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All Dogs Go to Heaven


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Yaarp, waded my way through what is largely religious BS, thanks for the detailed certainty about what happens to doggies when they die theists, damn what would we do without you to spell out in detail how the afterlife works? It would just be people making up stuff they like to believe is true otherwise, right?

I'm a dog lover, they are more fun than a barrel full of monkeys, just like people they have different personalities, and differing levels of intelligence. Some are happy chasing their own tail, others can be taught really rather advanced commands. Anyone who has looked into the eyes of an intelligent and devoted dog sees more than a "dumb animal", dogs understand stuff, I suspect they may have some self awareness. Do dogs go to heaven? Yeah, of course they do, why not? Does it help you to believe that is true? Does it make your deity seem a little more palatable? Fine, go for it then, doggies go to heaven. The Burp has spoken! I'm going to be met by my old companions Zig and Zag at the pearly gates. Happy days!:)
Trust me, nothing beats a barrel full of monkeys!


Well-Known Member
No, not funny at all.
No one wants you to join yourself to any body of believers with whom you find many points of disagreement. But if you find no points of agreement with anyone, what will you do? :shrug:
I preach the gospel and try to keep my nose clean. What is it we are told is required?!
Micah 6: 8 He has told you, O earthling man, what is good. And what is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God?​

And, the Trinitarian churches are more or less out of the question. The 7th day church wasn't that bad, but I didn't get from it what I needed.



ALL in all
Premium Member
I preach the gospel and try to keep my nose clean. What is it we are told is required?!
Micah 6: 8 He has told you, O earthling man, what is good. And what is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God?​

And, the Trinitarian churches are more or less out of the question. The 7th day church wasn't that bad, but I didn't get from it what I needed.

righteousness is based on love and justice.

this is what tzaddik is.


Well-Known Member
righteousness is based on love and justice.

this is what tzaddik is.
I had some Jewish friends; we enjoyed a nice time in this far away place I call home. It was nice to be permitted to some of their customs during one such observance of custom. It would have been nice to know Hebrew. My first name is Michael, and I couldn't even say it with the rolling sound my friend did. The wife died, the husband is very old if still alive.

Discuss a little how you think righteousness is connected to love, please.


Active Member
Those of you that thought that I wanted entertain a debate about the Disney movie are probably going to be disappointed. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

I've referenced a couple of times on this forum the principle reason for my departure from Catholicism and ultimately Christianity. But for the purpose of this thread, I'll reiterate it here:

When I was a wee lad, I attended CCD. During one of the classes, we were discussing what happens to people when they die. When the nun discussed the concept of Heaven, she only mentioned people. I had a nagging question on my mind so I raised my hand. When called upon, I asked, "Do animals go to Heaven, too?"

Mind you I've felt a connection with animals and nature from a very young age. Imagine my dismay with I was met with the response, "No, only people go to heaven. Animals do not have souls." Ultimately I argued my viewpoint, but was promptly shut down.

This drove a wedge between me and Catholicism, and thus began my journey seeking paths that accepted what I knew deep down to be true.

So here is my question:

What does your religion teach you about those beings other than humans and the afterlife? Do you accept these teachings, or feel they're not quite right but you follow them anyway because it is a part of your belief structure?

First I'd like to say that your disclaimer cheapens your query and is an indication of how important you hold this moment.

I can see a child, even a child that looks like an adult, asking this question but not an adult. Do you really believe that heaven is a place. I wonder, are you still angry because you couldn't properly defend your viewpoint or because she bullied you?

We already know what we know, we sometimes lack the ability (and sometimes confidence) to put it into words. Vocabulary is divided into passive and active words. You talk to a child about God and they hear the word, just the word God and they begin making sense of it and soon it becomes a word they can use. Most people stop here.

Religions should be like schools where you are suppose to graduate. People are afraid to celebrate their divinity.


ALL in all
Premium Member
I had some Jewish friends; we enjoyed a nice time in this far away place I call home. It was nice to be permitted to some of their customs during one such observance of custom. It would have been nice to know Hebrew. My first name is Michael, and I couldn't even say it with the rolling sound my friend did. The wife died, the husband is very old if still alive.

Discuss a little how you think righteousness is connected to love, please.

the 6th church in revelation is philadelphia, city of brotherly love.
the seventh church is laodicea; which literally means justice of the people. that is what a comforter is: an advocate for the poor, disenfranchised, marginalized. love doesn't turn a blind eye. that would be depraved indifference. God is not a respecter of persons, love doesn't make a difference between the two. it makes the two as ONE.

Revelation 16:7
And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

Revelation 19:2
For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great wh0re, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.

so the external temple can be raped of it's idols but the esoteric can't be looted if the center can be discovered and maintained.

love is a circle whose circumference is no where and whose center is everywhere.

behold i come like a thief. blessed is he who stays awake lest they go naked and they see their shame.
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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
First I'd like to say that your disclaimer cheapens your query and is an indication of how important you hold this moment.

Hey, just looking out for the safety and well-being of my fellow RFers.

I can see a child, even a child that looks like an adult, asking this question but not an adult. Do you really believe that heaven is a place.


I wonder, are you still angry because you couldn't properly defend your viewpoint


Or is asking loaded questions just your "thing?"

or because she bullied you?


People are afraid to celebrate their divinity.

And generalizations are rarely true.


Well-Known Member
the 6th church in revelation is philadelphia, city of brotherly love.
the seventh church is laodicea; which literally means justice of the people. that is what a comforter is: an advocate for the poor, disenfranchised, marginalized. love doesn't turn a blind eye. that would be depraved indifference. God is not a respecter of persons, love doesn't make a difference between the two. it makes the two as ONE.

Revelation 16:7
And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

Revelation 19:2
For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great wh0re, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.

so the external temple can be raped of it's idols but the esoteric can't be looted if the center can be discovered and maintained.

love is a circle whose circumference is no where and whose center is everywhere.

behold i come like a thief. blessed is he who stays awake lest they go naked and they see their shame.
Thank you.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
No. The Bible is the absolute word of God. I have no doubt about it. I accept God's word and am thankful for it.
Honest question: If a lizard and a donkey can figure out how to have a conversation with you, would that change your mind?

If this is you belief, then God Bless you, but I have a serious problem with the idea that some hound is going to cock his leg and pee on the "Pearly Gates".
What's to stop some regular human guy doing it?

Ecclesiastes 3:21
19 For what happens to the children of man and what happens to the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity. 20 All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return. 21 Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down into the earth?
That sounds like a person who's really depressed and has given up any hope of having a happy thought. That author needs Xanax, stat. :)

There are no dogs in heaven. Sorry.
Mine are there. Sorry yours aren't.

Religions should be like schools where you are suppose to graduate.

Anyway, I know many nonhuman persons have minds of their own. It may be a "Cliff's Notes" version, but a mind is a mind. I feel it is inappropriate to say some vegetative human with brain death is ensouled but not a fully functional nonhuman. I feel it is inappropriate to say a zygote is ensouled but not a sponge (the living kind, not the fake kind on your sink). I feel "soul" can be equated to "sense of self and/or empathy". At any rate, my opinions about the matter are strictly to avoid hypocrisy.


Truth Seeker
It is a tough fact of life, humans are not divine or destined to go to heaven. What makes humans different are symbolic communication abilities. Just like other species, we life die and turn to dust. There have been times when God took any interest in humans. One of those times was when He chose people for a holy order on earth, but it hasn't worked out. Because there is no real proof of heaven or a hereafter, it is all speculation. For clerics, it is an imaginary world for their religious business.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
It is a tough fact of life, humans are not divine...

Please tell me you are presenting this as a personal truth and not a Universal Truth, because I would hope you wouldn't be so arrogant as to impose your truths onto those of others.


Truth Seeker
Please tell me you are presenting this as a personal truth and not a Universal Truth, because I would hope you wouldn't be so arrogant as to impose your truths onto those of others.
It is a universal truth. It is not arrogant to propose an idea based on evidence. There is conclusive evidence for humans being just another species. Even scientists use other species for medical experiments, therefore establishing the animal nature of humans.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
It is a universal truth. It is not arrogant to propose an idea based on evidence. There is conclusive evidence for humans being just another species. Even scientists use other species for medical experiments, therefore establishing the animal nature of humans.

Humans are indeed just another species. This "evidence," however, does nothing to support your claim that humans aren't divine.

So since you have now presented your claim as a Universal Truth, thus negating the truths of several members here, you may now go ahead and plead your case.