Earth" scenario.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
This almost reads like a joke.

You do realize that the genesis accounts involves spontaneous generation, people sprouting from ribs, talking snakes and cursed apples, right?

No, Genesis does not involve:
  • Spontaneous generation
  • People sprouting from ribs
  • Talking snakes
  • Cursed apples
Perhaps you need to take a closer look at what Genesis and the Bible actually does say?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
and the influences of this battle are found with names changed to yahweh in the OT

You might also want to know their first man from first was called Adamu.

your lack of ignorance on the subject is noted

It is not surprising to me to find the myths of ancient Babylon may contain distorted stories based on actual events. The Noachian Flood, for example. Or the name of the first man. But these myths bear no resemblance to the truthful account of Genesis. And thank you for noting my "lack of ignorance."


Well-Known Member
rusra02 said:
It is not surprising to me to find the myths of ancient Babylon may contain distorted stories based on actual events. The Noachian Flood, for example. Or the name of the first man. But these myths bear no resemblance to the truthful account of Genesis. And thank you for noting my "lack of ignorance."

What is your academic background in biology, and geology?

Do you believe that it is acceptable for people who know very little about science to accept creationism, and the global flood story?
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