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Am I going to hell?


Well-Known Member
Rocats are bull ****ters,be fearless in your examination of them.Their basic philosophy is to generate fear & guilt for this is what they feed upon.or the lack of self confidence which their doctrine generates within you,not allowing you to self realise or empower yourself.

Do not go to a psychiatrist,for this is merely external,all healing comes from within.

They have insulted your mind,give it time to heal & recover,in love

For The People(FTP)
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Its only a Label
Friend ChristianGirl85,
would it make any difference if you went anywhere be it hell or heaven?
Its all in the MIND, lol.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Sue them!

They got you young,indoctrinated you,have caused you mental anguish,fear worry & distress,caused to put you in a state of alarm,in your current very vulnerable condition of mental duress & hardship.

American courts will buy that.

Rocats are worth billions.

Vatican City is the last Fascist State,having been set up in the 1930's by Mussolini,the pope & the then italian king.As such I don't think they have a justiciary system to deal with claims of this nature,they just cover up all their murders n' treachery n'stuff.

You would be pushing an open door in the american courts.A hundred grande could ease your pain & suffering,& help you to self heal as long as you squander it wisely.:)

In great love & light,


you may settle my fee's by way of fruball donations.. ;)
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Forget the churches sweetheart...
and answer one question.

Who is God? Who is God to you.
Who do You say God is.

It may take some time to answer this question on your own.
(the abolishment of outside in-fluence is a mighty undertaking)

But, I guarantee you,
If you know who God is... for yourself...
you will be able to answer the hell question for yourself.
I don't know how to explain it, I just believe that God is a spiritual being with female/male energies. I'm no longer Catholic because in a way I feel that praying to Mary is violating God's word, such as idol worship etc. Although a part of me believes it's okay...uggg I'm all confused perhaps that's why I'm here.:faint:

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
If you think it is OK and your mind likes praying to Mary and it gives you spiritual uplift, then continue with it. If others don't think it is fine, that's ok, listen to what they have to say, see it for what it is, and if it has no validity, then reject it and continue with your practice :)


It is all in the mind because heaven and hell are mere creations of the mind. So if you truly believe there is a heaven or hell then you will create your chains for yourself, or make a paradise for yourself. It is totally up to you.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Sue them!

They got you young,indoctrinated you,have caused you mental anguish,fear worry & distress,caused to put you in a state of alarm,in your current very vulnerable condition of mental duress & hardship.

American courts will buy that.

Rocats are worth billions.

Vatican City is the last Fascist State,having been set up in the 1930's by Mussolini,the pope & the then italian king.As such I don't think they have a justiciary system to deal with claims of this nature,they just cover up all their murders n' treachery n'stuff.

You would be pushing an open door in the american courts.A hundred grande could ease your pain & suffering,& help you to self heal as long as you squander it wisely.:)

In great love & light,


you may settle my fee's by way of fruball donations.. ;)

Woah, calm down. That kind of corruption is in the past, and the ones responsible for combining the hell that Jesus spoke of with the Tartarus of Greek mythology have been dead for a thousand years; the current leaders believe what those old leaders said wholeheartedly, and therefore are free of all blame as far as I'm concerned.

Besides, your previous post was more than a little insulting to the followers of the Catholic faith here on the forums, as you basically suggested, whether or not you meant to, that anyone who follows the Roman Catholic faith is a BSer.

Besides, sueing just goes completely against the whole "love thy enemy as thy neighbor", "turn the other cheek", etc., that is so paramount to Christian philosophy.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't know how to explain it, I just believe that God is a spiritual being with female/male energies. I'm no longer Catholic because in a way I feel that praying to Mary is violating God's word, such as idol worship etc. Although a part of me believes it's okay...uggg I'm all confused perhaps that's why I'm here.:faint:

Welcome to the forums ChristianGirl.

Sounds like you're in the same place I was in a few years ago; I was raised Catholic too and I realized at one point that, even though I'd stopped being anything like a practicing Catholic decades earlier, I still had some residual Catholic angst; fear of hell, fear of the devil/possession, etc.

Those left-over phobias are what prompted me to start studying Christianity again in the first place.

Studying the roots of Christianity and Catholicism helped pop a lot of old doctrinal bubbles for me.

A cpl things I've discovered since;

1). The idea of hell isn't biblical to begin with, or at least not the version I was taught as a kid.

2). The idea of the devil as some sort of evil, anti-God isn't biblical either. This version of "Satan" is something that evolved over time outside of the Bible (or at least the OT) via tradition, folklore, and myths that were (for the most part) borrowed from other cultures.

Anyway, I've found these forums to be a good place to detox from some of the stuff I was force-fed as a kid, hope you will too.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
FWIW, I am Catholic... and I don't pray to Mary, or any of the saints...

No, you will not be denied the bliss of heaven merely because you are not Catholic, or even because you left the Church.

I pray that the light of God's love lights upon you, and your fears subside...

May I ask though, why you left?

I'm no longer Catholic because in a way I feel that praying to Mary is violating God's word, such as idol worship etc.
edit: nevermind, I missed this...

Would you be open to discussing this?
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Suffering in Hell for all time is such a sick, twisted, dimented concept.

If a parent seriously told their child
they'd be locked in the basement with demons
if they didn't behave and follow all the rules ...
and used this as a threat to keep them in line...
who would not call this mental abuse?

If the child were taught there were TRULY demons in the basement,
as if it were a fact.... And the child believed it,
because the concept was reinforced as fact by the parent
week after week, and even in picture books...
and family gatherings...

So this child lived ever in fear of the basement,
and the demons, and breaking the rules.....

Who would not intervine on behalf of this poor diluded child?

Now someone tell me what hell preaching churches teach their "followers"
is any different.
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New Member
Like a previous poster said, the whole idea of Hell evolved outside of the Bible. There is lots of good historical research about how Hell and the Devil came about. It might be worth reading about and digging into a little more if you are interested in that kind of thing.

If you worry about dieing and stuff to the point that it interferes with your everyday functioning, you might want to talk with a counselor. If your thoughts are interfering with your happiness in life you do need to address this. It isn't the fact that you are worrying about dieing and going to hell that is a problem. It's when you find yourself worrying about it compulsively to where it interferes with your quality of life that you maybe have a problem.

Forums like this are good for getting a little info. Writing on topics in a public forum is a great way to learn about stuff. But to work out problems with compulsions a little face-to-face personal help is usually best. :yes:

- Scott


Miss Independent
Because I'm not a Catholic anymore, and because I don't pray to Mary? Please help me overcome this anxiety that I have over hell!:shout Everyday I think I'm going to die and go to hell.:eek:

I understand that you would fear going to hell. But you are in it already. The question you must ask yourself is...when you die...do you wanna come back again, and again? Like going around in cirles?

The thing is...hell (this earth) is going to have an end too...then where will you go?

One could aruge that hell does not exist. Look around you...does it seem real?

One could aruge that if this earth here is hell...why isnt it worse? Well its going to become worse before it becomes better. The only thing that will make it better...is if it is destroyed and recreated. Like a furnace...the flames just keep on getting hotter and hotter. The flame is in your mind, hell is that around you.

Hope you find your shephard Jesus...to be the one that can lead you out and onwards from here...The only way forward...is up. We cant sink lower that we are already. People who think there is another hell somewhere where they will 'sink' even lower is mistaken. When humans fell from glory we did not fall half-way we fell all the way.

God bless


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I understand that you would fear going to hell. But you are in it already. The question you must ask yourself is...when you die...do you wanna come back again, and again? Like going around in cirles?

The thing is...hell (this earth) is going to have an end too...then where will you go?

One could aruge that hell does not exist. Look around you...does it seem real?

One could aruge that if this earth here is hell...why isnt it worse? Well its going to become worse before it becomes better. The only thing that will make it better...is if it is destroyed and recreated. Like a furnace...the flames just keep on getting hotter and hotter. The flame is in your mind, hell is that around you.

Hope you find your shephard Jesus...to be the one that can lead you out and onwards from here...The only way forward...is up. We cant sink lower that we are already. People who think there is another hell somewhere where they will 'sink' even lower is mistaken. When humans fell from glory we did not fall half-way we fell all the way.

God bless

That could be argued. I know of great things in this world that are (by the way) independent of Jesus, such as modern fantasy stories, self-regulated(!) gaming, and old epics.

...as you can see, ChristianGirl, not all of us agree on this subject. :D
I understand that you would fear going to hell. But you are in it already. The question you must ask yourself is...when you die...do you wanna come back again, and again? Like going around in cirles?

The thing is...hell (this earth) is going to have an end too...then where will you go?

One could aruge that hell does not exist. Look around you...does it seem real?

One could aruge that if this earth here is hell...why isnt it worse? Well its going to become worse before it becomes better. The only thing that will make it better...is if it is destroyed and recreated. Like a furnace...the flames just keep on getting hotter and hotter. The flame is in your mind, hell is that around you.

Hope you find your shephard Jesus...to be the one that can lead you out and onwards from here...The only way forward...is up. We cant sink lower that we are already. People who think there is another hell somewhere where they will 'sink' even lower is mistaken. When humans fell from glory we did not fall half-way we fell all the way.

God bless
I've been lurking these forums for quite some time and I have to say that your religious/spiritual beliefs are similar to mine but the problem is, is that I'm afraid to openly admit it. The bible makes it clear that what is written shall be believed and only believed but I'm so confused on what my beliefs are, it's even difficult to put into word.:sad:


Well-Known Member
I am not a Catholic so I certainly don't believe you're going to hell. My idea of hell is a separation from God and if you believe in God and love Him then you wouldn't be going to hell anyway.

Your idea of hell is that of heaven for many atheists... Right? Im just saying.

To the OP... Research what hell is... it is based on Ancient greek and hebrew... She'ol and Hades.... Earth... Yeah when Judaism comes along and starts butchering it with their personal beliefs...

Listen the bible is just a bunch of tales written by supersticious old people. You dont even really have an about the author in most cases.

Damn it... Another great idea... someone should totally tally up the OT and NT writers and make an authors page and digg it... theres 4k right there... like what 2 hours of work.... (If I see this on digg tomorrow)

Anyways... Hell is a concept... A story. If your not worried about living in a brick house in case the big bad wolf comes by then you really shouldnt be worrying about hell. (Or being on santas naughty list or walking under ladders or avoiding the 13th floor etc etc)

CIP of a childhood story of fear carrying over and continuing to do psychological harm... But all religion is good right?


Miss Independent
That could be argued. I know of great things in this world that are (by the way) independent of Jesus, such as modern fantasy stories, self-regulated(!) gaming, and old epics.

...as you can see, ChristianGirl, not all of us agree on this subject. :D

Yes there are people who love it here on earth. You have the option to stay...and share the same fate as this earth. We have become really good at knowing when there is going to be rain, and snow, and what the weather will be like for the next week. We have figured it all out completely. Except we havent figured out when this earth will be destroyed.

If you look at history...the earth has been destroyed before, and will be again...you can not escape earth...hell, the only way to get out of here, is to go 'up'.

If this place we call earth is that to which people return everytime they die...then it means it has become a prison for them. When the prison is destroyed, so must the prisoners.

But the prisoners are living it up here...they like it here...so here they can stay.

I'm sure some people who call god a monster will have to rethink their words. If they dont think earth is bad...then they cant exactly call god cruel can they?

Heaven is where your heart is.....i dont like it here...i dont even fit in here. I dont want to stay here. I'm gonna get out of here.

I want to hear....well done they good and faithfull servant...enter into the JOY of the lord. What joy is there on this earth? Isnt there weeping and gnashing of teeth, arent we murdering, raping, lying to each other all day every day? Even those that think they are good have no goodness in them unless that goodness comes from god.

If you like it here....you could say...houston we have a problem!