I believe the answer to this is because humans were created solely to exist in a relationship of love and trust with their Creator. Real love can only exist when given freely, hence the need for beings created with freewill. The inability to keep the laws apart from God's power (which occurs only in a relationship with Him) and the negative consequences reveal that apart from God we cannot survive...and we were not meant to. This is what I understand, yet I may fall short in explaining and expressing clearly.
In other words, your god is just playing a game. "He" made the rules. "He" created this paradigm and we have no choice but to exist within "his" defined parameters. We can't choose to opt out of the game. We aren't allowed to say "hey, I'm not interested in heaven, hell, sin, salvation or anything like that. I want to try something else". No, no. The choice is always "love me and obey my rules...or else!".
That's not freedom, free will or freedom of choice. It's a construct. A game.