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Allah, the only Creator.


Arabic word of god=ilah. Arabic NAME of the only ilah=Allah. u r a HUMAN whose NAME is 'nameless'. Allah is an ILAH whose NAME is Allah. Allah is a proper noun. a name.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
do u think that the creator has a mind of his/her/it's own or is it just a 'source'. hence does it have a purpose of creation? did it set a unified law,commandments, guidelines? or everyone has to find it on his own?

god -IS- Consciousness. According to Vedic teachings, God (Ishwara/Brahman) is Knowledge, Eternity and Bliss. It is sometimes described that 'creation' is a thought of God. God is not a mind in the literal sense, God is all pervasive knowledge.

Creation has both purpose and also exists eternally. It just IS in the way that God IS. The manifest creation is sometimes described as a threatre and we are all actors. But every soul (living entity) is a part and parcle of God. We represent a part of God that is covered by and engaged in Maya (illusive energy). The purpose of our lives (reincarnation) is to find our way out of illusion and to realise who we are (and our eternal relationship with the Supreme).

God manifests in many ways to help the individual progress spiritually. This can be in the form of Scripture or human avatar or intuition. It is said that the genuine seaker (he who seeks truth) will be guided by God. We each have our own individual spiritual jounrey and find our own truths (we all see the world and truth differently) but yes, there are guidlines and there is wisdom given even through saintly teachers.

We, the individual, are left to our own concerns. If we do not wish to Realise God then we do not have to. However, as long as we remain in the material platform of life we are subject to karma and suffering. When we do bad, we attract similar reactions. When we do good we attract similar reacitons. And we continue to live and die and be born again. It is said that everntually everybody gets sick of the material existence and eventually turns their minds to search for something greater, or something more. We cannot ignore our connection with the Divine for eternity.


y r u making it so difficult?

if u r the only man alive on earth.

true statement: nameless is the only human.
true statement: there is no true human but nameless

nameless = Allah (name)
human = ilah


The Creator
y r u making it so difficult?

if u r the only man alive on earth.

true statement: nameless is the only human.
true statement: there is no true human but nameless

nameless = Allah (name)
human = ilah

be open minded or no use of debating, already explained many times, nameless is not the meaning of human, but allah is the arabic meaning for god, hence in arabic 'there is no god but god'.
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Well-Known Member
Islam claims that Allah is the creator of the universe. and as a monotheistic religion, Islam claims that there is one creator. it also claims that he is not begotten and does not beget. kindly, express your ideas of what a creator(s) might be. and if a creator exists in the first place.

Firstly I believe that there is a metaphysical reality beyond reason. Ultimately the concept of God is a symbol for that reality. Every human being has an imprint of that reality within his/her conciousness. Every receptive human being can recognize that it is the truth (in an absolute sense not explanable easily, it can be experienced but not easily described) and has an urge towards it in his/her heart.

The reality of God, whatever you think it means, is beyond human comprehension as any understanding of that Reality can only be based in human terms which are insufficient. Fortunately what is crucial is the realization of that Reality and not the understanding of that Reality. So various paths have been prescribed to realize it.

Say, “Had the ocean served as ink to write about Allah, then surely the ocean would run out, but the narrative about Allah would not. Even if We supplied that much more ink as a refill!” - The Holy Quran 18:109

It is a mistake to think that Islam proclaims that its God is something distinct from that of other faiths.

And dispute not with the People of the Book, except with means better than mere disputation, unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong and injury, but say to them: "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our God and your God is one; and it is to Him that we bow. - The Holy Quran 5:48
(The term People of the book has to be understood in context in this verse.)

Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. - The Holy Quran 2:62

The purpose of Islam was originally to just direct people to a particular path for recognizing that Reality where it was identified with the transcendent Other. The Prophet's(pbuh) main intention, just like other men and women of God, was to reform society and to help out of touch people reconnect with the recognition of that Reality. He did that in a way conditioned by his society and culture.

The Quran is concerned, or rather God in the Quran is concerned primarily with something that people do, and with persons who do it. It is instructive to note that in the Quran the word God occurs around 2697 times while the word Islam occurs only 8 times, and there too Islam is mostly referred to in a different sense (inner piety, self-surrender etc) then what we take it today. (Unfortunately today in a great deal of Muslim writing this ratio might be found reversed.)
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be open minded or no use of debating, already explained many times, nameless is not the meaning of human, but allah is the arabic meaning for god, hence in arabic 'there is no god but god'.

Allah is not the Arabic meaning for god, Allah is the Arabic proper name for god.
there is only one god and his name is Allah. his name is also Allah in english. therefore: there is no god but Allah.


The Creator
Allah is not the Arabic meaning for god, Allah is the Arabic proper name for god.
there is only one god and his name is Allah. his name is also Allah in english. therefore: there is no god but Allah.

Allah (Arabic: الله‎, Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh] ( listen)) is the standard Arabic word for God

Wikipedia - allah


in english, the name of the Almighty is 'God'

when u use the term ilah in arabic, u will be refering to 'a god' and it can be any god. and there are countless gods in the world(Zeus, Jupiter, Pluto, Ra, ) and one of these gods is the god of islam which islam believe is the only true god and all other gods are not true, although we refer to them as gods.

maybe it is difficult because there is no proper noun for god in english.

this is a boy. his name is kevin.

kevin=proper noun

i can't think of a simpler way i hope this helps.


Surah 2
Ayatul Kursi
255. Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).

Surah 112

1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
4. And there is none like unto Him.

Surah 59

22. Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
23. Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah. (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.
24. He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

hope you don't mind me posting them.

But these are platitudes and truisms that can be applied to Nature just as well as to Allah. Only the Son of Man tradition of Jesus Christ as explained in the Gospel of Humanity reveals the identity of God. Judaism and Islam both do not know what God is and yet these two religions claim to know the will of Something they also claim is unknowable which is totally illogical. Only the Gospel of Humanity tells us what God is, how God came into being, and how humanity fits into God's Plan of Creation, and it is a totally logical explanation of the way in which God came/comes about that even scientists cannot claim is impossible. If you want to know God, you don't go to the ancients who were without knowledge of how evolution works. They are stuck in a static view of how Creation works and cannot comprehend how humanity eventually will evolve into God.


The Creator
in english, the name of the Almighty is 'God'

when u use the term ilah in arabic, u will be refering to 'a god' and it can be any god. and there are countless gods in the world(Zeus, Jupiter, Pluto, Ra, ) and one of these gods is the god of islam which islam believe is the only true god and all other gods are not true, although we refer to them as gods.

maybe it is difficult because there is no proper noun for god in english.

this is a boy. his name is kevin.

kevin=proper noun

i can't think of a simpler way i hope this helps.

already provided enough information, but check wikipedia - la ilaha il allah


Grumpy Old Man
Since all abrahmic religions are less than 6000 years old I give them absolutely no credibility. They are purely social manipulators which reinforce Darwins theories by showing societies are competitive in the goal of finding the most successful and follow evolutionary trends. its all nonsense. I feel sorry for the gullible fools the that profess to believe this stuff.



Since all abrahmic religions are less than 6000 years old I give them absolutely no credibility. They are purely social manipulators which reinforce Darwins theories by showing societies are competitive in the goal of finding the most successful and follow evolutionary trends. its all nonsense. I feel sorry for the gullible fools the that profess to believe this stuff.


Then you haven't read the recent reports about how religious observances date far back in human evolutionary history and have been used by human beings as social animals as bonding mechanisms for members of the community. Then also, you don't seem to know about how the human brain is hardwired to process spiritual phenomena, another indicator that God and evolution seemed tied at the hip so to speak. These are the End Times of Atheism as God and science converge to dethrone the atheist's religious belief system that there is no God, a belief religiously held despite tens of thousands of years of recorded human activity centered around awareness of a spiritual dimension to reality.


already provided enough information, but check wikipedia - la ilaha il allah

that's why muslims do not accept translations of the quran as the word of god.
here the translation is wrong. in the arabic language, God has 99 names. one of them is allah.

la ilaha illa Allah, Almalik, Alkuddus, Alsalam, Almu'min, Almuhaymin, Al'aziz, Aljabbar, etc.

each of those is a name of god and each has a literal meaning. but, in translation, we cant replace a proper noun with its literal meaning. nour is a common female arabic name. it is still nour in english though it means light.


The Creator
that's why muslims do not accept translations of the quran as the word of god.
here the translation is wrong. in the arabic language, God has 99 names. one of them is allah.

la ilaha illa Allah, Almalik, Alkuddus, Alsalam, Almu'min, Almuhaymin, Al'aziz, Aljabbar, etc.

each of those is a name of god and each has a literal meaning. but, in translation, we cant replace a proper noun with its literal meaning. nour is a common female arabic name. it is still nour in english though it means light.

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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Islam claims that Allah is the creator of the universe. and as a monotheistic religion, Islam claims that there is one creator. it also claims that he is not begotten and does not beget. kindly, express your ideas of what a creator(s) might be. and if a creator exists in the first place.

IMO, there was never a time when "creation," i.e., this material universe, didn't exist. (Though it certainly took many forms in the past, and will continue to do so in the future.)

Therefore, there was no "creator," IMO.

And if there was,

"The name that can be named is not the Eternal Name."
-Dao De Jing.