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Age of the Earth.


Well-Known Member
TC Mike said:
Well I'll give you this bit from another creationist site. This is just an evidence of a geochronometer.
Creation Worldview Ministries: Is the earth 4,600,000,000 years old? Or, is the earth only 2,191,000 days (6,000 years) old?
If we use evolutionary assumptions concerning time and allow the Moon to move back toward the Earth initially at two inches per year; then the force of gravity would continuously increase as the Moon receded toward the Earth.

The Moon would "rapidly" spiral into the Earth slightly less than 1.4 billion years ago. The Moon could never have been closer to the Earth than 11,500 miles (the Roche limit) or the gravitational forces would have caused the Moon to beak up into pieces and we would have a ring, not a Moon. In addition, there is the effect of the Moon on ocean tides. If you have 20 quadrillion tons of force you can move a lot of water. If the Moon were to proceed backwards in time getting closer and closer to the Earth, then when it reached 50,000 miles away the tides would rise one mile high.

If tides were ever much greater than they are today the consequent increase in erosion would eliminate the continents in a short time. At the current rates of erosion every continent on earth would be eroded flat to sea level in only 14,000,000 years.

But anyone can copy and paraphrase from the Internet. What do you understand yourself about physics?


Well-Known Member
That article is more then misinformed.

We know there were modern humans on the planet millions of years ago and people living in North America over 13,000 years ago.

Wow, why do those sites flat out lie like that about life?


γοραξ गोरक्ष
It makes me sad that this is even a debate.

Anyone with a weeks learning in geology will know that the earth is at least, bare minimum, 1 billion years old ignoring more advanced geological topics.


Do you know what is common between Hannah Arendt and Plato? They both believed in the difference between opinions and facts.

Opinions are unproved ideas and hypotheses and may be brought into debate on the public square (forum they used to say in ancient Rome).

But facts are scientific or rational truths.

Totalitarian empires usually conceive their own opinions as facts. On the contrary, lax, lazy and corrupted States usually agree that all facts are nothing but opinions which can be replaced. Those are the two dangerous pitfalls.

I believe the age of Earth has been a matter of scientist... which definitely makes the issue a question of facts.




Active Member
Yes the earth's rotation rate is slowing down due to the moon's gravity causing tides on the earth. Tides due to the oceans cause the majority of this effect. The timing of the tides lag behind the earth's center of gravity, causing a constant net deacceleration on the earth's rotation by the moon.

You can find a more detailed and technical discussion here:
In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood - How Long Would It Take the Moon to Recede from Earth to Its Present Position?
This is just another example of exactly how uneducated (I wanted to say dumn, but I won't)creationists are.

From the creationist "source":
"The Moon would "rapidly" spiral into the Earth slightly less than 1.4 billion years ago. The Moon could never have been closer to the Earth than 11,500 miles (the Roche limit) or the gravitational forces would have caused the Moon to beak up into pieces and we would have a ring, not a Moon. In addition, there is the effect of the Moon on ocean tides. If you have 20 quadrillion tons of force you can move a lot of water. If the Moon were to proceed backwards in time getting closer and closer to the Earth, then when it reached 50,000 miles away the tides would rise one mile high."

OMG, everyone who can also write can do basic maths.

Currently the moon is 362 570 km away from earth at its perigee. (I won't even use the apogee, as that's even more embarrasing to creationists). 362 570 km = 36 257 000 000 cm from earth. The moon is receding at 3.8 cm per year. Divide 36 257 000 000 cm by 3.8 cm/year and the answer is: 9 526 315 789 years. Thats more than 9 billion years. Since the earth is around 4.5 billion years old, the "Roche limit" doesn't even come into play. These creationists really are stupid and also think that other people are as stupid as them! :sorry1:. Most people have brains.
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Active Member
900 million years ago a day was about 18 hours long. When the earth first formed about 6 hours long.

Solar-B :: For Educators :: Timeline
Around 380 million years ago corals experienced around 400 days per year, which means that a day was around 21.9 hours long. This is also confirmed by radiometric dating of those same corals.

Source: Wells, J.W., 1963. Coral growth and geochronolgy. Nature 187:948-950.

In the past the earth experienced more days per year, which means that days were shorter. Of course that was waaaaay before any mammals appeared!