Allah, Yahweh, or Jehovah. Which one and why?
To a person like yourself, who, evidently has only a nodding acquaintance with the Holy Bible, it is difficult to know where to start in proving anything to you. I'll try, Please listen, look up to prove what I say!
First, are you a Christian?? If not, it is impossible to prove anything to you, because all authority for truth comes from the Christian Bible.
In the Hebrew Scriptures, the Hebrew letters for God's name were written almost 7,000 times. The letters were called the Tetragrammaton, YHWH. These letters, could be pronounced, YAHWEH. In English this Hebrew word has been pronounced, Jehovah, for hundreds of years. This name has also been put on many coins for hundreds of years. If you have any knowledge of Naology, you will know that it is a study of old or ancient edifices. Many of these old buildings, in many different countries, had the name Jehovah, over their entrances. Sometimes the name is spelled differently, because each language is different, and pronounced differently. Most Bible translations have removed God's name and substituted titles, such as LORD, and GOD, in all capital letters, where God's Proper, Personal name appeared. The translators will all stand before the Judgment Seat of Jehovah.
Now, in the Holy Scriptures, Jesus himself, stated that his Father was the Only True God, John 17:3. The Bible tells us that all ones called gods will be destroyed by Jehovah, along with all who worship them, Ps 115:1-8, Jere 10:6-16.
So according to the Holy Scriptures, there is NO Allah, or any other true Almighty God, even though there are some that are called gods, 1Cor 8:1-6, Eph 4:3-6.
The real consequences of worshipping any other God will be eternal destruction, when Jehovah sends His son at Armageddon, which will be SOON, 2Thes 1:3-10, Rev 16:13-16, 19:11-21.
We only have a short time to show Jehovah that we love Him and His son, so that He will protect us during Armageddon, and allow us to live in the Paradise earth that Jesus will rule over, Rev 20: 1-10.