Did Jesus actually claim to be "the Messiah"? Realistically, it's impossible for us to know the answer to that today. Aquinas believed that one could believe as such but only if one took a more liberal position of the question of what we now call "biblical inerrancy". IOW, he was not a literalist. A while back, I posted a listing of messianic predictions, most of which have not been "fulfilled". If you want, I can repost them.
Sorry, Metis, about the delay in replying.
I do still have the list of prophecies that you posted. But I think you've managed to pick numerous second advent prophecies without mentioning much about the first advent! In passages such as Isaiah 61:1-9 and Zechariah 9:9,10 you have texts that combine both first and second advents together in a manner that hides the Church age (the 'mystery' Romans 16:25,26).
When Jesus stood up in the synagogue in Nazareth at the beginning of his ministry he recited the words of Isaiah 61:1,2 but stopped before the 'vengeance' of God because judgment was not what he had come to fulfil. The present age is the Jubilee age, when the prisoners can be set free. We are not to know the exact time of the Lord's return to judge - but I believe it is not far off, given the general indications.
What this separation of the two advents gives us is a clearer picture of what to expect on the Lord's return (Zechariah 14:1-21). For a start, there will be no birth of a human Messiah. The birth is past. So too is the 'cutting off' of the Messiah. I also believe that since the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost there has been a steady building of an invisible kingdom, the body of Christ. This body will include the remnant of Israel (See Zechariah 13:7-9).
Here are some of the prophecies that I believe you missed out, and that refer to the first advent:
Time of his coming; Daniel 9:24-26
Born in Bethlehem: Micah 5:1
Born of a virgin: Isaiah 7:14
Be adored by great persons: Psalm 72:10-11
Have his way prepared by a messenger: Isaiah 40:3-5; Malachi 3:1.
Anointed by the spirit of God: Isaiah 11:2, 61:1; Psalm 45:8
Be a prophet like Moses. Deuteronomy 18:15,18.
Ministry described (Jubilee): Isaiah 61:1,2.
Ministry of healing: Isaiah 35:5-6; 42:18.
Ministry in Galilee: Isaiah 8:23 - 9:1(2)
Be tender and compassionate: Isaiah 40:11; 42:3
Be meek and unostentatious: Isaiah 42:2
Bear the reproaches of others: Isaiah 53:12; Psalm 69:10
Enter into Jerusalem on a donkey: Zechariah 9:9
Be rejected by his own people: Isaiah 53:2; 63:3; Psalm 69:9
Be rejected by Jewish leadership: Psalm 118:22
Be plotted against by Jews and Gentiles: Psalm 2:1-2
Be betrayed by a friend: Psalm 41:9; 53:13-15.
Be sold for 30 pieces of silver: Zechariah 11:12(13)
Forsaken by his disciples: Zechariah 13:7
Be struck on the cheek: Micah 4:14 (5:1)
Spat on: Isaiah 50:6
Mocked: Psalm 22:8-9
Beaten: Isaiah 50:6
Executed by crucifixion: Psalm 22:17; Zech. 12:10
Thirsty, given vinegar: Psalm 22:16; Psalm 69:22
Executed without a bone broken. Exodus 12:46; Psalm 24:31 (21)
Cut off, but not for himself: Daniel 9:24-26.
Death an atonement: Isaiah 53:5-7
Buried with the rich: Isaiah 53:9
Raised from the dead: Isaiah 53:9-10; Psalm 2:7; 16:10.
Ascend to the right hand of God: Psalm 16:11; 68:19; 110:1.
(From David Stern)[/QUOTE]