There are some interesting thoughts on this.
You have to talk about it some. But the way it is talked about needs to change. It must be realized but then it must be corrected without dwelling on it. If I were to take a black child and tell him/her every day that she is being discriminated against, even if they are not in most cases, they will believe they are. We need to be inclusive rather than exclusive. "Black lives matter. All lives matter." That should be the slogan. The specific issue of police brutality and murder is a huge issue that spans racial boundaries. The racism of cops and our judicial system is a huge problem. Thankfully over the past few decades it has gotten significantly better. This trend needs to continue and speed up to the point where we have equality or at least reasonable comparative equality. Another highly important thing is actually a point that was brought up by the anti-christ himself Bill O'Riley. Many African Americans live in poverty and lower class neighborhoods. They will be more likely to be involved in crime and more likely to be involved with the police and possible dangerous situations where the police may harm them. Its possible that the bulk of this isn't a direct result from "racist cops" but from a mixture of racist cops and the reality of the economic inequality of the racial dynamic in America. Finding out where the problem originates from and finding the best possible solutions to them is far better than knee jerk reactions and instant blame. Best instant fix for cops that have done questionable things is to have it required that all cops have a body cam and dash cam that is capable of capturing the audio and visual of their entire time on duty. If cops fail to comply then they should be punished through suspensions and those that are caught in the act need to be sacked on the spot for hate crimes. They need to make sure that there are cameras in the police stations as well. The ones with the most power need to be the ones who are held at the highest standards. That can be overhauled and fixed in less than a month. It doesn't specifically address racism but cop behavior overall. This is an "all lives matter" approach.
To better the economic disparity would be better infrastructure in America. More funding for schools, especially inner city schools and schools that are far behind educationally. Free lunch and breakfast should always be an option. Single payer healthcare systems will remove the stigma of medicaid and give equal treatment to all regardless of race, income or public standing. Cities need to focus on better public transportation. This will remove the stigma of public transportation that exists everywhere but NYC. It is also better for our planet and economy as well. More reasonable tuition rates for college. It should not be easy to get a degree and there are backlashes to having "free" college. But it has never been such a huge issue as it is today. Financial problems should not stop someone from getting into college. Raising the minimum wage will bring hordes of families out of poverty. It will help minority families more as proportionally they tend to have higher rates of poverty.
I could go on and on and on. But these are real steps that can be taken that will indirectly but more effectively help the racial inequalities of the current state of the Union. Its done without attacking people or making people victims. It can all be done without addressing race at all. We worked hard to stop segregation. Lets not re-segregate ourselves.