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Age of the Earth.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
How about we get back on topic.

S-word.....if you're not arguing against an old earth (billions of years old), If you're arguing against an old universe (billions of years old), if your not arguing against the scientific method then I fail to see why you are debating here. If you're in agreement to all these things then why comment? What "you believe" is completely irrelevant if you are unwilling or unable to present evidence for the claims you make.


Happiness Incarnate
That's quite a common affliction in these parts. I've been battling it for over four decades now, and oddly, modern medicine doesn't seem to have any cures in sight.

At least, I hope they don't.
Gorrammit! :D

"You must spread some Frubals around before giving it to $userinfo[username] again"


Well-Known Member
Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong. Thomas Jefferson

Ignorance is preferable to error, it’s said
Less remote from the truth is one who is dead
Or one who believes nothing, you see
Than, "who believes wrong," which refers to me.

Although correct according to data today
Tomorrow these truths will all pass away
New data of which my mind evolves on
Will prove by tomorrow, that today, I was wrong

So each day I’m correct, although I’ve moved on
From the beasts of the fields who think nothing is wrong
Jules Vern, who put a man into space
Was wrong in his day, but he’s not in disgrace

I rejoice in the fact I was wrong yesterday
For my errors have made me --- "who I am," today
As opposed to the beasts who live by instinct
Who have no beliefs, refusing to think.

They worship the buttocks, behind which they stand
They live by the animal instinct in man
They foam at the mouth, while pawing the ground
Devoid of beliefs, 'specially one that's profound............... By S-word
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Well-Known Member
The Earth is old, 'tis true.
And it makes the literalist blue.
But to admit it is so,
And be forced to eat crow.
Would be to open mouth, insert shoe.

I wonder who that post is aimed at, certainly not one who has always maintaind that the age of the earth in this cycle of universal activity, is at least 4.25 billion years old.


Resident Liberal Hippie
I wonder who that post is aimed at, certainly not one who has always maintaind that the age of the earth in this cycle of universal activity, is at least 4.25 billion years old.
Not everything is about you....
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Grumpy Old Man
What if you are one of the sheep-like ones of Matthew 25v32 that do Not die?

When Jesus, as the fine Shepherd, comes in glory he will separate people living on earth at that time. The ones placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, are alive at that time and continue to remain alive right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth.

If that happens great, but I ain't holding my breath.
Frankly I have more faith the earth will turn inside out than waiting around for a return of another myth, besides Jesus is the name of my pizza shop owner and I haven't seen him gathering any sheep, but I will suggest it next time I see him or my mate down the road, Matt.



Veteran Member
If that happens great, but I ain't holding my breath.
Frankly I have more faith the earth will turn inside out than waiting around for a return of another myth, besides Jesus is the name of my pizza shop owner and I haven't seen him gathering any sheep, but I will suggest it next time I see him or my mate down the road, Matt.

Yipes, Tiapan, don't hold your breath or for sure you will not end up as one of the living sheep-like ones of Matthew 25.

I have faith [confidence] the earth will Not turn aside.
Solomon [he's the one known for his wisdom] wrote at Ecclesiastes 1v4 B KJV that the: earth abides forever.
That is not an isolated Scripture:
Psalm 78v69 mentions God established the earth 'forever'.
Psalm 93v1 B the land is established and cannot be moved.
Psalm 96v10 B says the same^.
Psalm 104v5 mentions the foundations of the earth not being removed forever. Earth is designed to always last .
Psalm 119v90 the established earth abides. Meaning solidly fixed with no expiration date.
Jeremiah 10v12 shows the earth is established
1st Chron 16v30 mentions the earth will Not totter but is stable not to be moved.

So since the earth will Not turn aside, perhaps you might like to reconsider.

In some cultures 'Jesus' is a common name. Common or not does not mean 'the Jesus' of the Bible is not the Son of God sent by God from heaven.
How did your Pizza Shop owner end up with the name Jesus?_______
What does he think of Matthew 25 verses 31,32?__________
Would 'Jesus' like to be one of Jesus sheep-like ones?_______


Active Member
Yipes, Tiapan, don't hold your breath or for sure you will not end up as one of the living sheep-like ones of Matthew 25.

I have faith [confidence] the earth will Not turn aside.
Solomon [he's the one known for his wisdom] wrote at Ecclesiastes 1v4 B KJV that the: earth abides forever.
That is not an isolated Scripture:
Psalm 78v69 mentions God established the earth 'forever'.
Psalm 93v1 B the land is established and cannot be moved.
Psalm 96v10 B says the same^.
Psalm 104v5 mentions the foundations of the earth not being removed forever. Earth is designed to always last .
Psalm 119v90 the established earth abides. Meaning solidly fixed with no expiration date.
Jeremiah 10v12 shows the earth is established
1st Chron 16v30 mentions the earth will Not totter but is stable not to be moved.

So since the earth will Not turn aside, perhaps you might like to reconsider.

In some cultures 'Jesus' is a common name. Common or not does not mean 'the Jesus' of the Bible is not the Son of God sent by God from heaven.
How did your Pizza Shop owner end up with the name Jesus?_______
What does he think of Matthew 25 verses 31,32?__________
Would 'Jesus' like to be one of Jesus sheep-like ones?_______

So other than your favorite book of myths what actual evidence for all this do you have.

BTW, just a matter of fact the earth is moving pretty fast. And it most definitely won't last forever. Unless you have an alternative theory of stellar evolution you would like to present.


fantôme profane;2300121 said:
I thought it might be fun to bump this.

you mean there are really people who are so brainwashed they dont know the earth is 4.6 BILLION years old???????

I thought it was common knowledge with half a education :shrug:


Veteran Member
Jodi Foster doesn't realize seeing 'creation' is part of the evidence of a 'Creator'.
Mankind also has the Creator's 'Book' [besides the 'Book of Creation'] to look at.
The Bible, although written on fragile paper, has been around a long time considering it is fragile and has many enemies [from within and without] that over many centuries have tried hard to destroy it. Also many enemies have tried to ban the spreading of the Bible's message, but no matter how hard they have tried then can not stop the world wide spreading of the good news of God's kingdom just as recorded at Matthew 24v14.

Just because the earth moves fast [just as it should] does not mean it will slow down like a spinning top. Earth's foundations will never be removed- Psalm 104v5; Ecc 1v4 B.


Just the facts Ma'am
Ha! Not true! It's (the Earth) consantly slowing down at a very slow rate because of the gravatation affect of the Moon. OBTW as the Earth rotation slows, so does the orbital speed of the Moon around the Earth and therefore the Moon is slowly moving farther away for the Earth. That's what you get for using the Bible as a science book!! Did you sleep through elementary science class? I think that question was asked on "are you smarter than a 5th grader", the guy got it wrong for the same reason. It was a 4th grade question!! LOL

Earth's rotation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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