There is nothing metaphysical about Dark Matter (85% of all matter in the Universe) or Dark Energy (68.3% of the total energy in the universe). They are Physics.-
Dark matter - Wikipedia,
Dark energy - Wikipedia
As long as scientists have´t found and explained this illusive and assumed "dark matter" it is kind of metaphysical too me. I know scientists have observed different scenario to which they ascribe this metaphysical matter, but ALL theories of this are just made by circumstantial observations and conclusions and not by factual evidences which holds waters in the cosmological court.
The idea of "dark matter" have about 100 years on it´s back, but it could be solved already when astrophysics found (in 1932) that their gravitational ideas of celestial motions was contradicted by direct observations of how the orbital motion of stars in our galaxy is moving, namely with the same individual orbital velocity around the galactic center.
The scientific scholars was in plain panic over this. If so "all stars would be slung out of the galaxy", they said. And then they invented a "force of dark matter" to hold the stars back in our galaxy. Instead, they should have investigated their own concerns and reasons of "seeing stars flying away from the galaxy".
Funny enough, ancient stories of creation describes just a scenario of stars (and the entire Solar System) moving away from the galactic center because of an expanding (biblical: expelling) motion from their central "Garden of Eden" = the galactic center area, from which everything was/is created in our galaxy.
about Dark Matter (85% of all matter in the Universe) or Dark Energy (68.3% of the total energy in the universe). They are Physics.
This is again an assumption based on the standing ideas of gravitation where particles and mass in the Universe are measured as weight and its cosmological motions
The scientists with this gravitational approach to cosmos ignores the fact that gas and particles have atomic electromagnetic properties AND that the force of electromagnetism is much stronger than the supposed gravity, Watch the strength of the
Fundamental Forces here. (for some reasons they separate the electric forces where there is no separation, but never mind this for now)
The supposed force of gravity is by far the weakest of all fundamental forces and by just counting of this, those scientists "needs lots of more matter" in order to explain the observed motion of gas, dust, stars and galaxies. Why is that? This is because the Universe is driven by much much stronger forces than gravity.
To count on the weakest force of all, of course results in all kinds of contradictive observations and leads further on to all kind of contraintuitive speculations of how cosmos works. This is why add hoc assumptions are used in this part of the cosmic theories.
It is not "PHYSICS" to ignore 3/4 part of the strongest fundamental forces, This is just ignorance at it worst.