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Glass half Panda'd
Sorry all the divorce talk is my bad. I forgot to mention that my dad was probably the biggest womanizer in the south eastern U.S. My mom just always fell for men that cheated on her. So yeah I got it from both ends.
I know what you mean, I had a pretty rough childhood in that regard also. It's not fun.


Veteran Member
I realize that. I'm not very old, and I don't have that much life experience. But I have been deeply hurt by my parent's divorce, and I know a lot (most of my friends) also have to deal with the problems that come from parents divorcing. It's not just about a promise to love one another. In my opinion, it's a promise to face the world together, to make plans with and for one another, and to make damned sure you want that responsibility. That's one reason I'm not married yet, I'm not able to make such a commitment.
I didn't get married until I was 24. Looking back...I picked a partner who simply wasn't right for me. You could have never told me that at the time. I wouldn't have listened. Still, even if you pick the perfect partner, sometimes things don't work out. Another reason to enjoy every good moment that comes your way. Trite, but true.

I know that not everything can be forseen, and that sometimes things just aren't meant to be... but I'd like to see people trying to work out marriages before simply giving up (as happens a lot lately.).
I agree. However, we really have no idea how hard people try. Even if we were a fly on the wall. ;)

I understand the pain of divorce. My mom married four times before I was 16. Now that I'm older and have thought about it quite a bit, I understand how it happened for her that way. She's an amazing woman though and one of the kindest people I've ever known.

Anyway...sorry to get off topic. I'll shut up now. :p


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
The link just shows it's biblical.

My point is that divorce is an allowance for our fallibility, especially designed to prevent adultery.

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Glass half Panda'd
Zardoz, Deuteronomy does say that a man can divorce his wife and vice versa. This however, doesn't explain adultery and why divorce is ok. In fact, many verses state the opposite:

Leviticus 21:14
A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife.

Numbers 30:9
But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, wherewith they have bound their souls, shall stand against her.

New Testament:

Matthew 5:32
But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

And adultery is a sin.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
I agree with the scripture, in the sense it allows for divorce, but I think if we can find a way to help people be more understanding of each other and each others needs/wants, it would help cut down on divorce rates and adultery. Which would be good things.


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Zardoz, Deuteronomy does say that a man can divorce his wife and vice versa. This however, doesn't explain adultery and why divorce is ok. In fact, many verses state the opposite:

Leviticus 21:14
A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife.

Numbers 30:9
But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, wherewith they have bound their souls, shall stand against her.

New Testament:

Matthew 5:32
But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

And adultery is a sin.

Ah, but that first one you quote is for Priests, who have additional laws.

Numbers 30:9 I aint got a clue

NT... I reject almost all of it. Only in NT is divorce = adultery. Jewish law... just aint so.
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Glass half Panda'd
On Adultery:

Leviticus 20:10
And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

Proverbs 6:32
But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.

Mark 10:11
And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.
Mark 10:12
And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

Exodus 20:14
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Deuteronomy 5:18
Neither shalt thou commit adultery.


Glass half Panda'd
Ah, but that first one you quote is for Priests, who have additional laws.

NT... other than Sermon on the mount, I reject it all. Only in NT is divorce = adultery. Jewish law... just aint so.

Thank you so much for being honest :)

So, the old testament doesn't say that divorce = adultery... but the NT does. I guess, then, that this question is up to those who follow the NT. Why is it ok and socially acceptable for many Christians to divorce?


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Jewish Law: Divorce prevents adultery.

NT: Divorce is adultery.

Can't make it any simpler, and I'm tired.



Glass half Panda'd
Jewish Law: Divorce prevents adultery.

NT: Divorce is adultery.

Can't make it any simpler, and I'm tired.


I gotcha ;) no worries. The thing is, many of the Jews I know don't hone in on homosexuality as a sin as much as many Christians. Hence my confusion. There's more evidence in both OT and NT to suggest that divorce and adultery are not the best options. But especially in the NT, divorce and adultery are some of the WORST crimes that one can commit. Homosexuality isn't even directly mentioned like adultery is. I don't understand the hype.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Fear. Fear of the unknown. I used to be kind of homophobic. Just because I never been around any in my isolated mountain town ( the same mostly white town I mentioned in the End Racism thread). About 10 years ago I met a pagan bi-sexual girl. We was engaged and lived together for about 3 years. In those 3 years I grew to know a many in the gay community, becoming less fearful with each encounter. How to counteract this fear other than exposure I cannot say.


Its only a Label
This topic on * ADULTERY* is in the general religious section so would like to propose another view of Dharmic religions.
Dharmic religions through meditations have realised that a person keeps taking birth till he is able to drop all his DESIRES and his next life starts where he had left his previous one and he has to live through this karmic cycle.
If he commits adultery his karma because of his desire for sex still remains and so he remains there.
Besides if the wife feels that it is her karma to still remain faithful gets released of her karma.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Well, we have laws strictly forbidding people to stone anyone to death. Especially for a weak law like adultery. I agree adultery is a bad thing, but death is such a harsh penalty for that law, and most states in the u.s. don't even have adultery as a law. Mainly because adultery is something that needs to be worked out between two people. Most of the ten commandments aren't official laws I think only two. Thou shall not kill, which is so vague, thats why the law recognizes numerous definitions of what qualifies as murder, I mean can't get away with a phrase like thou shall not kill. And the other is you shall not steal. Which I think we all see the benefit in not stealing.


No, re-marriage is not bad. Similarly, homosexuality is not bad. And, divorce, when necessary, is not bad. BUT, the church/Bible says that these things are bad, and that these other things are even WORSE than homosexual acts and homosexuality. That's the point I'm trying to get at, I'm not trying to hurt people who have been remarried or anything like that.

With as much grace and humility as one could muster, this one has a few comments on the matter. I too, sought answers to this... some time ago. The answer lies within a paradox that stalemates the union of said couples.

The paradox... is if one is to embrace the love of God, while denying one aspect... that unites that love... then they are returned to the dance of former measures served.

Definition:[FONT=&quot]A paradox is an apparently true statement or group of statements that seems to lead to a contradiction or to a situation that defies intuition. Typically, either the statements in question do not really imply the contradiction; or the puzzling result is not really a contradiction; or the premises themselves are not all really true (or, cannot all be true together).

[/FONT]The last part, "or cannot all be true together" is the key. It takes a very wide view and this one spent at least five years discerning this.

First for same sex coupling, the union cannot consummate... as a union. That is not to say that many of said relations should not be the envy of many heterosexuals. Let me add here, that with a few insightful looks, the "initial" differences between Hetero and Homo relations can readily be broken down, such that any difference's are only the matter of choice and acceptance.

But, divorce IS painful, not just religiously. I personally feel people should try to work through marriage especially if they've promised to love one person forever. BUT, sometimes mistakes are made, and I understand that. :)

Yes indeed! Divorce likewise is presented within a like paradox. One does not and cannot move on from a former Marriage. Little if anything, in a true sense, being left behind. Much is avoided in new found relations... so as not to stir up the past. Here the marriage development, whereby the two become one... falters. This stirs the water so. Groan! Remember, if the first marriage was edified in unconditional love... it would still be. What separated, were measures that one or the other served... and were in bondage too. This does not go away because one moves on to another.

Let me add! This one has been married to wifee for 30 yrs. She is no longer she, as she has become an intricate part of what was me. Each decade revealing different aspects in this.

wanting the Church and people who believe in the legitimacy of the Bible to explain this interesting phenomenon.

Some have already said that justification is all that matters to most, in this. This is very much the point. In these justifications, the masculine and feminine will continue to dance... without uniting as one and in peace... as was declared in the book of Genesis.

Such simple overviews ultimately lead to more questions than answers. This is unavoidable! Relationship where the two become one is seldom ever seen. Here, the root and nature of consequent problem's that are pointed too... arise!
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Miss Independent
When a man or a women lose their delight in each other they are in danger of committing emotional adultery way before they commit physical adultery.

A women loves her husband because he delights in her. And a man loves his wife because he can see she delights in him. What once worshiped and adored 'me' no longer finds any pleasure and delight in me. Now i know there are many people on the forum who might have a kind of 'open' relationship and anything flies kind of thing, but for me...a man does not have to sleep around to commit adultery. He simply needs to replace his affections for me with something else. I think that happens in many marriages without there ever being a divorce and I think adultery happens in many marriages without physically going as far as having sex with somebody else.

Is adultery bad? Well certainly from a biblical perspective it is. And as Rihanna sings in her song...'i dont want to be a murderer',she hits the nail on the head. When someone finds out they have lost their place of importance and honour in someone elses heart, something dies inside.

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What of love in all of this. What becomes compromised with the likes of adultery or same sex unions? Love is truly an aspect that comes from the Divine Mother. Yet, all aspects of the masculine and feminine must be considered. She will not do otherwise.

This one believes that is why the New Testament scripture was written as it was. Any compromises, as was given to Moses with divorce... is not a supporting framework for enlightenment and thus returning to the one.

Mother allows the notions of spirituality to be measured in the longings of our inner self to be reunited with the Father. Only she plays with us in this... for we are never really separated from the Father at all.

Therefore, we are to ignite the essence of his love in a fact simile of what really is... only we have been obscured and mostly deluded from it. One can keep pulling at her spiritual skirt for attention... only she will not yield in this. That is the way of the Holy Spirit... Holy Mother... Divine Spirit... Divine Mother... Feminine aspect of our creator! Again the choice is yours.

Her titillation is to bring us to that awareness as any Good Mother would do. Then allow us to come to the realization... as if it was ours to begin with. Unless she is appeased... there will be no resolution and consequently no piece for those who are caught up, " in the paradox".

The communities of "individuals" mentioned by buttons are awash with trying to find that piece... and they therefore, stand out over most other aspects of our society while looking for recognition and acceptance. To say this or that... causes such an uproar. Guess what! The uproar is often the same reflection that is going on behind closed doors... as they struggle to be appeased in all of this... and cannot be! Remember, love itself is not compromised in this. You cannot imagine the love that is shared... the love that this one shares. It is peace that will remain afoot. Some of my dearest acquaintances holding true to this. [FONT=&quot]

Some will submit (offer to give up) to measures that most of us could only imagine... this is what is clearly seen. They are practically martyrs. However, I find that love itself weighs on them so heavily... they are either like wee ones desperate in their anxiety... or have built their own paradigm of beliefs and realities, where they remain.

Please, do not shoot the messenger.

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Polyamory is the only thing saving my marriage.

Going behind a spouse's back is simply not an option.
I would sooner divorce.
In any case,
Remarraige is not something I would ever consider or want--
for my own reasons.

Am I more or less in "sin" than the christian who divorces and remarries?
Or the spouse who goes "out" behind their partner's back?

(hahaha! Oops...well I did forget to mention I'm 'Bi'.
I suppose that "changes" my level of "sin" then.)
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