Why do people say colonization wiped out Native Americans when most of them died from European disease? I guess it was colonization really but people make it sound like they died in war.
It wasn't just the "colonization" part, but also aggressive expansionism and industrial development which occurred over the centuries as Europeans were migrating to America.
I don't think that anyone knew much about infectious diseases back in those days, but there were epidemics which killed a lot of people.
Colonization, in and of itself, probably wouldn't have been quite so bad, when it involved a few people settling on unclaimed land, to farm, trap, hunt - and possibly trade with the Native tribes. I don't think they would have objected to just that happening, but the early colonists wanted total control and all of the land. The Native Americans were more than willing to share the land, but they couldn't understand why the white man wanted ALL of the land.