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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
hahaha! so then mutual adultery sets both original partners free!
excellent loophole. :D

Not a loophole - but merely the way things sometimes happen.

Like I've said over and over again, each situation is so different and unique - it's pretty hard to judge.

So I don't judge anyone but myself when it comes to divorce and remarriage. For one thing - how do I know what REALLY happened in their marriage? Marriage is intensely personal - they don't owe me any answers - it's their business before God, not mine.


Glass half Panda'd
This topic on * ADULTERY* is in the general religious section so would like to propose another view of Dharmic religions.
Dharmic religions through meditations have realised that a person keeps taking birth till he is able to drop all his DESIRES and his next life starts where he had left his previous one and he has to live through this karmic cycle.
If he commits adultery his karma because of his desire for sex still remains and so he remains there.
Besides if the wife feels that it is her karma to still remain faithful gets released of her karma.
Love & rgds
This is really interesting! I didn't know that Adultery was even an issue in Eastern faiths, and it's good to learn a bit more about other religious perspectives. :) So, if the desire for sex is above understanding the Dharma and living the Dharma, this is when "adultery" really occurs? I'm not quite sure what you mean about karma in this, so I hope you can clarify for me a bit. I'm new to this concept. Thank you!


Glass half Panda'd
Well, we have laws strictly forbidding people to stone anyone to death. Especially for a weak law like adultery. I agree adultery is a bad thing, but death is such a harsh penalty for that law, and most states in the u.s. don't even have adultery as a law. Mainly because adultery is something that needs to be worked out between two people. Most of the ten commandments aren't official laws I think only two. Thou shall not kill, which is so vague, thats why the law recognizes numerous definitions of what qualifies as murder, I mean can't get away with a phrase like thou shall not kill. And the other is you shall not steal. Which I think we all see the benefit in not stealing.

I suppose that's the case, but adultery is up there with the first ten. I guess it depends on how hardcore of a Bible follower you are. Because for the law itself, law has no place in "marriage" imo. In this case, I'm asking why Christians tend to take the law into their hands concerning gay marriage, but not of an actual 10 Commandment sin like Adultery. Get my drift? ;)


Well-Known Member
I suppose that's the case, but adultery is up there with the first ten. I guess it depends on how hardcore of a Bible follower you are. Because for the law itself, law has no place in "marriage" imo. In this case, I'm asking why Christians tend to take the law into their hands concerning gay marriage, but not of an actual 10 Commandment sin like Adultery. Get my drift? ;)

Well, I don't think adultery is a good thing by any means, but it's not actually against the law. I don't think anyone of any religious denomination should be dictating there beliefs into the law system. Especially things like gay marriage.


Glass half Panda'd
Now, let's think about the enmity between Jews today and Christians. Sure they are not killing each other (generally speaking like they used too), but they are at odd, because one says God is married to them and the other says God is married to them. Can you begin to see what is going on here?
I know this is probably different than what you ever thought about before, but really consider it.

If anyone wants more details on the subject I will e glad to explain it more.

Thanks for reading...

I think I do see your point :) I've snipped your OP a bit, but don't worry, I read it all. So, because adultery really only concerns God and his children, this is what is meant by adultery. Meaning, of course, that marriage between a man and a woman is irrelevant on the topic of adultery. So, this makes the situation rather simple, yet more complicated.

Because if we say that the only adultery that can be committed is between God and his people, where does that leave a married couple? In other words, how should a married Christian couple live their lives? Does it mean that if one partner cheats on another, that this still isn't cause for divorce? How does this, if at all, apply to earthly marriage of any kind?

Does this mean anything directly or indirectly from homosexual Christians, who are married to God and in covenant with him, but happen to love someone of the same sex?


hmmm no response to my posting?

I believe it was asked for a biblical answer and I Gave one. Did I not write clear enough? Please let me know if I need to clarify. Everything I said is biblical. I can not say the same about everyone elses post. No offense, but the question for this thread was what does the bible say, and why is it OK for the church to allow divorce. The bible teaches it is NEVER ok to allow divorce, so the church is in error for doing this.

Welcome aboard!


You may like the rest have dismissed as much. The two posts that i shared very much reveals the nature of how mankind flounders in his their own interpretation... and ends up in a paradox. It is not for everyone to fathom. You should have seen some of this in the post, yet with many posts... some apparently will get lost.


It was a joke regarding what might have happened last time. ;)

I do want to share something with you. The polyamory that you speak has two fronts. Those whom are everfree share in much the way you offered. In the divine one is polyamory in spirit. There are others who may as well share some of these attributes in part. Yet, the flesh is or can be a larger entity in the equation. It is believed by this one, that all will experience the latter for a time. Some will arrive in the fullness of spirit. That is seldom seen!


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Jacob I loved, Esau I hated Mal ch1:v3

Ah and why did God hate Esau? Because he gave up his birthright and denied all of God's blessings. If your child spat in your face, cursed you, and denied that you never loved them to begin with, denied that you even give birth to him. Would it not **** you off? Esau He hated even before he was born. Yet God loved him enough to let him be born of man and let him excercise his free will and redeem himself. Esau remained defiant to the very end, and he also paid the price.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I think I do see your point :) I've snipped your OP a bit, but don't worry, I read it all. So, because adultery really only concerns God and his children, this is what is meant by adultery. Meaning, of course, that marriage between a man and a woman is irrelevant on the topic of adultery. So, this makes the situation rather simple, yet more complicated.

Because if we say that the only adultery that can be committed is between God and his people, where does that leave a married couple? In other words, how should a married Christian couple live their lives? Does it mean that if one partner cheats on another, that this still isn't cause for divorce? How does this, if at all, apply to earthly marriage of any kind?

Does this mean anything directly or indirectly from homosexual Christians, who are married to God and in covenant with him, but happen to love someone of the same sex?

Let me first say about your first point, that God also expects us to understand the bible in our own lives, but if we approach trying to understand the bible only that way, we will indeed miss the real truth. So while the bible and this whole existance is in fact about God and his marriage to his people, it is also for us so that we can begin to understand what he is doing for his people. Some similarities like passion, sacrifice, friendship, that we are suppose to find in out marriages, is what God finds in his chosen people.
Also, note that God recended the law to allow divorcement, so he is never going to divorce again, which means we can not divorce anymore even for the cause of fornication or adultry.
Now lets expand on this a little bit. Suppose when we commit spiritual adultry with God, like go after other gods, or worship a dead object like gold or whatever. Every time we do this according to this thread God could divorce his people. Well glady he does not, he forgives his people. Throughout the OT here was very forgiving to Israel often times giving them a chance to come back to God, sometimes they would and often times they wouldn't.
If you remember in the OT, Israel was jealous of their neighboring countries because they had a king to rule over them. God knew their heart and said, since you are not satisfied with me, I will make you a king for you heardned hearts. And so God raised up good and bad kings to rule over Israel.
Anyway we can see that the 1st bride had free access to God, what a gift to just walk away from.

I digress a little bit to say this, in our marriages on the earth we do not generally have the mercy God had for thousands of years with Israel. Especially in todays world, we will get divorced for just about anything. See what I am getting at? We have taken one line out of the entire bible (which we mis-interpret) and have given rise to more divorces than ever before since the church began. So you have to distinguish between the church and the bible. They are not the same.

Gay marriage? Well, the new testament refers to this as men and men or women and women working that which is unseemly, changing the natural affection of man and woman, burned in their lust one for another. So obviously know one knows who God will choose to take to heaven. That is God's business, but it is clear that homosexuality is just a deviation from the natural use of mankind. Any time we are burned in lust for one another not under the lawful institution of God, and have sex it is sin, whether we are gay or straight.
Remeber marriage is not something that is governed under a church, it is just whatever the law of the land happens to be. So if two are married it is then justified, as long as they have not been married before. If they have been married before than they should just treat this as their first marriage, and realize they sinned into this marriage. Though if two people know it is sin, and then decide to get married, that is just evidence they are "probably" not a child of God.

In terms of two gays getting married and staying married until they die or Jesus comes back, well this falls under the category of trying to know who is going to heaven. I believe gay people can in their heart serve God, and also realize what they are doing is against nature, and be torn inside for their whole lives. Of course there are gays who could care less about what God thinks, just as there are straight people who could care less. The bottom line is if you are a "christian" and want to follow the only words we have from God, which is the bible, than we have to conclude that gay relationships are probably not what God intended for marriage. I don't condemn them, as God can save whomever he will.
To each his own and all of that.


Well-Known Member
Ah and why did God hate Esau? Because he gave up his birthright and denied all of God's blessings. If your child spat in your face, cursed you, and denied that you never loved them to begin with, denied that you even give birth to him. Would it not **** you off? Esau He hated even before he was born. Yet God loved him enough to let him be born of man and let him excercise his free will and redeem himself. Esau remained defiant to the very end, and he also paid the price.

Enoch I don't want to argue with you, I simply replied to your post because your main point is that God loves everyone. It is nice and all to say God loves everyone, but you are missing the point that God may Love everyone but he is not going to save everyone. If you want to split hairs and say that is the persons fault, than more power to you. That is not relevant to this thread.



It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Of course God will not save everyone. It is up to you to make the effort to reclaim your birthright. Which is with God in the Kingdom of Heaven. Its called Free Will.


Well-Known Member
There is no hell... Only the grave...
so if you like to live, hopefully God will save you. Otherwise enjoy the earth while you are here, and then you will just die.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
There is no hell... Only the grave...
so if you like to live, hopefully God will save you. Otherwise enjoy the earth while you are here, and then you will just die.

If that is your opinion so be it. God can take me anytime He pleases. And I am ok with that.