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Hhhhmmm! There is a context for what you say. Not sure if we would be sitting side by side with this or not. Let me just add, unconditional and uninhibited... it mostly is as you say.

Don't share this with everybody you meet, now!
You know what happened last time!!

I'm sorry raybo. I really have no idea what anything in this post means. :shrug:

I must say you have left me quite curious as well.
As I never share stuff with anyone in my 'real life'...
What happened last time?! :areyoucra


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
What if NEITHER partner has cheated?
And neither one is happy, and they just want to move on?
Will you marry them to a second/new partner in that case?

If they love one another enough to not have committed adultery I would say they have what it takes to work it out. But that is just my opinion.


If they love one another enough to not have committed adultery I would say they have what it takes to work it out. But that is just my opinion.

You don't have to love someone to not commit adultery on them,
you only have to respect their humanity & their personhood.

You don't turn another person's life into a lie.
As well, you don't open THEIR life up to potenetial complications
without THEIR direct consent. This is just basic HUMAN stuff.
Having nothing to do with love or marriage or amour.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Respect is what it's about.

If you have a business and you don't enjoy it,
and it's not doing well... you find no joy in it...
would you knock yourself out trying to salvage it
when you have other dreams instead?

What on earth for?!?
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It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
I agree with you on that UV but love and respect go hand in hand in my opinion. You may feel differently and if so thats ok. Because it is just my opinion.


I agree with you on that UV but love and respect go hand in hand in my opinion. You may feel differently and if so thats ok. Because it is just my opinion.

There is some truth to that I would say Enoch...
but this love that goes hand in hand with respect
is not necessarily the KIND of love needed for an amorous,
or lifelong, LOVERship.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Ok. We're waiting for the proper context. How about giving it a shot? :D

Is this toward homosexuals who would like to get married as well?

What's better in God's eyes....a Christian homosexual couple who marry and stay married for life


A Christian who marries multiple times during their lifetime?

I don't think it MATTERS "which is better," for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. In other words, sin is sin whether you're gay or straight.

The point is - every situation is different, so broad generalizations don't really work when it comes to the topic of divorce and remarriage - and forgiveness.

People get very caught up in the legalistic aspects of this topic. Are there absolute truths about divorce and remarriage between two Christians - yes. But I don't think they're as harsh as some churches teach.

That's why I'm not Catholic anymore. I thought it was ridiculous that the Bible would tell me clear as day that if my husband was unfaithful, I could divorce him and remarry - but the Catholic Church (which I still have a lot of respect for by the way) said I had to go through the whole anullment process before I was free to remarry.



Veteran Member
Nope, sorry. To death do you part.
Let's say a couple who have both been married before ask you to marry them but you refuse as it's against what you say God allows. If they marry at the courthouse but still want to attend your church, what do you say to them?


Veteran Member
People get very caught up in the legalistic aspects of this topic. Are there absolute truths about divorce and remarriage between two Christians - yes. But I don't think they're as harsh as some churches teach.
But, what we all want to hear (from Christians) is what is considered kosher for remarriage? As UV asked, what if neither partner cheated but were just very unhappy. What would your pastor say?


Well-Known Member
If they love one another enough to not have committed adultery I would say they have what it takes to work it out. But that is just my opinion.

Not every marital problem involves sex or adultery.
In fact I`m told the biggest hurdle couples face is money.

Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
Yes, this is one of the reasons that I don't buy into the rhetoric that gay marriage is going to "destroy everything" or "ruin the family" ect. All in all, homosexuals are a relative minority whom I don't think have the power to undo the "fabric of society". It's been, by and large, the collapse of heterosexual marriage, the cheapness of it, the lack of seriousness given to it, that have really had the detrimental cost on children. All of these problems have plagued our social structures long before homosexuals started asking for marriage.

Personally, I believe a healthy anti-dote to the "problem of family" we often hear about should involve a healthier distance from consumerism, technology and media, and a broader and more expansive family unit which consists of a multiplicity of role models (i.e grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings, friends) that we see more often than holidays- who constitute a genuine and even daily network of support around the couple rearing children.

I always liked the saying that "it takes a village to raise a child"- a village, not a city, not a complex and alienating educational system, or impersonalized day care, but a host of persons with intimate and organic ties to the child.

- to connect this more concretely to the OP, I agree with the claim that homosexuality gets too much attention and that more attention should given to acts, like adultery, which are more prevalent and do much obvious damage.
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Let's say a couple who have both been married before ask you to marry them but you refuse as it's against what you say God allows. If they marry at the courthouse but still want to attend your church, what do you say to them?

Good morning, have a seat. ;)


Well-Known Member
Why can't you marry them? I'm confused. You feel it's sin yet right after they marry everything is resolved? Could you explain, please?

When they become parishioners of his church he gets a steady 10% of their income on a consistent basis.


I kind of see the stoning penalty as being metaphoric. I am sure most have heard "so and so' has a heart of stone"... if someone is going to commit adultry, the best thing to do if they cannot learn to control their own selves is to give them over to their ignorance, learn what you can from it, and move on. I do not speak this lightly, but rather from experience. I have learned to trust the experiences rather than the person (until they prove their self, that is.. but even then, we have to cut some slack seeing that we all have had moments of following our first instinct rather than first using our intellect to make a more rational choice). The latter, the intellect is what we learn to follow via being on the painful side of these experiences.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Not every marital problem involves sex or adultery.
In fact I`m told the biggest hurdle couples face is money.

You are correct, but that is a because we (americans in the least) live way beyond our means. And blah blah blah eventually it leads up to the fat hogs on wall street that run the banks who are raping us and enjoying every second of it, but alas....

All that is irrelevant if we go back to basics and learn to live without credit cards, stop buying homes that are ridiculously overpriced (all of them are imo), and live a more humble life. Then money is no longer an issue, and thus one less thing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
All that is irrelevant if we go back to basics and learn to live without credit cards, stop buying homes that are ridiculously overpriced (all of them are imo), and live a more humble life. Then money is no longer an issue, and thus one less thing to worry about.

I totally agree.

By the way the homes being overpriced thing is very true considering the recent past.
Right now however banks are trying to simply get foreclosures off their books.

The real estate pricing in my town is ridiculously cheap right now.

I`ve been tempted lately to purchase another house and rent it .

Very tempted.


Well-Known Member
So, I see a lot more threads on the subject of homosexuality. Many of them, if not most of them, are started by people who are homosexual themselves or have ties to the Rainbow Alliance. I realize that it is a heated subject, homosexuality. I realize that while the Christians on this thread are either OK with people living and letting live, there are some who don't completely agree.

This thread is a springboard from those ideas to another one. This thread is about the curious nature of adultery, second,third,or even fourth marriages, and its place in the Abrahamic faiths.

We know, as it's commanded in one of the 10 commandments, that one is not to commit adultery. We should probably be taking this FAR more seriously than gay marriage/homosexuality because there are only about three verses in the OT about it, and nothing in the NT. So why aren't we stoning adulterers? Why are we ok with being married a second or third time? Isn't that MORE detrimental to the family unit than say, two homosexual parents?

Why aren't we as hardcore on stoning adulterers than we are with condemning two people who want to love one another?

I read carefully all posts and see no one answered your question. I will answer it for you.
This is going to be a long post, so please read carefully as it will be a lot of information. Think about it and lets continue to develop this.

Let's start with the fact the bible, the world, and everyone in it from beginning to end are all about God. Meaning when we read something in the bible and stray with wondering what does this mean in my personal life, we will never find truth. So as I read everyone's heart felt posts, I realize that everyone is viewing it as if the bible was made or written somehow for individualist and how they or we feel about this or that.

Bare with me, because if we view the bible and its messages as they are suppose to be viewed we can come to truth.
All the verses mentioned so far about divorce and marriage, is a picture of God's overall plan.
You have to remember (an no offense to the Hebrew that posted on here) that the old testament alone is useless, it is just half of the picture. What is the BIG BIG BIG lesson of the old testament? IT was that mankind fell, and God could have destroyed everyone had he wanted to, but instead he made a promise. What was this promise? He promised to save a people for himself. In regard to marriage this picture is a reference to God's first bride, the nation of Israel. The majority of the old testament is about God's marriage to his people Israel.
Now what happened towards the end of the old testament? God warned his bride, that he would cut her off. Why would he cut her off? Well, think about it. Israel was seeking after other God's and other ways, in other words comitting adultry.
So God allowed Moses to create a law, so that man could divorce. This was all part of the plan to divorce the nation of Israel, and allow the gentiles in.

Now that is a lot of general information, so I will get more specific so it all makes more sense. Jesus stated in the NT that divorce was allowed when asked, but only because of the hardness of their hearts in the OT was it allowed. Then Jesus said from the beginning it was not so. He then said that from hence forth, divorce was not allowed, "except" for the cause of fornication or adultry. When we look at the word used here in the original greek manuscripts as "except" we realize it is used often as the word "even". However read as is, we think it is saying it is allowed. It should actually read "divorce is not allowed, "even" for the cause of fornication or adultry. This makes a HUGE difference.
If you are interested look at the original greek words used and check it out for yourself.
Moving on, we can begin to understand that divorce was allowed at one time, and that was ultimately allowed so that God could divorce the nation of Israel. Jesus recended that law in the NT.
Remember what I said at the beginning of my post, we need to understand the bible from the point of view that is focussed on God, and not us? Can you begin to see with this information how God has through the bible made a way to save all the people he planned to save. God could have never come to the gentiles unless he made the allowance of divorce. So all this talk about husbands and wifes, is really missing the point.
The whole NT talks about God's bride, and how Jesus will come for his bride. His bride is all those who were saved in the old testament, and also later after the divorcing the nation of Israel, his new bride in the gentiles.

This is another way in which the bible and God surpass our minds and shows His majestic and infinite mind.

Now, let's think about the enmity between Jews today and Christians. Sure they are not killing each other (generally speaking like they used too), but they are at odd, because one says God is married to them and the other says God is married to them. Can you begin to see what is going on here?
I know this is probably different than what you ever thought about before, but really consider it.

If anyone wants more details on the subject I will e glad to explain it more.

Thanks for reading...


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So, I see a lot more threads on the subject of homosexuality. Many of them, if not most of them, are started by people who are homosexual themselves or have ties to the Rainbow Alliance. I realize that it is a heated subject, homosexuality. I realize that while the Christians on this thread are either OK with people living and letting live, there are some who don't completely agree.

This thread is a springboard from those ideas to another one. This thread is about the curious nature of adultery, second,third,or even fourth marriages, and its place in the Abrahamic faiths.

We know, as it's commanded in one of the 10 commandments, that one is not to commit adultery. We should probably be taking this FAR more seriously than gay marriage/homosexuality because there are only about three verses in the OT about it, and nothing in the NT. So why aren't we stoning adulterers? Why are we ok with being married a second or third time? Isn't that MORE detrimental to the family unit than say, two homosexual parents?

Why aren't we as hardcore on stoning adulterers than we are with condemning two people who want to love one another?

Your whole post is one big logical fallacy.
