Allah, Yahweh, or Jehovah. Which one and why?
In resent times, and for several hundred years, all over the earth, the Name Jehovah has been used for the Name of The Almighty God. There can be only one Almighty God.
The Name Yahweh may be a more correct pronunciation of God's name, in Hebrew, but the name Jehovah has been used by Christians fo hundreds of years. If you search Naology, which is a study of old edifices, you will find that many people in many countries used God's personal name one the fronts of many buildings. The name Jehovah can also be found on many coins that were used in many countries.
The Proper name, or Personal name is translated from The Hebrew Tetragrammaton, four letters YHWH, or JHVH.
The Hebrew language is a Consonantal language, meaning that they do not use vowels. The reader was taught which was the way to pronounce the words. Because of Jewish superstition, the belief that God's personal name was too sacred to be pronounced by sinful men, the exact pronunciation was lost over time.
The Bible was written by men who were guided by The Holy Spirit from Jehovah, 2 Tim 3:16,17, 2Pet 1:20,21.
We know that the pronunciation Jehovah was known and used in the very early 1600CE, because this Name was used in the 1611 King James Bible, Ex 6:3, Ps 83:18, Isa 12:2, 26:4.
Many Bibles of today use Jehovah as the Personal name of The Only True God, as Jesus prayed, John 17:3.
A Modern Translation of The King James Version uses Jrhovah hundreds of times in the Hrbrew Scriptures.
This God, Jehovah is the One who created the earth and all that is in it, Gen 1:1, Acts 17:24,28.
In many modern Bibles, God,s name Jehovah is used at Isa 42:8, where the Bible says, I am Jehovah, that is My Name. This God says there is no other God but Him, and that he will destroy all others called God, and everyone who worships these non-existent gods, Jere 10:11-15, Ps 115:2-8.
There is no other God, other than Jehovah. Allah is not another name of the Only True God!!!