Interesting question One Truth.
My best guess would be that Man kicked God out and then invented the Dark One to have someone to blame the results on.
No we didn't invent the Dark One, it has always been there, just like the Light.
If you go by the Bible, then Lucifer or the Dark One, is the second most powerful being in the Universe. Believe me Dark matter is very power.
So really this come down to a Ying Yang scenario of balance between light and dark.
I believe that the story of Adam and Eve is a recent story(well at least about 10000 years recent, which is nothing in the grand ages of this Universe), it refers to a time when Humanity was one with the light, thus the creator. We became arrogant in our powers, that we thought we no longer need the creator. We thought we could control the darkness, but, unfortunately the darkness began to control us, this lead to the rejection of the light, the Creator.