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An Religious Chat


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And as to the font size, I simply prefer that things be easily legible. In my case no other reason applies.[
A tip for reading things larger on the screen, rather than increasing font size for everyone reading it? Simply hold down the Control Key on your keyboard while simultaneously pressing the + or - keys to increase or decrease the size of the text you're reading on your screen. Trust me, I use it all the time. :)


nolonger active
Nah. If I have to talk people into loving me, it isn't true love.

It is my experience that Baha'is believe in prophecy, in the sense of a man being able to foretell the future perfectly, with God's help.

Then they conclude that Baha'u'llah was foretold in the Islamic scriptures.

At least that's my impression.

Whoa :) ! I wonder if that means that after loosing the battle of Armageddon and the kings and their followers of the countries that are east of Iraq deny and curse their God because of it, that they all will all become Baha'i :) . Christian prophecy predictse this battle and that the countries that are east of Iraq are going to loose the battle. But Christian prophecy doesn't say anything about Christianity becoming of the Baha'a faith after the battle. I wonder if the Christian prophet that wrote the book Revelation missed that part? I suspect that even if that happens that there will be some holdouts like you and I Ambiguous :) .


What I don't understand is why some athiest are so scared to debate if they know they might lose.

It's not like if they disbelieve in athiesm they will go to hell right?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What I don't understand is why some athiest are so scared to debate if they know they might lose.

It's not like if they disbelieve in athiesm they will go to hell right?
Actually, given the popular alternatives of religion that are fundamentalist in nature, yes, for an atheist to end up in that system is hell. It is a living hell where you constantly live in fear of a vengeful deity who reads your thoughts and will banish you to flames for not being a good soldier of the faith; where you are in jeopardy of rejection by your friends and community if you accept science, if you think outside the acceptable thoughts, etc. Yes, it would translate into a consignment into hell.
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Well-Known Member
What I don't understand is why some athiest are so scared to debate if they know they might lose.

It's not like if they disbelieve in athiesm they will go to hell right?

I read the message which you posted about 'how could Mohammed know this and that.'

It didn't really make sense to me.

How did Mohammed know that the Quran "guides to the way that is straightest and gives good tidings to the believers who do deeds of righteousness, that theirs shall be a great wage.” (18:9)

How did he know that his own writings would 'guide in the way that is straightest'?

Well, he just made the claim about his writings.

Why do you find that to be interesting or remarkable?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's how I feel about Baha'u'llah. Very glad to hear that he thought himself a Manifestation.

It's not that "He thought Himself" so; it's that He received this Revelation directly through an experience described in our scriptures.

Nor can I accept that you know more than anybody else at all, as you claim.

BTW: I'm more humble than you are! :-S


Well I am a Muslim and i wanted to take with any christian about what is the true religion ! and see who of us is right !
Firstly.. I don't think that you are a true Muslim, because a true Muslim doesn't ever like to chat with anybody other than Allah.

Secondly.. I don't think any true Christian will come to chat with you because a true Christian doesn't has time for anybody other than God to chat with.

Thirdly.. God and Allah are one and the same things for me. :)


Well-Known Member
Bruce, why do you consider the Baha'i faith superior to the Islamic faith?

I don't, and it's a HUGE mistake to think that I do!!

Indeed, ALL the major religions are of equal rank, as the head of the Baha'i Faith said years ago:

"Islám attained a very high spiritual state, but western scholars are prone to judging it by Christian standards. One cannot call one world Faith superior to another, as they all come from God; they are progressive, each suited to certain needs of the times."
(From a letter written on behalf of the head of the Baha'i Faith, November 19, 1945)
--Lights of Guidance, #1663, p. 495

And the ONLY possible superiority the Baha'i Faith posesses is that it is the latest of the many Divine Revelations and therefore contains the teachings and laws for this day, not for some other millenia ago!

But it will lose this superiority, too, when the next such Revelation occurs, which our scriptures state won't happen for at least 1,000 years (now down to around 850 years).

But that said, in essence ALL of the Great Religions were right for their Age!

Peace, :)

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Well-Known Member
It is my experience that Baha'is believe in prophecy, in the sense of a man being able to foretell the future perfectly, with God's help.

Not just a "man," but a God-sent Divine Messenger. Noticeable difference.

Then they conclude that Baha'u'llah was foretold in the Islamic scriptures.

Not just in the Qur'an, please note!

He was foretold in many scriptures, including both the Jewish and Christian ones; some of them even specified the year!

I refer you to this site for the details:


Peace, :)



Well-Known Member
I wonder if that means that after loosing the battle of Armageddon . . .

So sorry, but the Battle of Armageddon already took place when British Generall Allenby defeated the Turks on the Plain of Har-mediggo (aka "Armageddon") near the end of World War I.

(The victory also greatly benefited the Baha'i Faith, as Allenby noted; but that's another story....)

And for the record, the Christian scriptures contain prophecies of the Baha'i Faith, too, especially in the Book of Revelation! (The Jewish scriptures do, also.)

I refer you to the site I mentioned in post #89 for the details.

Peace, :)

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Well-Known Member
How did Mohammed know that the Quran "guides to the way that is straightest and gives good tidings to the believers who do deeds of righteousness, that theirs shall be a great wage?” (18:9)

In the Baha'i view, Muhammad, like Jesus, Moses, and others, was inspired by God with the Revelation that He then offered to humanity.

Peace, :)



Well-Known Member
It's not that "He thought Himself" so; it's that He received this Revelation directly through an experience described in our scriptures.

That's a fine opinion but not one that I share with you.

Nor can I accept that you know more than anybody else at all, as you claim.

Right. And I don't accept that Baha'u'llah knew more than anyone else about God.

BTW: I'm more humble than you are! :-S

That's nothing. I'm even more humble than Baha'u'llah was!


nolonger active
What I don't understand is why some athiest are so scared to debate if they know they might lose.

It's not like if they disbelieve in athiesm they will go to hell right?

Yuusif my friend, you can not win a debate against an atheist :) . And this section of the message board is in the religious section of the message board and for discussioning religion. Atheism is not a religion, so the discussion of non religion versus religion is limited in this section of this message board. You can go to other places on this message board and truely discuss Atheism with Ahteists and they "will" discuss it with you :) . And you will never win that discussion :) . The reason is that there is not any empirical evidence (no scientific evidence) in today's world that any of the claims of religion is real. And at this point in time they are absolutely correct. Yuusif, if you go to the "Religion versus Non Religion" forum of this message board, some really gifted Atheists will be more than willing to discuss Atheisim versus religion with you :) ! And if you do that Yuusif, you will probably have to go to Allah to have Him put you back together again. Ok?
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nolonger active
It's not that "He thought Himself" so; it's that He received this Revelation directly through an experience described in our scriptures.

Nor can I accept that you know more than anybody else at all, as you claim.

BTW: I'm more humble than you are! :-S

Bruce you are funny :) . "I'm more humble than you are.", is an oxymoron, because a humble man would never say what you said :) . And if what is said in your scripture disagrees in any way shape or form with what is said in other people's scripture, then the validity of your scripture is open to doubt because your scripture is no more valid than anybody elses.


nolonger active
I don't, and it's a HUGE mistake to think that I do!!

Indeed, ALL the major religions are of equal rank, as the head of the Baha'i Faith said years ago:

"Islám attained a very high spiritual state, but western scholars are prone to judging it by Christian standards. One cannot call one world Faith superior to another, as they all come from God; they are progressive, each suited to certain needs of the times."
(From a letter written on behalf of the head of the Baha'i Faith, November 19, 1945)
--Lights of Guidance, #1663, p. 495

And the ONLY possible superiority the Baha'i Faith posesses is that it is the latest of the many Divine Revelations and therefore contains the teachings and laws for this day, not for some other millenia ago!

But it will lose this superiority, too, when the next such Revelation occurs, which our scriptures state won't happen for at least 1,000 years (now down to around 850 years).

But that said, in essence ALL of the Great Religions were right for their Age!

Peace, :)


The word of God is ageless and applies to all times :) . So ok, the Baha'i faith is only superior until someone comes along and up grades it through "revelation". And if that person who comes along and up grades it is not of the Baha'i faith, then does the Baha'i faith still exist as a valid entity? Because the Baha'i faith has up graded all other religions, then it is more valid that all other religions. If the Baha'i faith were to become the world's religion, then all other religions in today's world would become invalid with the exception of some of those religions' scriptures.

So Bruce, what do your prophets say about the life expectancy of the Baha'i faith after "revelation" changes religion as we now know it? And if everything is going to change in some significant unkown way, then why we should we worry about religion until that happens? And do your prophets say that God is going to punish us if we do not join the Baha'i faith until it changes and becomes something else or it ceases to be a valid entity? Most of the other religions claim that one is in some kind of trouble :) if one does not belong to them and that that trouble is pretty significant.


Well-Known Member
Bruce you are funny :) . "I'm more humble than you are.", is an oxymoron, because a humble man would never say what you said :) .

He was just messing around. Look at the end of his sentence. It's got an old ASCII emoticon. I think it's a 'sticking tongue out' emoticon, but I'm not sure.


nolonger active
He was just messing around. Look at the end of his sentence. It's got an old ASCII emoticon. I think it's a 'sticking tongue out' emoticon, but I'm not sure.

Opps :) ! Thank you Ambiguous for the reality up date :) , it is appreciated! I love religion because on one hand it is rediculous, but on the other hand it is also very real.