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Age of the Earth.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Righto. I'll attempt to sort out this load of rubbish from the master of mistakes tonight, when I have more time to sit around and burn straw..

Super. I'm anxiously awaiting your highly intelligent reply.

Remember to ask for help from someone, on how to multiquote a prior post (as opposed to your usual bungling which is virtually unintelligble).

Oh - and try to work in three or four more stale references to straw, hay, or strawmen. I'd hate to see you break your string.


Well-Known Member
It would be much easier to read your posts if you took the time to understand how to work multiple quotes in your posts. In all honesty, it takes a short while to figure out what is part of the quote, and what constitutes your response (weak as they may be). Please do the rest of us a favor, and take the time to learn how this feature works.
S-words response; I will write as I write, if it is unacceptable to you, then don’t read what I write, It’s as simple as that straw-man.

As for your ramble, I have to say that I actually take a small amount of pride in knowing that when I make a mistake, I'm more than happy to acknowledge it and learn from it. Unlike yourself, I see learning as a strength, not a weakness.

S-words response; Yea, but only when it is so obvious that you cannot, but admit that you have made yet another one of your stupid blunders, such as is seen in your post #292
My mistake. I read the post by URAVIP, and thought it was yours.Duhhhh.
S-words response; But you are yet to admit that you were mistaken in believing that there can be only one version to a particular truth.

quote=The Voice of Reason; It breaks my heart to have to tell you this, but having been a member of this site for over five years, I have probably seen the reference to straw and hay more than 100 times.

S-words response; Of that I have no doubt, and as long as you act in accordance to the image that you project, the references to your resemblance to a brainless straw-man will continue.

quote=The Voice of Reason; I know that new members often feel that they are plowing new ground with the reference, and for that reason, I don't bring it up. After a mention or two, the new member usually realizes that the joke has run it's course, and they move on to the issue at hand. In your case, however, you seem to have become fixated on what is essentially a stale joke. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that within a year or two, even you will figure out that the cheese is getting moldy. Then again, maybe not.

S-words response; Correct! As long as you remain no more than a white ant hiding in the body of a straw-man, references to your resemblance to the image that you project, will continue.

quote=The Voice of Reason; Excellent. Then I'll look forward to not having to explain to you (yet again) why you need to base your arguments on logic and reason, rather than on a book that others do not necessarily believe to be divinely inspired.

S-words response; Is this yet another attempt to seduce and convert a follower of God, over to your godless religion?

quote=The Voice of Reason; It happens every time I have to try to help you understand the holes in your positions - you know - in every post.

S-words response; And where have you ever presented any constructive argument against any of my statements, rather than just negatively attempting to white-ant all my posts?

quote=The Voice of Reason; The fact that you are unable to grasp logic doesn't mean it isn't there. It would appear that it is simply over your head.

S-words response; But then, Is there any person who has ever been able to grasp your form of supposed logic?

quote=The Voice of Reason; You are quote mining, using only a portion of a statement, to intentionally take it out of context. If you cannot debate the point at hand, at least have the decency to refrain from such blatant dishonesty. As a man that claims to be a Christian, I would have hoped that you would have been able to rise above such a lie.

S-words response; You may put forward any argument, such as your feeble attempt to argue that there can be only one version of an absolute truth, which argument was shredded, as will happen with any of your arguments against my statements.

quote=The Voice of Reason; I didn't really think that you'd have the guts to accept the deal, so I have to say that I'm not surprised. Not a problem. Just be prepared to continue seeing your posts shredded.

S-words response; And you think for one moment, that your promise to stop trying to convert me to your religion, would actually work? Surely you did not suppose that a mere straw-man, who has been converted to the agnostic/Atheist religion, could ever convince me to stop quoting the words of my God? Matey, there’s not one thing on this earth, not even the death of this body that will ever remove me from the spirit/words of my God, let alone your feeble and childish attempt. CONTINUED:
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Well-Known Member
quote=The Voice of Reason; Wrong answer, trainee. I have no religion. I am an agnostic.

Can someone get this man a dictionary?

S-words response; wrong again matey, I am never a trainee to your religion of Agnostic/Atheism, and you would have to lift your self up out of the murky pool of ignorance in which you wallow, if you ever wish be a trainee to my religion. From the Readers Digest Universal dictionary; Religion: Any objective pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion: A collector might make a religion of his hobby, as you have made a religion of your belief, which for over five years, "now that's conscientious devotion for you," five whole years, you have been in this Forum, which was designed for Zealous, conscientious, and devoted religious people, such as yourself and other Agnostic/Atheists, where you have and still are, attempting to convert Christians to your godless religious beliefs.

quote=The Voice of Reason; That may be the worst construction of a thought into a sentence that I've seen in years. Take a moment to think through whatever message you are trying to get across, and give it another shot.
Hint: try not to use the same root word twice in one sentence. Or, at the least, hold it under three uses.
Well, I certainly appreciate your attempt to tell me what my beliefs are, but in this case (not surprisingly), you aren't even in the ballpark.

S-words response; As you have never said any thing constructive to me, the only things that I know about you are that you are a white ant hiding in the body of a straw-man, white anting every post you visit and who is attempting to convert Christians to your godless religion.

quote=The Voice of Reason; I'll tell you what - when you can elucidate your own thoughts in a coherent manner, then we'll move on to trying to help you understand what I believe.

S-words response; Oh O, another childish attempt to convert me to the godless religion of Agnostic/Atheism. Put you beliefs out on the table for all to see as I do, unless of course you are afraid of the white ants that are known to frequent this forum.

quote=The Voice of Reason; Until then, you would be much better served by limiting your thinking whenever your head starts to hurt. Those throbbing headaches may well be a sign that you have overstepped your natural limitations.

S-words response; Well, at least that's something that those with only straw between their ears don’t have to worry about, do they matey?

quote=The Voice of Reason; Do you mean that there is a chance that some day, with a lot of hard work and study, that I might be just like you? What a little slice of heaven that would be!

S-words response; No, I could be wrong, but I don’t believe that there is any chance at all matey, at least not in this cycle of universal activity, but perhaps in the next cycle, after the division of those who are to enter into the eighth eternal generation of Light, from all those with nothing but straw between their ears, who are cast into the refining fires of yet another cycle of physical life, wherein their mind/spirit, is separated from the eternal soul, which is the animating life force, which pervades and animates the entire resurrected universal body and all therein. Perhaps there, your evolving portion of the emptied eternal soul might attain to the heights of knowledge, wisdom and insight, that is the requirement of those, who are given the power to become the Sons of God. O, BTW, are you happy with the amount of so called stale referrences that were made to the straw-man?
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Well-Known Member
Way to get your point across.:clap:facepalm:

Yep! Right on. It wouldn't matter even if I dumbed it right down, there are those who wouldn't understand, but those, who I wish to get my point across to, understand what is being explained.
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Resident Liberal Hippie
Yep! Right on. It wouldn't matter even if I dumbed it right down, there are those who wouldn't understand, but those, who I wish to bet my point across to, understand what is being explained.

Lets see...
S-word said:
  • Yea, but only when it is so obvious that you cannot, but admit that you have made yet another one of your stupid blunders,
  • Of that I have no doubt, and as long as you act in accordance to the image that you project, the references to your resemblance to a brainless straw-man will continue.
  • Correct! As long as you remain no more than a white ant hiding in the body of a straw-man, references to your resemblance to the image that you project, will continue.
  • Is this yet another attempt to seduce and convert a follower of God, over to your godless religion?
  • And where have you ever presented any constructive argument against any of my statements, rather than just negatively attempting to white-ant all my posts?
  • But then, Is there any person who has ever been able to grasp your form of supposed logic?
  • You may put forward any argument, such as your feeble attempt to argue that there can be only one version of an absolute truth, which argument was shredded, as will happen with any of your arguments against my statements.
  • And you think for one moment, that your promise to stop trying to convert me to your religion, would actually work? Surely you did not suppose that a mere straw-man, who has been converted to the agnostic/Atheist religion, could ever convince me to stop quoting the words of my God? Matey, there’s not one thing on this earth, not even the death of this body that will ever remove me from the spirit/words of my God, let alone your feeble and childish attempt.
  • wrong again matey, I am never a trainee to your religion of Agnostic/Atheism, and you would have to lift your self up out of the murky pool of ignorance in which you wallow, if you ever wish be a trainee to my religion.
  • As you have never said any thing constructive to me, the only things that I know about you are that you are a white ant hiding in the body of a straw-man, white anting every post you visit and who is attempting to convert Christians to your godless religion.
  • Oh O, another childish attempt to convert me to the godless religion of Agnostic/Atheism. Put you beliefs out on the table for all to see as I do, unless of course you are afraid of the white ants that are known to frequent this forum.
  • Well, at least that's something that those with only straw between their ears don’t have to worry about, do they matey?
  • No, I could be wrong, but I don’t believe that there is any chance at all matey, at least not in this cycle of universal activity, but perhaps in the next cycle, after the division of those who are to enter into the eighth eternal generation of Light, from all those with nothing but straw between their ears, who are cast into the refining fires of yet another cycle of physical life, wherein their mind/spirit, is separated from the eternal soul, which is the animating life force, which pervades and animates the entire resurrected universal body and all therein. Perhaps there, your evolving portion of the emptied eternal soul might attain to the heights of knowledge, wisdom and insight, that is the requirement of those, who are given the power to become the Sons of God. O, BTW, are you happy with the amount of so called stale referrences that were made to the straw-man?

Yup. I am sure those who "understand what is being explained" got quite a lot from this rubbish.

Now could we stop with the intentional antagonizing and proselytizing and get back to the subject at hand?

Such as, all available evidence shows an Earth that is around 4.5 billion years old.
If you accept this, great. What the hell are you arguing about?
If you do not accept this, please provide the evidence of a younger earth.

BTW, your repeated referencing to a poster as a "strawman" and "white ant" (Someone who tears things down from the inside for those outside of Oz) are indeed intentionally antagonistic and provide no support for any argument you may make.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Holy cow!

Multiple font sizes, multiple colors, no understanding how to properly use the quote feature, rambling responses, quoting definitions from Reader's Digest, incoherent posts, no evidence to support your position, stale jokes, a complete aversion to reality, and no respect for anyone else that is trying to follow this thread.

Your posts are a complete waste of bandwidth. There really is no point in my debating with you, since you are your own worst enemy.

Your position reminds me of a classic exchange between two characters in the movie Hangover:
Stu Price: You are literally too stupid to insult.
Alan Garner: Thank you.
The Hangover (2009) - Memorable quotes


Well-Known Member
Holy cow!
Multiple font sizes, multiple colors,

S-words Response; Which seems to be pretty common among those who post in this forum, if you would care to take notice. I find that by using red to indicate the words of the original poster, and black to indicate my responses to the original poster, works very well.

quote=The Voice of Reason; no understanding how to properly use the quote feature, rambling responses, quoting definitions from Reader's Digest,

S-words Response; I quoted from “The Universal dictionary,” which was published by the Reader’s Digest, another stupid blunder made by you. But if you were not happy with that referrence, here is the definition of the word “Religion” according to the “World Book Dictionary,” 'RELIGION:' 4. Anything done or followed with reverence OR devotion. Happy now matey?

quote=The Voice of Reason; post #299; Wrong answer, trainee. I have no religion. I am an agnostic.

Can someone get this man a dictionary?

S-words Response; Do you notice the use of multiple font size? BTW, do you remember these, your words from post #130. quote=The Voice of Reason; Not to brag, but my religion is compatible with an old earth as well. It would appear that whatever is between those ears of yours does not have the ability to retain MEMORY.

quote=The Voice of Reason; incoherent posts,

S-words Response; To those who like yourself, attack the words of the Bible without having any understanding whatsoever of what is written therein, then it is obvious that all quotations from such book will be incoherent to them.

quote=The Voice of Reason; No evidence to support your position,

S-words Response; Plenty of evidence mate, such as the case when you were proven wrong in your ignorant statement that they can be only one version to a particular truth.

quote=The Voice of Reason; stale jokes, a complete aversion to reality, and no respect for anyone else that is trying to follow this thread.

S-words Response; A joke is only stale to those who have heard it many times, and there would be hundreds of people in this forum who have never heard the Joke that you are referring to, as seen below.

Originally Posted by S-word
A truth is an absolute fact, and when I was a young fellow at the local annual show, some bloke was selling bags of facts for twenty cents a bag. Having bought one, I opened it up to find it was full of scare-crow droppings, and I said to him, "Hey! This bag's full of scare-crow droppings," to which he replied, "That's a fact son, that's a fact."

S-words Response; As to your statement that I have no respect for anyone else, lets us read again your response to that harmless joke.

quote=The Voice of Reason; It's readily apparent that, after eating the contents of the bag, the quality of your posts has at least become consistent. As long as you insist that there are "versions" of truth, I'll continue to point out the level of BS in your posts.

S-words Response; And you believe I suppose, that your response there, is an example of the respect you show to others? Or perhaps you believe that this is an example of your idea of showing respect to others, which is your statement in Post # 277 quote=The Voice of Reason; Not to worry, mate. I'll be here on the morrow - still calling BS when I see it. S-words Response; Or what about your mate, who came to your defence, and who, like many of us in this forum, uses multiple colours.
Wotan post #280 No I haven't. I doubt Voice of Reason has. Neither of us has access to or inclination use the serious **** you are smoking if you actually believe that. S-words Response; Do you agree with his accusation that I am a drug addict? I remember someone accusing me of Pot smoking and acid tripping, I’ll have to check to see if it was you or just one of the negative knocking mates of yours from you Agnostic/Atheist religion.

quote=The Voice of Reason; Your posts are a complete waste of bandwidth.

S-words Response; You seem to enjoy reading them, otherwise you wouldn’t keep coming back like a bad smell. But having read all your posts in this thread, 35, 36, 113, 116, 130, 132, 145, 151, 154, 171, 181, 193. 244, 246, 266, 271, 275, 277, 298, 299, 301, and 309, which add nothing constructive to the debate, but are merely examples of your sarcastic and insulting nature, that is of course, except for post #130, where you admit that Agnostic/Atheism is your “RELIGION”.

quote=The Voice of Reason; there really is no point in my debating with you, since you are your own worst enemy.

S-words Response; Hooray! The classic exchange between two characters in the movie Hangover: suites you to the ground.
Stu Price: You are literally too stupid to insult.

Thank God that the straw-man has terminated his negative, sarcastic, and insulting correspondence with me.

I’ve got to go now and shovel some straw into the pens of them dumb goats, which unlike you, who contribute nothing, supply me with beautiful fresh milk and butter, unless of course you would like to donate all the straw between your ears that you said you replace after every mistake you make; I’d never have to buy straw again. Good Bye matey, can’t say, it was nice knowing you.
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Half Asleep


S-words Response; Which seems to be pretty common among those who post in this forum, if you would care to take notice. I find that by using red to indicate the words of the original poster, and black to indicate my responses to the original poster, works very well.

quote=The Voice of Reason; no understanding how to properly use the quote feature, rambling responses, quoting definitions from Reader's Digest,

S-words Response; I quoted from “The Universal dictionary,” which was published by the Reader’s Digest, another stupid blunder made by you. But if you were not happy with that referrence, here is the definition of the word “Religion” according to the “World Book Dictionary,” 4. Anything done or followed with reverence OR devotion. Happy now matey?

quote=The Voice of Reason; post #299; Wrong answer, trainee. I have no religion. I am an agnostic.

Can someone get this man a dictionary?

S-words Response; Do you notice the use of multiple font size? BTW, do you remember these, your words from post #130. quote=The Voice of Reason; Not to brag, but my religion is compatible with an old earth as well. It would appear that whatever is between those ears of yours does not have the ability to retain MEMORY.

quote=The Voice of Reason; incoherent posts,

S-words Response; To those who like yourself, attack the words of the Bible without having any understanding whatsoever of what is written therein, then it is obvious that all quotations from such book will be incoherent to them.

quote=The Voice of Reason; No evidence to support your position,

S-words Response; Plenty of evidence mate, such as the case when you were proven wrong in your ignorant statement that they can be only one version to a particular truth.

quote=The Voice of Reason; stale jokes, a complete aversion to reality, and no respect for anyone else that is trying to follow this thread.

S-words Response; A joke is only stale to those who have heard it many times, and there would be hundreds of people in this forum who have never heard the Joke that you are referring to, as seen below.

Originally Posted by S-word http://www.religiousforums.com/foru.../93865-age-earth-post1973518.html#post1973518
A truth is an absolute fact, and when I was a young fellow at the local annual show, some bloke was selling bags of facts for twenty cents a bag. Having bought one, I opened it up to find it was full of scare-crow droppings, and I said to him, "Hey! This bag's full of scare-crow droppings," to which he replied, "That's a fact son, that's a fact."

S-words Response; As to your statement that I have no respect for anyone else, lets us read again your response to that harmless joke.

quote=The Voice of Reason; It's readily apparent that, after eating the contents of the bag, the quality of your posts has at least become consistent. As long as you insist that there are "versions" of truth, I'll continue to point out the level of BS in your posts.

S-words Response; And you believe I suppose, that your response there, is an example of the respect you show to others? Or perhaps you believe that this is an example of your idea of showing respect to others, which is your statement in Post # 277 quote=The Voice of Reason; Not to worry, mate. I'll be here on the morrow - still calling BS when I see it. S-words Response; Or what about your mate, who came to your defence, and who, like many of us in this forum, uses multiple colours.
Wotan post #280 No I haven't. I doubt Voice of Reason has. Neither of us has access to or inclination use the serious **** you are smoking if you actually believe that. S-words Response; Do you agree with his accusation that I am a drug addict? I remember someone accusing me of Pot smoking and acid tripping, I’ll have to check to see if it was you or just one of the negative knocking mates of yours from you Agnostic/Atheist religion.

quote=The Voice of Reason; Your posts are a complete waste of bandwidth.

S-words Response; You seem to enjoy reading them, otherwise you wouldn’t keep coming back like a bad smell. But having read all your posts in this thread, 35, 36, 113, 116, 130, 132, 145, 151, 154, 171, 181, 193. 244, 246, 266, 271, 275, 277, 298, 299, 301, and 309, which add nothing constructive to the debate, but are merely examples of your sarcastic and insulting nature, that is of course, except for post #130, where you admit that Agnostic/Atheism is your “RELIGION”.

quote=The Voice of Reason; there really is no point in my debating with you, since you are your own worst enemy.

S-words Response; Hooray! The classic exchange between two characters in the movie Hangover: suites you to the ground.
Stu Price: You are literally too stupid to insult.

Thank God that the straw-man has terminated his negative, sarcastic, and insulting correspondence with me.

I’ve got to go now and shovel some straw into the pens of them dumb goats, which unlike you, who contribute nothing, supply me with beautiful fresh milk and butter, unless of course you would like to donate all the straw between your ears that you said you replace after every mistake you make; I’d never have to buy straw again. Good Bye matey, can’t say, it was nice knowing you.


Can anyone else read these? My eyes hurt.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Although I don't mind a good debate with secular humanists, if I wanted to talk with those who worship their mates butts like Gunfinger, I'm sure there are forums which cater for buttock worshippers, but I would never bother to visit them, nor would I bother to enter into a debate with one on this forum, thank God he put me on his ignore list. O hell, the Gunfinger's location is right behind me, thank goodness I was able to back into this corner. He gives his name as "Gunfinger" and his location as "Right behind you" and says that he is a worshiper of buttocks, why wouldn't any man back into a corner?

Please people...keep it clean. None of this is necessary here....



Well-Known Member
Please people...keep it clean. None of this is necessary here....


That was done in good humor, by taking his religion, title and location. I didn't hear you complain when it was said in this thread that I eat s..t, and smoke drugs etc, which I believe was totally un-necessary. But I'm getting out of this thread after I answer one more detractor, as it has attracted to many negative, sarcastic and insulting people.
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Perhaps it is because it wasn't meant for you, but for the straw-man, who understands exactly what I have said to him. Or perhaps it's because you're trying to read them when you're, "Half asleep." But never mind, If you find my posts to difficult to read, then don't read them at all, go and find other posts that you can read, then you can be like Gunfingers and ignore me, which suits me right down to the ground.

Although I don't mind a good debate with secular humanists, if I wanted to talk with those who worship their mates butts like Gunfinger, I'm sure there are forums which cater for buttock worshippers, but I would never bother to visit them, nor would I bother to enter into a debate with one on this forum, thank God he put me on his ignore list. O hell, the Gunfinger's location is right behind me, thank goodness I was able to back into this corner. He gives his name as "Gunfinger" and his location as "Right behind you" and says that he is a worshiper of buttocks, why wouldn't any man back into a corner?

First, like many others, I've actually stopped reading your multi-colored, rambling, inchoherent posts. When you take the time to construct your posts correctly (like this one), I read and respond to them. On the other hand, I couldn't possibly care less about the contents of your diatribe in post #310, since it is virtually unreadable.

Secondly, and far more importantly, your juvenile attempt to rebut Gunfinger by using several sophomoric references to homosexuality is bigoted, offensive, and revealing.

I know that you are aware that several members of RF are homosexual, which makes your attempt to use sexual orientation as an insult even more pathetic.

I have reported your post, and I am actually hoping that you are not censured, but banned from the site outright. In my opinion, there is simply no place on this forum for people (like yourself) that resort to such disgusting tactics when they run out of points to debate.
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
That was done in good humor, by taking his religion, title and location. I didn't hear you complain when it was said in this thread that I eat s..t, and smoke drugs etc, which I believe was totally un-necessary. But I'm getting out of this thread after I answer one more detractor, as it has attracted to many negative, sarcastic and insulting people.

I don't care how you intended it - your post was anything but "good humor".

If you had any shame, you would (at the very least) issue a post of apology to the members of RF that may have been offended by your post.


Happiness Incarnate
Secondly, and far more importantly, your juvenile attempt to rebut Gunfinger by using several sophomoric references to homosexuality is bigoted, offensive, and revealing.
Some of that sophomoricness is on me, actually. I put my religion as "worships Callypigians".

ən/ Show Spelled[kal-uh-pij-ee-uh
n] Show IPA
having well-shaped buttocks.

I'm rather surprised he got that, though. Good on him, i guess. He's the first person to call me on it.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Some of that sophomoricness is on me, actually. I put my religion as "worships Callypigians".

ən/ Show Spelled[kal-uh-pij-ee-uh
n] Show IPA
having well-shaped buttocks.

I'm rather surprised he got that, though. Good on him, i guess. He's the first person to call me on it.

I appreciate the humor as much as anyone. That said, regardless of the source, the references in the post are based on using sexual orientation as an insult.

Further to the point of your stated religion, well shaped buttocks are not the exclusive domain of either gender, nor does their worship automatically insinuate any tendency toward homosexuality.


Happiness Incarnate
I am, in fact, specifically only interested in girl butts. But he didn't really call me gay, did he? Or is it because he seems to feel compelled to protect his butt from my fingers?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
That was done in good humor, by taking his religion, title and location.

Well only you found it humorous. As you can see no one else did.

I didn't hear you complain when it was said in this thread that I eat s..t, and smoke drugs etc, which I believe was totally un-necessary. But I'm getting out of this thread after I answer one more detractor, as it has attracted to many negative, sarcastic and insulting people.

The content and context of you post so far has been filled with information that can not be substantiated as fact. When you fill your post full of claims which you have no evidence for but assert over and over...it's your belief...as well as referencing your religion as well as others as a basis for your knowledge and understanding then one has to wonder what kind of a trip you're on.