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Adam and Eve


Well-Known Member
Yeah, really mature.

:rolleyes: I sincerely hope you're not being serious. Just like your weren't serious when you said you would not be responding to me anymore, apparently.

I am going to sleep.

Good night and thanks for the conversation.

One Truth

New Member
Interesting question One Truth.

My best guess would be that Man kicked God out and then invented the Dark One to have someone to blame the results on.

No we didn't invent the Dark One, it has always been there, just like the Light.
If you go by the Bible, then Lucifer or the Dark One, is the second most powerful being in the Universe. Believe me Dark matter is very power.
So really this come down to a Ying Yang scenario of balance between light and dark.
I believe that the story of Adam and Eve is a recent story(well at least about 10000 years recent, which is nothing in the grand ages of this Universe), it refers to a time when Humanity was one with the light, thus the creator. We became arrogant in our powers, that we thought we no longer need the creator. We thought we could control the darkness, but, unfortunately the darkness began to control us, this lead to the rejection of the light, the Creator.
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One Truth

New Member
God commanded the first man (the earthly one) not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As the subtle serpent knew beforehand that Eve might not be able to get the admonition of Adam, his husband. Satan (that old serpent) beguiled her by asking reflective but deceptive questions. Adam was in-charge of the earth not only of the garden, but he heard the voice of his wife more than the voice of God. So, he rejected God and therefore God rejected him too.

Yes, but God(the light) did not reject us, the Light is still here, and is ever willing to help us.


The Devil's Advocate
No we didn't invent the Dark One, it has always been there, just like the Light. If you go by the Bible, then Lucifer or the Dark One, is the second most powerful being in the Universe. Believe me Dark matter is very power.
  1. So far as I know, "Lucifer" is only mentioned once in the bible and most scholars believe that the name referred to the King of Babylon. I don't recall where it says he's the second most powerful being in the universe. Please enlighten me with a scripture.
  2. The name Lucifer means "bringer of light." He's a promethean character, not a "Dark One."

So really this come down to a Ying Yang scenario of balance between light and dark.
If "the Dark One" and God really are Yin and Yang, then "the Dark One" is not the second most powerful being in the universe. He is equally powerful to God, as Yin and Yang are entirely balanced. That means that your God is but half of a duality who can never "triumph." There never was a time when there was only Yang, nor is it possible nor desirable. Yin is not evil.

I believe that the story of Adam and Eve is a recent story(well at least about 10000 years recent, which is nothing in the grand ages of this Universe), it refers to a time when Humanity was one with the light, thus the creator. We became arrogant in our powers, that we thought we no longer need the creator. We thought we could control the darkness, but, unfortunately the darkness began to control us, this lead to the rejection of the light, the Creator.
How is this different from the standard interpretation of the story?

Yes, but God(the light) did not reject us, the Light is still here, and is ever willing to help us.
That, I agree with. :)
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Eddy Daze

whirling dervish
One truth...maybe the darkness could be classed as the material world, a prison house in which our souls are trapped until we realise or accept the truth (I believe in reincarnation) , so we can either learn the hard way through repeated birth and death or accept the word of God.That has been my view of what the Adam and Eve story represented ,And look how things backfire when we try to control such things as nature.

the student

New Member
We are told in Genesis that God kicked Man out of the Garden of Eden.
I Now propose this question,
Did Man kick God out of the Garden, and allowed the Dark one in?

Where in the Bible can you read that "Man kicked God out of the Garden, and allowed the Dark one in? " ?


The Devil's Advocate
One truth...maybe the darkness could be classed as the material world, a prison house in which our souls are trapped until we realise or accept the truth
Why do people continually demean the material world as something that needs to be escaped from? I look at this world and see both cruelty and kindness, ugliness and beauty. There is at least as much to rejoice in here as there is to sorrow over. Scripture says that God pronounced creation to be "Good." and yet some people can't wait to get away from it.


Jesus in me
How does a human kick an almighty being out of the garden? If God did leave it was on his own accord. Likewise; how does the "Dark one" get into the garden of an almighty & all-knowing being without approval of the being?

I think this is wishful thinking. Atheists have tried hard to get rid of God without any success. An omnipotent and omnipresent God isn't getting kicked out of anywhere.

That doesn't mean that the serpent was an invited guest. Adam and Eve didn't know him because they had no knowledge of evil. The tree becomes superfluous because it is the serpent that introduces Eve to Eve'il by getting her to disobey God. Maybe the tree and apples are a little more sexually involved than we think. There is no doubt that God can restrain the adversary at will, so one has to assume he is being used as a pawn to accomplish God's purposes.


The Devil's Advocate
I think this is wishful thinking. Atheists have tried hard to get rid of God without any success. An omnipotent and omnipresent God isn't getting kicked out of anywhere.
I think the OP was speaking metaphorically, something a biblical literalist would have a hard time understanding. We kicked God out of our hearts/minds/lives...

That doesn't mean that the serpent was an invited guest. Adam and Eve didn't know him because they had no knowledge of evil.
And thus logically cannot be held accountable for any "evil" actions they commit. By your interpretation of the story, God punished people who didn't know any better. No wonder people think he's a meanie.

Maybe the tree and apples are a little more sexually involved than we think.
lol, talk about wishful thinking.

The only thing "sexual" about the apple is that an apple is a fruit, ie - a result of something coming to fruition. Just as the "Fall" was the result of A&E growing up, coming of age. ie, that was the plan all along. Even the whole embarrassment about being naked was just another metaphorical way of saying that they grew up. Riverwolf's description of it as adolescence was quite appropriate.
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Well-Known Member
I think this is wishful thinking. Atheists have tried hard to get rid of God without any success. An omnipotent and omnipresent God isn't getting kicked out of anywhere.

That doesn't mean that the serpent was an invited guest. Adam and Eve didn't know him because they had no knowledge of evil. The tree becomes superfluous because it is the serpent that introduces Eve to Eve'il by getting her to disobey God. Maybe the tree and apples are a little more sexually involved than we think. There is no doubt that God can restrain the adversary at will, so one has to assume he is being used as a pawn to accomplish God's purposes.

"I think this is wishful thinking."

Muffled it was a question; not a declaration. The OPer was a little vague I was hoping to get more of an explanation.

"Atheists have tried hard to get rid of God without any success"

Maybe you should pay closer attention to the entire thread. You'd realize that I am not as concerned with your god as you propose. I have never "tried hard to get rid of God".

"An omnipotent and omnipresent God isn't getting kicked out of anywhere."

Yes, that was my point.

There is no doubt that God can restrain the adversary at will, so one has to assume he is being used as a pawn to accomplish God's purposes."

I agree.
