Da man, when I walk thru!
It's not real love or freedom when you have a threat hanging over your head, either.
Again, can you cite some evidence to where this threat is. Also within that, can you confirm to me that these particular verses were included in the original manuscripts of the NT, not the one that was formed after the council of Nicea.
If he didn't create the ability for suffering, then how could you have freedom? If all he made was things that were "good", then the only choice you would have would to do "good" things. In order to have free will, you have to have atleast two choices.
Would you rather have freedom or peace? As the old saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it too? Even though your supposed to eat cake, so I dunno.
Lol. That's your "escape card" so that you don't have to bother to argue with people anymore who see through the crap of Christianity.
I always try to argue with you about Christianity, but we both end up making 2 page long posts, and then you say you don't wanna argue with me anymore. What gives??? Am I not good enough to solicit argumentation from you anymore Saint?
I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord that do all these things.
- Isaiah 45:7
I keep trying to tell people that Judaism is a Panthiestic conception of God, but they don't believe me. Thanks for giving me some BOOM, BOOM... FIREPOWER.
Christianity is a nonsense. It's not even able to be reconciled to the Hebrew Bible. The notion of an ultimate good and ultimate evil principle were taken from dualist belief systems like Zoroastrianism.
Judaism is pretty dualistic in and of itself, and their are plenty of of "devil" references in the OT. I would even wager to say that the most commonly used named for the conception even came from the Essenes, "ah-satan", which was a term used for those that weren't Essenes.
A deity that created all life just to force it into loving Him cannot be trusted. For all we know your God is the demiurge and Satan is an angel of light. What other god form would do something so lowly and morally questiable? Not to menton he's connived most of the world that he's loving and looking out for our best interests... Sketchy.
But that particular conception of diety didn't create life just to force it into loving him. That's the whole point of this thread. If God Created everything, and he made it "all great" then you would not have the choice to do anything but "good things". The ability to be able to choose to do "bad" things that cause me suffering is the greatest expression of love in my opinion. That's Freedom.
If a dope fiend asks you to buy drugs for him because he is suffering, do you continue to give him drugs so that he doesn't suffer? Or do you encourage him to get into a rehab program, that during the course of it, will cause him even more suffering?
Which is love?
Well, if "he" couldn't think of anything better than this, then "he" certainly is not "perfect", let alone "all-good".
I personally think "this" is amazing. And I would say whatever it is that created "this" may not be perfect, but is definitely all good. He gave you the choice to decide whether or not you want to suffer, what's more benevolent than that?
It's scripture, if I'm not mistaken, teaching to love god or perish. I do see why you might believe this to be a great world from god's perspective, it's the ultimate ultimatum! Again, is it benevolent or manipulative to say in will let you be if you love me but torture you if you do not?
What scripture might this be?
I wouldn't call a universe built on strife, pain, suffering and death "perfect". None of those things would come from a "perfect" creator with a "perfect" plan.
I don't think the universe is built on strife, pain, and suffering, are they within the universe, yes of course, if they weren't you wouldn't have freedom. If all you had was pleasure, would you have choice? The choice to indulge in pleasure? Is that a choice at certain conceptualizations?
As far as death goes, the universe would be a pretty crowded place, earth would be definitely, if things didn't die. Would Earth be a better or worse place if things didn't die in your opinion?
If "he" really was "perfect", then evil would not have come into existence. Nothing would've gone wrong since perfection can only beget perfection.
I'm dissapointed in you Frankenstein, you of all people should realize that what some people consider "evil" is in actuallity "perfection". When you adhere to the conception that "good" equal perfect perception than you are adhering to the conception of objective morality. That certain things
Besides, if "he" is truly "perfect", then why did "he" create anything at all?
He got bored?
[qutoe] The Gods I believe in don't want nor need anything from humanity. They don't care if we love or believe in Them. They will continue to perform Their purpose, as always. It's like humans yearning for ants to love them. I don't care if ants love me. Why is your god so petty, if "he" is "perfect"? Your god is not "perfect". It is illogical to claim otherwise.[/quote]
From what I gathered, the Hellenistic Gods required constant admiration and reverence from their human subjects. What's your perspective?
Keep telling yourself this if it helps rationalize the horrible nature of our Existence.
If the nature of your existence is horrible, you choose for it to be horrible. You should think better than this coming from a LHP standpoint. You choose to view humanity as a horrible existence, I however do not, why is their this descretion between our two views?
The only Christians that make sense are Gnostic Christians. The rest is built on foolishness.
Lol, I don't know if I'd go that far, those crazy ole' Gnostics got some seriously crazy ideas from my perspective too. But I would agree that for the most part, they have the best Christian belief system.
You should should send a PM to Vouthon on the forums. He's got a very interesting perspective on Christianity and has some very solid quotes to back up his though proccess.