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Age of the Earth.


Well-Known Member
"Have you ever, in a state of deep meditation, or hypnosis, entered into the inner most sanctuary of your being and descended mentally along the unbroken genetic thread of life that binds you to the beginning, and merged with the mind of one your living ancestors in the long dead past of "Who You Are," where you were able to experience the life and times of your seemingly long since dead ancestor, while those attending your comatose body of the present, witnessed it speaking in a language/tongue, which you are totally unfamiliar with?"

No I haven't. I doubt VoR has. Neither of us has access to or inclination use the serious **** you are smoking if you actually believe that.:facepalm:

Here we go again, through one of the cells of the earthly body of their indwelling heavenly godhead, (For the fourth dimensional kingdom of God co-exists and is within this three dimensional world) who stands before God night and day bringing accusations against his brothers, I am again falsely accused as being a drug addict. Is this all you mob are capable of doing in your unwinable debates with others? Well matey, your sarcasm is wasted on me, go and attack someone else who might feel offended by such false accusations and sarcastic remarks.


Active Member
Here we go again, through one of the cells of the earthly body of their indwelling heavenly godhead, (For the fourth dimensional kingdom of God co-exists and is within this three dimensional world) who stands before God night and day bringing accusations against his brothers, I am again falsely accused as being a drug addict. Is this all you mob are capable of doing in your unwinable debates with others? Well matey, your sarcasm is wasted on me, go and attack someone else who might feel offended by such false accusations and sarcastic remarks.

All ya gotta do son, is produce some actual EVIDENCE that this crapolla you are posting is FACT.

Care to do that?


Well-Known Member
All ya gotta do son, is produce some actual EVIDENCE that this crapolla you are posting is FACT.

Care to do that?

Only if this 68 year old man were interested in convincing you that what has been said is the truth, which I'm, not. You can and you will continue to believe onty that which you choose to believe, irrelevant as to whether your version of what is truth has any basis to the actual truth.

There are galactic clusters way out in the Cosmos, which occupy their own positions in Space/Time, and the light from those far and distant galactic clusters, appear to us as a single star the light of which has taken billions of years to reach our postion in space/time, and what we are seeing, is that universe as it was billions of years ago, can you prove that those distant bodies are still actually in existence in this, your day on earth? Or could the eternal Cosmos simply be a collectiion of bodies in their own positions in space/time, which may or may not sitll exist today?
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Veteran Member
The universe only appeared when I was born and will disappear when I die.

What if you are one of the sheep-like ones of Matthew 25v32 that do Not die?

When Jesus, as the fine Shepherd, comes in glory he will separate people living on earth at that time. The ones placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, are alive at that time and continue to remain alive right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth.


Active Member
Do YOU any evidence this? Are you like our devout friend who has none and wishes to have none?


Well-Known Member
Do YOU any evidence this? Are you like our devout friend who has none and wishes to have none?

Like all negative knockers, you have nothing constructive to add to the debate, I'm still waiting for your answer which will prove my statment that the Cosmos is a collection of all the different universal bodies of all time, which occupy their own individual positions in Time and Space, which includes all those beyond the visible horizon of the eternal and boundless Cosmos.

There are galactic clusters way out in the Cosmos, which occupy their own positions in Space/Time, and the light from those far and distant galactic clusters, appear to us as a single star, the light of which has taken billions of years to reach our postion in space/time, and what we are seeing, is that universe as it was billions of years ago.

If you choose to add something constructive to this debate, you can attempt to prove that those distant bodies are still actually in existence in this, your day on earth? In so doing you will disprove my statement that the eternal Cosmos is simply a collectiion of bodies in their own positions in space/time, which may or may not still exist today? Go ahead mate try to be a little constructive for once in your life, rather than running from post to post, and attempting to white ant every post that you come into contact with.
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Only if this 68 year old man were interested in convincing you that what has been said is the truth, which I'm, not.
For someone that isn't interested, you certainly spend a tremendous amount of effort trying to convince others that your God should be our God.

Witness your very next post (in response to Tiapan):
What if you are one of the sheep-like ones of Matthew 25v32 that do Not die?
When Jesus, as the fine Shepherd, comes in glory he will separate people living on earth at that time. The ones placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, are alive at that time and continue to remain alive right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth.
Do you find it odd, quoting scriptures from the Bible to a person that does not believe in your God?


Well-Known Member
For someone that isn't interested, you certainly spend a tremendous amount of effort trying to convince others that your God should be our God.

Witness your very next post (in response to Tiapan):

Do you find it odd, quoting scriptures from the Bible to a person that does not believe in your God?


Originally Posted by S-word
Only if this 68 year old man were interested in convincing you that what has been said is the truth, which I'm, not.

For someone that isn't interested, you certainly spend a tremendous amount of effort trying to convince others that your God should be our God.

Witness your very next post (in response to Tiapan):

Originally Posted by URAVIP2ME
What if you are one of the sheep-like ones of Matthew 25v32 that do Not die?
When Jesus, as the fine Shepherd, comes in glory he will separate people living on earth at that time. The ones placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, are alive at that time and continue to remain alive right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth.

S-words Response; All who read this post, are surely going to be convinced that there is nothing between your ears but straw, the post is directed to S-word, then you quote what was said by URAVIP2ME. You need help son.

quote=The Voice of Reason; Do you find it odd, quoting scriptures from the Bible to a person that does not believe in your God?

S-words Response; No more than you would find it odd quoting atheist claptrap to a Son of God.
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
S-words Response; All who read this post, are surely going to be convinced that there is nothing between your ears but straw, the post is directed to S-word, then you quote what was said by URAVIP2ME. You need help son.
My mistake. I read the post by URAVIP, and thought it was yours.

I see that I need to apologize to URAVIP.

I'll have to check on getting some new straw.

S-words Response; No more than you would find it odd quoting atheist claptrap to a Son of God.
Now I get it. When you quote something out of the Bible, we are expected to hold it in high reverence (since you believe it to be true).
On the other hand, when we use reason and logic to challenge your unsubstantiated claims, we are quoting atheist claptrap.

Here's a good trade off. If you'll promise not to quote the Bible to us, and not to try to convert us to your religion, I'll promise to give up trying to help you learn to think critically.



Well-Known Member
My mistake. I read the post by URAVIP, and thought it was yours.
S-words Response; Yes I know, the strawman is renowned for making mistakes.

quote=The Voice of Reason; I'll have to check on getting some new straw

S-words Response; But that may be where your problem lays. By changing the straw after every mistake that you make, you’re not giving the old straw the opportunity to absorb the knowledge of its mistake, from which knowledge that old straw may begin to develop into a brain.

quote=The Voice of Reason; Now I get it. When you quote something out of the Bible, we are expected to hold it in high reverence (since you believe it to be true).

S-words Response; You are correct in the fact that I do quote from the Bible, and I believe that which I quote to be true, and I do hold the words of the Lord in high reverence. But I would not expect that of you.

quote=The Voice of Reason; On the other hand, when we use reason and logic

S-words Response; And when has that ever happened?

quote=The Voice of Reason; we are quoting atheist claptrap.

S-words Response; Correct! Which claptrap is not reason and logic.

quote=The Voice of Reason; Here's a good trade off. If you'll promise not to quote the Bible to us, and not to try to convert us to your religion, I'll promise to give up trying to help you learn to think critically. Deal?

S-words Response; No Deal! "God cursed neither Man, the animals, nor the creation, but ignorance and ignorance alone," and the most ignorant of all, are those with only straw between their ears.

quote=The Voice of Reason; and not to try to convert us to your religion,

S-words Response; Contrary to your statement, My religion is much like your religion. My religion, is my belief that there is a provable God from who we originated and in Him, all evolve in the eternal process of His, evolution, (He, being the singularity in whom we all evolve). Your religion on the other hand, Is your belief that perhaps there might possibly be a God, (but no one’s ever gonna prove that to you,) who see yourself as being separate from the totality of all that is in a state of perpetual evolution. And I think you may even believe that the body of mankind to which you belong, is the end of the evolutionary process from which mankind evolved, and that there is not going to be a new species of life, far superior to mankind, which is to evolve from mankind and live on earth and gain dominion over all the life species that preceded him, which includes the body of mankind from which the “Son of Man,” evolves.

Nor could you be converted to my belief, as “I” who am mind/spirit, and who am what I believe, am in a constant state of evolution. Although you will not find me today, where I was yesterday, and nor will I be tomorrow where you have found me today, “I,” Like my God, remain constant, I am today, what I was yesterday, and will be into all eternity, an eternal constant in the fact that “I” the mind/spirit, am in a constant state of change/growth/evolution, and yet, I am not who I was, nor who I will be, for “Who I Am,” (The Constant) is the name that my God gave to me. Show to me a mind that has ceased to grow/evolve, and I will show to you a mind that has ceased to exist.

Don’t replace that old straw between your ears old mate. Who knows, but that someday it may begin to evolve into a brain and a mind/spirit, which is a potential Son of God, may begin to evolve in that physical human body which today is "YOU"?
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Veteran Member
My mistake. I read the post by URAVIP, and thought it was yours.
I see that I need to apologize to URAVIP.
I'll have to check on getting some new straw.
Now I get it. When you quote something out of the Bible, we are expected to hold it in high reverence (since you believe it to be true).
On the other hand, when we use reason and logic to challenge your unsubstantiated claims, we are quoting atheist claptrap.
Here's a good trade off. If you'll promise not to quote the Bible to us, and not to try to convert us to your religion, I'll promise to give up trying to help you learn to think critically.

No need to apologize to URAVIP2ME.

Don't worry about getting some new straw either.
Scarecrows are all upright, practical and dutiful.
Does that sound something like Jesus?


Active Member
There have been many Big Bangs throughout eternity, each resulting in a universal body from the least to the greatest, each of which, occupy their own particular positions in space/time and these collectively are the Cosmos. Does that explain it better for you?

What is a "universal body"? And what do you mean by "least to the greatest"? I can understand a multiverse that through various things have created many different universes each beginning with its own Big Bang within an eternal framework (perhaps the quantum field, as its 'time' is eternal in a sense).

The idea that each universe occupies a particular position in space/time outside of its own universe seems a little strange to me. Space/Time is a product of the universes intrinsic properties, outside of this universe there is no reason why there must be space or time. And if there is, it most likely is a product of each individual universe's underlying properties. And if the multiverse idea is correct, there's no telling what laws govern these other universes, so they may look extremely different, or it may be that our universe is the only way for a universe to exist so the others are under the same laws as ours.


Active Member
There are galactic clusters way out in the Cosmos, which occupy their own positions in Space/Time, and the light from those far and distant galactic clusters, appear to us as a single star the light of which has taken billions of years to reach our postion in space/time, and what we are seeing, is that universe as it was billions of years ago, can you prove that those distant bodies are still actually in existence in this, your day on earth? Or could the eternal Cosmos simply be a collectiion of bodies in their own positions in space/time, which may or may not sitll exist today?

Those lights that appear as a single star is a galaxy within our own universe, we have never empirically seen another universe. I know scientists have/are developing an experiment based off of the Casimir Effect to see if there are other universes out there that are in close, but not touching, contact with ours.

There are galactic clusters way out in the Cosmos, which occupy their own positions in Space/Time, and the light from those far and distant galactic clusters, appear to us as a single star, the light of which has taken billions of years to reach our postion in space/time, and what we are seeing, is that universe as it was billions of years ago.

Again, we aren't seeing another universe, just a very distant galaxy/quasar in our own universe.

If you choose to add something constructive to this debate, you can attempt to prove that those distant bodies are still actually in existence in this, your day on earth?

What do you mean by "existence"? Matter/energy hasn't been shown to be able to be created or destroyed beyond the world of particle physics, so there's no reason to think that the matter/energy in these galaxies would disappear. So those galaxies are probably still there, obviously they are substantially different then how we see them; I'd guess that they are most likely elliptical and irregular galaxies by now full of old stars and dwarf stars with a lot of black holes.


Well-Known Member
Hello there RedOne77: I see that you claim, as do many millions of others, who you disagree with, to be a Christian. But what is the interpretation of God’s word that your particular version of Christianity adheres to? I don’t know, but in order that we don’t begin our particular debate at cross purposes, let me first set out the basis of my belief before we begin.

I believe in an eternal cyclic Universe as do the Buddhists, who believe that Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non being, and again from non being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

I believe that the nights and days of Brahma are called Manvantara or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds seems as an eternity. ‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day as seen in the six days of creation in Genesis, ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that precedes the next creative day. The six periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist are referred to in the book of Genesis as the generations of the universe.

The English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; These are the generations of the Universe or heavens and earth, etc. And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period of the eighth eternal day in which those who attain to perfection are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles that perpetually revolve within the eighth eternal cosmic cycle.

I believe, as did Origen, who was a Christian writer and teacher who lived between the years of 185 and 254 AD. Among his many works is the Hexapla, which is his interpretation of the Old Testament texts. Origen holds to a series of worlds following one upon the other,-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it. In other words, the seventh generation of the Universe evolved from the first.

I believe that In the beginning was the infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity that was torn asunder, or spatially separated by the Big Bang. And from the Quantum of the liquid like electromagnetic energy that was spewed out in the billions of degrees, everything that has ever existed, everything that now exists, and everything that will every exist, came/comes into being.

The quantum of the liquid like electromagnetic energy that was spewed out in the billions of degrees, are invisible waves that have zero mass and no electric charge, and yet carry angular and linear momentum, this is the "Logos," which is the divine animating principle that pervades and animates all that has existed, all that now exists, and all that will ever exist. The logos is the universal life force to which all the information taken in through all the living bodies that it has evolved into is gathered.

It was the Great Cosmic Gathering force, which, by gathering those invisible waves together, created the first subatomic particles, which, when gathered together created the first atoms, from which the first molecules were created, which molecules were gathered to create this galaxy in which our solar system was created, in which solar system and on this earth that was created from the quantum of the electromagnetic energy, the first organic molecules evolved, from which organic molecules, all life on earth has evolved.

Of all the life forms that have evolved on earth, Mankind is the latest in the evolution of the singularity of origin, but mankind is not the end of the evolutionary process from which the "Son of Man," a fourth dimensional being is formed. But currently, mankind is the Most High in the creation, He is Lord of creatures and the prototype of the Lord of Spirits, who is the spirit that is currently developing within the body of mankind, which will be born into the invisible fourth dimension that co-exists within this three dimensional visible world (For the kingdom of God is within you) as the "Son Of Man," the Most High in the creation, who is the evolved Alpha from which all things come into existence, and the Omega, in which and for which, all things that come into existence, exist.

And He, the Omega in whom all exist and who the Alpha becomes, returns to the beginning (not some new beginning, but THE BEGINNING) and is one with the singularity of origin, before space and time came into existence. This then is the evolution of God, who was in the beginning before Mother Space and Father Time, were separated from the eternal embrace from which this three dimensional world is born, and it is He, the Omega of the previous universal body, who is the Alpha of the next cycle of universal activity, who, in the BEGINNING says, “Let there be Light,” as he witnesses the resurrection of the universal body in which he had developed as the supreme personality of Godhead and in which body his heir and successor will develop.

Each and every universe with their galactic cells, that have ever come into existence, which have occupied a position in space, today still occupy their original positions in time within the boundless and timless eternal Cosmos, which is the compilation of all those bodies in space/time. For he has gone out to fill the entire universe with his living presence.

Because this debate is too far off topic, I will resubmit this post in a new Thread in "General Religious Debates," under the heading, "God's Heavenly Sons."
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The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
No need to apologize to URAVIP2ME.

Don't worry about getting some new straw either.
Scarecrows are all upright, practical and dutiful.
Does that sound something like Jesus?

Well, it certainly sounds a lot more like the Jesus I was taught about as a child than the version that S-word seems to follow.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
It would be much easier to read your posts if you took the time to understand how to work multiple quotes in your posts. In all honesty, it takes a short while to figure out what is part of the quote, and what constitutes your response (weak as they may be). Please do the rest of us a favor, and take the time to learn how this feature works.

[S-words Response; Yes I know, the strawman is renowned for making mistakes.
As for your ramble, I have to say that I actually take a small amount of pride in knowing that when I make a mistake, I'm more than happy to acknowledge it and learn from it. Unlike yourself, I see learning as a strength, not a weakness.

S-words Response; But that may be where your problem lays. By changing the straw after every mistake that you make, you’re not giving the old straw the opportunity to absorb the knowledge of its mistake, from which knowledge that old straw may begin to develop into a brain.
It breaks my heart to have to tell you this, but having been a member of this site for over five years, I have probably seen the reference to straw and hay more than 100 times. I know that new members often feel that they are plowing new ground with the reference, and for that reason, I don't bring it up. After a mention or two, the new member usually realizes that the joke has run it's course, and they move on to the issue at hand. In your case, however, you seem to have become fixated on what is essentially a stale joke. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that within a year or two, even you will figure out that the cheese is getting moldy. Then again, maybe not.

S-words Response; You are correct in the fact that I do quote from the Bible, and I believe that which I quote to be true, and I do hold the words of the Lord in high reverence. But I would not expect that of you.
Excellent. Then I'll look forward to not having to explain to you (yet again) why you need to base your arguments on logic and reason, rather than on a book that others do not necessarily believe to be divinely inspired.

quote=The Voice of Reason; On the other hand, when we use reason and logic

S-words Response; And when has that ever happened?

It happens every time I have to try to help you understand the holes in your positions - you know - in every post. The fact that you are unable to grasp logic doesn't mean it isn't there. It would appear that it is simply over your head.

quote=The Voice of Reason; we are quoting atheist claptrap.
S-words Response; Correct! Which claptrap is not reason and logic.
You are quote mining, using only a portion of a statement, to intentionally take it out of context. If you cannot debate the point at hand, at least have the decency to refrain from such blatant dishonesty. As a man that claims to be a Christian, I would have hoped that you would have been able to rise above such a lie.

S-words Response; No Deal! "God cursed neither Man, the animals, nor the creation, but ignorance and ignorance alone," and the most ignorant of all, are those with only straw between their ears.
I didn't really think that you'd have the guts to accept the deal, so I have to say that I'm not surprised. Not a problem. Just be prepared to continue seeing your posts shredded.

S-words Response;
Contrary to your statement, My religion is much like your religion.
Wrong answer, trainee. I have no religion. I am an agnostic.

Can someone get this man a dictionary?

My religion, is my belief that there is a provable God from who we originated and in Him, all evolve in the eternal process of His, evolution, (
He, being the singularity in whom we all evolve).
That may be the worst construction of a thought into a sentence that I've seen in years. Take a moment to think through whatever message you are trying to get across, and give it another shot.
Hint: try not to use the same root word twice in one sentence. Or, at the least, hold it under three uses.

Your religion on the other hand, Is your belief that perhaps there might possibly be a God, (
but no one’s ever gonna prove that to you,) who see yourself as being separate from the totality of all that is in a state of perpetual evolution. And I think you may even believe that the body of mankind to which you belong, is the end of the evolutionary process from which mankind evolved, and that there is not going to be a new species of life, far superior to mankind, which is to evolve from mankind and live on earth and gain dominion over all the life species that preceded him, which includes the body of mankind from which the “Son of Man,” evolves.
Well, I certainly appreciate your attempt to tell me what my beliefs are, but in this case (not surprisingly), you aren't even in the ballpark. I'll tell you what - when you can elucidate your own thoughts in a coherent manner, then we'll move on to trying to help you understand what I believe. Until then, you would be much better served by limiting your thinking whenever your head starts to hurt. Those throbbing headaches may well be a sign that you have overstepped your natural limitations.

Nor could you be converted to my belief, as “I” who am mind/spirit, and who am what I believe, am in a constant state of evolution. Although you will not find me today, where I was yesterday, and nor will I be tomorrow where you have found me today, “I,” Like my God, remain constant, I am today, what I was yesterday, and will be into all eternity, an eternal constant in the fact that “I” the mind/spirit, am in a constant state of change/growth/evolution, and yet, I am not who I was, nor who I will be, for “Who I Am,”
(The Constant) is the name that my God gave to me. Show to me a mind that has ceased to grow/evolve, and I will show to you a mind that has ceased to exist.
Oh my.

Don’t replace that old straw between your ears old mate. Who knows, but that someday it may begin to evolve into a brain and a mind/spirit, which is a potential Son of God, may begin to evolve in that physical human body which today is "YOU"?
Do you mean that there is a chance that some day, with a lot of hard work and study, that I might be just like you? What a little slice of heaven that would be!!


Well-Known Member
It would be much easier to read your posts if you took the time to understand how to work multiple quotes in your posts. In all honesty, it takes a short while to figure out what is part of the quote, and what constitutes your response (weak as they may be). Please do the rest of us a favor, and take the time to learn how this feature works.

As for your ramble, I have to say that I actually take a small amount of pride in knowing that when I make a mistake, I'm more than happy to acknowledge it and learn from it. Unlike yourself, I see learning as a strength, not a weakness.

It breaks my heart to have to tell you this, but having been a member of this site for over five years, I have probably seen the reference to straw and hay more than 100 times. I know that new members often feel that they are plowing new ground with the reference, and for that reason, I don't bring it up. After a mention or two, the new member usually realizes that the joke has run it's course, and they move on to the issue at hand. In your case, however, you seem to have become fixated on what is essentially a stale joke. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that within a year or two, even you will figure out that the cheese is getting moldy. Then again, maybe not.[/font][/color]

[/b] Excellent. Then I'll look forward to not having to explain to you (yet again) why you need to base your arguments on logic and reason, rather than on a book that others do not necessarily believe to be divinely inspired.[/font][/color]

It happens every time I have to try to help you understand the holes in your positions - you know - in every post. The fact that you are unable to grasp logic doesn't mean it isn't there. It would appear that it is simply over your head.

[/b] You are quote mining, using only a portion of a statement, to intentionally take it out of context. If you cannot debate the point at hand, at least have the decency to refrain from such blatant dishonesty. As a man that claims to be a Christian, I would have hoped that you would have been able to rise above such a lie. [/font][/color]

I didn't really think that you'd have the guts to accept the deal, so I have to say that I'm not surprised. Not a problem. Just be prepared to continue seeing your posts shredded.

Wrong answer, trainee. I have no religion. I am an agnostic.

Can someone get this man a dictionary?

That may be the worst construction of a thought into a sentence that I've seen in years. Take a moment to think through whatever message you are trying to get across, and give it another shot.
Hint: try not to use the same root word twice in one sentence. Or, at the least, hold it under three uses.

Well, I certainly appreciate your attempt to tell me what my beliefs are, but in this case (not surprisingly), you aren't even in the ballpark. I'll tell you what - when you can elucidate your own thoughts in a coherent manner, then we'll move on to trying to help you understand what I believe. Until then, you would be much better served by limiting your thinking whenever your head starts to hurt. Those throbbing headaches may well be a sign that you have overstepped your natural limitations.

Oh my.

Do you mean that there is a chance that some day, with a lot of hard work and study, that I might be just like you? What a little slice of heaven that would be!!

Righto. I'll attempt to sort out this load of rubbish from the master of mistakes tonight, when I have more time to sit around and burn straw..