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Adam and Eve as a Myth


Veteran Member
Back to Adam and Eve...This is the introduction to an article about whether its possible we came from them:

It comes as a surprise to most people to hear that there is abundant evidence that the entire human race came from two people just a few thousand years ago (Adam and Eve), that there was a serious population crash (bottleneck) in the recent past (at the time of the Flood), and that there was a single dispersal of people across the world after that (the Tower of Babel).1 It surprises them even more to learn that much of this evidence comes from evolutionary scientists. In fact, an abundant testimony to biblical history has been uncovered by modern geneticists. It is there for anyone to see, if they know where to look!

It goes on to talk about it in more detail: Noah and Genetics

you do realize that there is absolutely no evidence that kangaroos ever lived in the middle east don't you? or penguins and polar bears for that matter... not even one shred of evidence of them ever migrating to their respective habitats from the middle east either...if one fossil was found of a penguin in the middle east, evolution would turned on its head


Well-Known Member
Are you serious?
Do you really think that you have presented something that would convince those NOT in your choir?

You are going to have to much better than a few half arsed quotes presented completely out of context...
Darwin said it, not me. He said the "civilized" races will exterminate the "savage" races.

fantôme profane;3013477 said:
Lol. They didn't. At least not with each other. That is the point. Don't confuse this with the Biblical Adam & Eve.
I know, lol! I still don't think Adam and Eve are myth, but anyway, I gotta go its midnite!

Creation Ministries?
Nice how they hide behind their safety word..."kind"...

Them 5 dudes look like they got jaundice. Well, its good to be kind in the right measure...And Creation Ministries is pretty good, they know way more than Darwin ever knew, so its a big step up.

fantôme profane;3013501 said:
And after our patient attempts to explain to you that this is not what science says you go ahead and paste this garbage from a pseudo-science website.:slap:
So if it is science from a Christian its garbage. Well, then I LOVE garbage. Love y'all, too...hey quit slapping me...nitey-nite all! Time for my night c** (rhymes with tap) :)


And Creation Ministries is pretty good

they are the worst kind of people on this planet.

They ARE LIAR'S CHEAT'S and promoters of MISINFORMATION who are in a money making scam to extort as much money out of thesit wallet as they can, while they can.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
So if it is science from a Christian its garbage.
Oh no no no, you are not going to play this game with me!:no:

There are plenty of brilliant Christians who have achieved and continue to acheive great things in a wide variety of scientific fields. There are many of Christians who know what honesty and integrity is.

Don' try to paint me like somekind anti-Christian bigot who will reject any science because it comes from a Christian. I will not put up with that

To equate a Christians with the kind of garbage that comes from that website is an insult to Christians and to Christianity. And I will stand up for my friends.



fantôme profane;3013602 said:
Oh no no no, you are not going to play this game with me!:no:

There are plenty of brilliant Christians who have achieved and continue to acheive great things in a wide variety of scientific fields. There are many of Christians who know what honesty and integrity is.

Don' try to paint me like somekind anti-Christian bigot who will reject any science because it comes from a Christian. I will not put up with that

To equate a Christians with the kind of garbage that comes from that website is an insult to Christians and to Christianity. And I will stand up for my friends.

God and Evolution Can Co-exist, Scientist Says | LiveScience

not only that christians are the ones who helped to discovered evolution and get the word out!

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Back to Adam and Eve...This is the introduction to an article about whether its possible we came from them:

It comes as a surprise to most people to hear that there is abundant evidence that the entire human race came from two people just a few thousand years ago (Adam and Eve), that there was a serious population crash (bottleneck) in the recent past (at the time of the Flood), and that there was a single dispersal of people across the world after that (the Tower of Babel).1 http://creation.com/noah-and-genetics
it would certainly surprise most, because none of those things is true.


Well-Known Member
Its still possible we all came from Adam and Eve. Howdy Cuz!
No, it's not possible because two is too small of a population to explain the genetic diversity we see in humans today.

But it shows that Darwin believed there were superior and inferior races and the inferior ones need to be eliminated.
Wrong again. While Darwin accepted that there were differences between the races, he considered them all equally capable of advancement.
The evidence that all civilised nations are the descendants of barbarians, consists, on the one side, of clear traces of their former low condition in still-existing customs, beliefs, language, &c.; and on the other side, of proofs that savages are independently able to raise themselves a few steps in the scale of civilisation, and have actually thus risen.

That's not what he was saying. He didn't say we must all be treated equally or to treat each other as moral equals, he said the inferior "savage" races will be exterminate by the "civilized" races, so civil:

the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous [i.e., most human-looking] apes … will no doubt be exterminated.
Isn't that exactly what happened to the Aztecs, Incas, Native Americans and Australian Aborigines? Darwin was careful not to confuse what is with what should be. You should too.

Back to Adam and Eve...This is the introduction to an article about whether its possible we came from them:

It comes as a surprise to most people to hear that there is abundant evidence that the entire human race came from two people just a few thousand years ago (Adam and Eve), that there was a serious population crash (bottleneck) in the recent past (at the time of the Flood), and that there was a single dispersal of people across the world after that (the Tower of Babel).1 It surprises them even more to learn that much of this evidence comes from evolutionary scientists. In fact, an abundant testimony to biblical history has been uncovered by modern geneticists. It is there for anyone to see, if they know where to look!

It goes on to talk about it in more detail: Noah and Genetics
The Sumerians, Chinese, Harappans and Egyptians would be very surprised to learn there were only two people just a few thousand years ago.


Admiral Obvious
Darwin said it, not me. He said the "civilized" races will exterminate the "savage" races.

I know, lol! I still don't think Adam and Eve are myth, but anyway, I gotta go its midnite!

Them 5 dudes look like they got jaundice. Well, its good to be kind in the right measure...And Creation Ministries is pretty good, they know way more than Darwin ever knew, so its a big step up.

So if it is science from a Christian its garbage. Well, then I LOVE garbage. Love y'all, too...hey quit slapping me...nitey-nite all! Time for my night c** (rhymes with tap) :)
Your blatant dishonesty is most disheartening.


Premium Member
Back to Adam and Eve...This is the introduction to an article about whether its possible we came from them:

It comes as a surprise to most people to hear that there is abundant evidence that the entire human race came from two people just a few thousand years ago (Adam and Eve), that there was a serious population crash (bottleneck) in the recent past (at the time of the Flood), ......
There may have been a bottleneck in population but it was a more than just a few thousand years ago.
The Toba catastrophe theory suggests that a bottleneck of the human population occurred c. 70,000 years ago, proposing that the human population was reduced to perhaps 15,000 individuals[3] when the Toba supervolcano in Indonesia erupted and triggered a major environmental change. The theory is based on geological evidences of sudden climate change and on coalescence evidences of some genes (including mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome and some nuclear genes)[4] and the relatively low level of genetic variation with humans.[3]
Population bottleneck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


New Member
When I watched the documentary on discovery that there exists a cuneiform record of the story of Adam and Eve (the Gilgamish epic)dated a thousand years before Moses' account in the bible,I need no further evidence that this story is, and will remain a myth.


Just old
Premium Member
Welcome aboard Geosha.
You're starting out right, good luck with that.
It's hard to sort the myths from the metaphors,
but maybe they are about the same.


Active Member
Just because the copy of the Sumerian story of creation ("Adam and Eve") is older than the copy of the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, doesn't mean that the Sumerian is the original. Both stories were passed on verbally for centuries before the writing. Each story should be analyzed on its own to see if it might be true. Many people who dismiss it as myth only look at other peoples interpretations rather than carefully analyzing the story on its own.


Just because the copy of the Sumerian story of creation ("Adam and Eve") is older than the copy of the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, doesn't mean that the Sumerian is the original. Both stories were passed on verbally for centuries before the writing. Each story should be analyzed on its own to see if it might be true. Many people who dismiss it as myth only look at other peoples interpretations rather than carefully analyzing the story on its own.

well you are dead wrong. :slap:

The Sumerian is the original as semetic mesopotamians migrated to become Israelites after 1200 BC.

There is no debate at all that much of he early bible has mesopotamian influences


When I watched the documentary on discovery that there exists a cuneiform record of the story of Adam and Eve (the Gilgamish epic)dated a thousand years before Moses' account in the bible,I need no further evidence that this story is, and will remain a myth.

welcome and first frubals for you!

The truth wins


The Lost One
greentwiga said:
Just because the copy of the Sumerian story of creation ("Adam and Eve") is older than the copy of the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, doesn't mean that the Sumerian is the original.

The Sumerian version (including the Flood myth) is at the very least a thousand year older (if not more) than the Genesis version. So yes, it is older.

The Sumerians also had centuries of oral tradition, before any creation or flood myth was written down on clay tablets.

Also, the Akkadian-Babylonian version of these Sumerian myths in the 2nd millennium BCE became so popular that it spread west into the Levant, as far west as Egypt in the south and north in the Hittite Kingdom. Fragments of Babylonian myths are found in the Canaanite town of Megiddo. That's how popular Sumerian-Akkadian-Babylonian myths were in the 2nd millennium BCE.

Ancient Levant, including Canaan, was not isolated from Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures, since it was trade route between these 2 civilizations. And the Phoenician cities, like Byblos and Sidon were major ports in the Mediterranean.

So understandably, more than goods were traded.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
When I watched the documentary on discovery that there exists a cuneiform record of the story of Adam and Eve (the Gilgamish epic)dated a thousand years before Moses' account in the bible,I need no further evidence that this story is, and will remain a myth.

Well, if the Discovery channel said it, it must be true. The chief Babylonian myth states that Marduk killed the goddess Tiamat, then created the earth and sky from her dismembered corpse. To create humans, the god caught the god Kingu and fashioned mankind from his blood. Compare that nonsense with the logical historical account in Genesis. There is no comparison.



Woke gremlin
Well, if the Discovery channel said it, it must be true. The chief Babylonian myth states that Marduk killed the goddess Tiamat, then created the earth and sky from her dismembered corpse. To create humans, the god caught the god Kingu and fashioned mankind from his blood. Compare that nonsense with the logical historical account in Genesis. There is no comparison.
This almost reads like a joke.

You do realize that the genesis accounts involves spontaneous generation, people sprouting from ribs, talking snakes and cursed apples, right?


Just old
Premium Member
Like what I said:
"It's hard to sort the myths from the metaphors,
but maybe they are about the same."
And who made the needle and thread with which to stitch the fig leaves upon them.
And of course....why ? What shame was there to be found in nakedness ?
Moses had a lot of hangups ! Talking serpents....HA !
Why not have laughing worms, or slugs, or what not !
But I'm just getting silly,
where's my meds !


The chief Babylonian myth states that Marduk killed the goddess Tiamat,

and the influences of this battle are found with names changed to yahweh in the OT

You might also want to know their first man from first was called Adamu.

your lack of ignorance on the subject is noted